Tusk is home...

This is the best, best news ever!!

I'm so happy that Tusk came back and that you found that other poor missing birdie. Hopefully you can find his owner, but if not then we all know he is somewhere wonderful :)
Hi birdman
Sooo happy you found your CAG.I too was checking daily to for updates on your beloved CAG.
Wish you both all the best
What a great news to wake up to!
I am super happy for you and both found birds.
It was nice of these people who found Tusk to call you. How did they find him?
Love happy endings.

Tusk found them. He was hungry. He just came waddling up to the guy and started talking to him. The guy had a neighbor who had birds, so he figured it was hers... Then she told him what it was.

He found my Craigs list ad, and called me.

We knew it was Tusk immediately... Among other things, when the guy went to pick him up, he tried to touch, and Tusk told him, "Owww that hurts!"

Yeah, that is DEFINITELY my bird...

So glad he went to the right person who called!
How far away from home was he?

So glad he went to the right person who called!
How far away from home was he?

He was about six miles from home.
The second bird was in the same apartment complex where it was lost.
The third bird we don't know.

I don't remember on the quaker, but I think it was also in the same general vicinity.

They panic. They fly off. They get lost. They land. Then they wait there to be found. If not found by someone right away, they get really hungry and thirsty, and they look for someone who appears to be sympathetic to them...

I need food and water. Now can you please find my person? That seems to be the pattern. THEY WANT TO BE FOUND!
What happy happy news to see first thing this morning! I've been following your other thread and hoping everyday to see that you found him! So glad your flock is back together plus one. Hoping you find his flock for him, or if all else fails you add him to your flock.

Fortunately, I still have a spare macaw cage in the garage. I just have to put it together tonight. Right now he's in Sally's since she lives out on her playstand in the window and rarely ever goes in it...

I'm not entirely sure where I'm going to put another macaw cage, but...
Oh Tusk! So happy that he is home. I hope you find your new grey's owner too...if you don't will you keep him?
Oh Tusk! So happy that he is home. I hope you find your new grey's owner too...if you don't will you keep him?

Well, I would never turn him out to starve!
Tusk found them. He was hungry. He just came waddling up to the guy and started talking to him. The guy had a neighbor who had birds, so he figured it was hers... Then she told him what it was.

He found my Craigs list ad, and called me.

We knew it was Tusk immediately... Among other things, when the guy went to pick him up, he tried to touch, and Tusk told him, "Owww that hurts!"

Yeah, that is DEFINITELY my bird...

Haha! Priceless! What was the guy's reaction?

And you really need to post some pics of Tusk and his new friend.
He was a very cool guy. He basically just laughed. Tusk stepped right up for him. Took food from him. Drew the line with touching...

It's all about boundary setting... :D With a macaw, we set the boundaries with them. With a CAG, they set the boundaries with us! :D
Dear Birdman, I am so happy for you. Me too ( put a lot of prayer in for Tusk) . Glad all is well give him lots of millet spray to get his strength back up. Is he weak? I'll pray for him. Bonita :21:
Dear Birdman, I am so happy for you. Me too ( put a lot of prayer in for Tusk) . Glad all is well give him lots of millet spray to get his strength back up. Is he weak? I'll pray for him. Bonita :21:


Tusk actually ate fairly well last night and started acting fairly perky this morning.

The other bird was exhausted. He ate, and slept, and ate some more (TWO bowls of food last night!), and slept some more. But he was alert and seemed night and day better this morning.
Mark I'm SOOO happy Tusk is back safe and sound-- my eyes got a bit sweaty yesterday while I was jumping for joy when I read your first post that he was home.

I hope you're able to reunite Tusk and Lila's new found friend with his parronts as well, but for now at least he knows he's safe -and what better person to have found him!!! [emoji6][emoji4]
Hahaha I meant would you keep him or rehome him to another parrot family...but I think you answered my question either way
If not found by someone right away, they get really hungry and thirsty,
So, he must have been lost by his people recently, and they'll be actively looking? That's good, I hope they are reunited with him. They're so lucky that their bird made his way into your care.

This is a real good news story. Yay!
Once again, I'm SO GLAD Tusk is home!!! I love his reaction to being found - dropping his quote of warning to any who dare try to touch him when he's in a mood, haha!

I'm also glad that the second bird was found, especially by you! S/he is definitely in wonderful hands :)
This makes my whole day. I am thrilled beyond words. So overjoyed for such a fortunate outcome!!!
If not found by someone right away, they get really hungry and thirsty,
So, he must have been lost by his people recently, and they'll be actively looking? That's good, I hope they are reunited with him. They're so lucky that their bird made his way into your care.

This is a real good news story. Yay!

I hope so. Someone has obviously taken the time to train this bird well... he's obviously been well loved. I'd like to see him find his way back home... He's obviously still disoriented at my place. I know someone out there is going out of their mind like I was... I'd love to give them a happy ending. BUT it has to be THE RIGHT owner. Not just someone claiming to have lost a CAG. This bird is pretty special...

I've posted ads on Craigslist, and six different lost pet sites that the local parrot rescue people sent me, as well as Parrot 911.

THIS I'm trained for. Just like I found my bird, we'll find this bird's home. In the meantime, he's inside where it's safe, he's well fed, and has toys and people. (From too weak to fly away anymore) Life is good again!
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Yes, hopefully they'll have their "routine" like with Tusk so that it'll be obvious that they are his family. My bird only says "hello", but I know her schtick and she knows mine. Luckily, she also has a chip, so I'd be able to identify her that way, if she ever got lost and found. (touch wood)
Dear Birdman, So happy to hear you're doubly blessed.I recommend iots of millet, it helped Emmy get her strength back. Are there any clues to the owner? Bonita

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