Tusk is home...

well then, what birdman666 is doing in regard to the scammers is the correct course of action.
Of course it is I'VE NEVER SAID OTHERWISE. I was responding to Ravensgryf's querying how useful microchipping is in the real world.
Ignorant question here. If you find a bird can you tell just by looking at them they have been chipped ?
It would be like cats and dogs, so no. The chips are extremely small and are implanted into the skin through a needle-like thing.
You've got so many birds, just give me this one...

The rest I could believe them doing to try and get a free bird, but you have got to be kidding that they really pulled this one?

No, I am not kidding, and the guy that came with her tried to intimidate me (i.e. getting physical) into giving up the bird, when the sob stories didn't work...
No, I am not kidding, and the guy that came with her tried to intimidate me (i.e. getting physical) into giving up the bird, when the sob stories didn't work...
That's frightening. I'd be concerned that they'd come back and try to steal the birds or something. NOT nice people. :(
No, I am not kidding, and the guy that came with her tried to intimidate me (i.e. getting physical) into giving up the bird, when the sob stories didn't work...

Like I said in another post, if they can't answer any questions over the phone and you want to still give them a chance, meet somewhere else (Vet office, Police Station).. It wouldn't be a far stretch for scum like this to return for your birds when you're not home..
I personally wouldn't give ANYBODY in my address unless I was at least 90% sure.
OMG. So glad you're safe and the birds are safe. Be careful! It might be a good idea to call and file a police report anyway. Tell the cops what happened, that they threatened you, and give their name, phone number, etc. That way there is documentation, and if these a-holes do attemp to steal this bird or one of your other birds, then the police will have probable cause to search their house and/or question them
no, i am not kidding, and the guy that came with her tried to intimidate me (i.e. Getting physical) into giving up the bird, when the sob stories didn't work...
that's frightening. I'd be concerned that they'd come back and try to steal the birds or something. Not nice people. :(

oddly enough, at the time it happened i was too angry to be frightened...

Frightened came later, in the middle of the night...

I'm just trying to do the right thing for this little guy and his owner.

The ratio of honest people to scammers is now 5-3. Honest people are still in the lead, but... the scum sucking pig dogs from hell are mounting.
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Tusk is beginning to get back to his old self... He is still pretty stressed for some reason, but this morning he was talking again, and doing a lot of his usual routine with me...

Both CAGS are still exceptionally clingy. Tusk still acts scared in some respects. He hasn't fully relaxed yet.
Wow i just read through the whole original thread where you lost Tusk...and now this thread where you found him. What an emotional roller coaster i can only imagine what you went through. I am seriously so so happy for you that you found him.

Any updates on the CAG that you found? Is she apart of your family now or did you ever find her owner? Just curious, thanks.
Yeah. That bird went home too.

Same reaction, when his owner walked in. You just knew you found the right guy. So happy reunions all the way around.

And one of the people who came to look at the CAG I found, even though it wasn't hers, was one of the CAGS I looked at a few days eariler, that wasn't mine. So, that bird went home too...

Plus we found the quaker's owner.

So, four birds ended up being reunited out of this. Thank god one of them was my Tusk!
I just read this whole thread. I think it's wonderful you found and rescued all those birds and got your bird back.
I just read this whole thread. I think it's wonderful you found and rescued all those birds and got your bird back.

The moral of the story is keep looking... don't give up right away. They usually remain in the same general vicinity where they were lost.

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