Tusk is home...

I reared up reading this, I am unspeakably happy for you, and relieved for the other bird's owner! I hope you find his family, they must be a mess over this loss. I want very much to hear you describe their joy when they see their bird again.
I'm so happy to see this thread! So glad you had a happy ending, I would have loved to seen both of your reactions--well maybe mostly his happy dance :p!

I wanted to comment on your original thread, but I would end up repeating what lots of other people had said.
Birdman, I hope you have the BEST time getting $#!+faced tonight. I'm only sorry we couldn't all be there to get $#!+faced with you. What a result this has been!

Please give all your birds a kiss from Aunty Trisha tonight and let them know my phloque and I are over the moon that they are all together again. I know what that huge hole-in-the-heart feels like and I'm glad you no longer have it!

Happyhappy joyjoy! :D :D :D
I believe that this may be the reason Tusk left in the first place. You were meant to save this one as well.
Bless you. And congrats. Good luck finding the other baby's owner. I am very happy they BOTH found you!
What a great news to wake up to!
I am super happy for you and both found birds.
It was nice of these people who found Tusk to call you. How did they find him?
Love happy endings.
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Oh I am so happy for all of you!! I hope you are not too hungover today..lol. I knew Tusk would be back...I didn't know he would have a new friend though. I hope you find the other birds owner and if not, I hope you will keep him and make him your own. There could be no better parront for him, or any bird! Congrats again!!
I'm so glad he's home, and his new little friend is very lucky that you found him. I hope he finds his people. How long do you think he's been missing to have been so hungry?
There was actually a third lost CAG that was found on Friday, and we reunited that bird with its owner last night as well. So yesterday was a very, very good day.

The bird I found yesterday was very weak from hunger and thirst and would not have lasted much longer out there. That bird chomped down an entire bowl of food, and was immediately back at the food bowls this morning. He seems to be perking right up...

Tusk is well on his way to being his normal feisty old self... He's still a bit shaken up, but this morning he did a lot of his old routine... Tusk lost a lot of weight as well.
What a great news to wake up to!
I am super happy for you and both found birds.
It was nice of these people who found Tusk to call you. How did they find him?
Love happy endings.

Tusk found them. He was hungry. He just came waddling up to the guy and started talking to him. The guy had a neighbor who had birds, so he figured it was hers... Then she told him what it was.

He found my Craigs list ad, and called me.

We knew it was Tusk immediately... Among other things, when the guy went to pick him up, he tried to touch, and Tusk told him, "Owww that hurts!"

Yeah, that is DEFINITELY my bird...
I'm so glad he's home, and his new little friend is very lucky that you found him. I hope he finds his people. How long do you think he's been missing to have been so hungry?

I don't know, but you could see keel. And he didn't have the strength to fight back, or get away.

Now, he's very alert, and he's eaten a TON of food. Seems to be recovering and perking up just fine.

I put a found ad up on Craigs list. I just want to make sure he goes to the right owner, and not a "free bird" person or a "flipper"...

Judging by Tusk's reaction, I'll know when I find him. Like I said, someone obviously loves this one.
Mark, I'm thrilled that Tusk is back home. I couldn't have dreamed up a better outcome. Great day, indeed. I hope you can reunite Tusk's buddy with his family.
Thanks for taking in the second CAG and I hope it's Cookie, or if someone else's it gets home to its flock soon. Talk about a lucky CAG, found the right bird man to help him out and get some TLC.

I'm 3 hours from Houston.

Cookie's owner needs to do what I did..

Put up 100 flyers in the neighborhood. Go door to door in the area where he is likely to show up. Put an ad on craig's list and parrot 911, and walk the tree lines at first light when they vocalize...

This is the FIFTH time I've lost a parrot and gotten him back.

Shame it's too far away to be Cookie:( (I don't know anything about where things are in TX, just seemed like a pretty big coincidence). I think her owner is doing all those things already too, and hopefully finds her!

I think your recovery rate is the exception. I think your birds are an exception to the typical pet parrot. You let them hang out outside everyday. They are used to the sights, smells, sounds ext... They are well socialized, and would most likely go to a stranger. That's probably why you get your birds back. Most birds who have never been outdoors outside of a cage before are probably frightened in an totally unfamiliar environment with no survival skills at all and possibly unwilling to go to strangers even if there owner was right there... We ALL need to work a little more with our birds to ensure they are equipped with some basic skills and birdie common sense should the unspeakable happen. I know I had also neglected to clip Kiwi in a while and he had a few flight feathers that grew in after his molt. I clipped him as soon as I read your post.

The only bird I never got back was my little dusky conure, and that is because he flew to a tree where an owl was roosting before I could get to him. By the time I got there, the owl was eating him for lunch...

But every time it's happened, I immediately got flyers out, and didn't stop looking until the bird was found. First light the next day is your best opportunity to find them. They are scared and hungry after having been out all night, and will vocalize at first light... Three out of five I found the very next morning.

Flighted birds get lost on you more than non-flighted birds. That's one of the reasons I decided to clip. I let them grow out and be flighted again because it didn't seem to matter.

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Awww I didn't know you found your baby!!!! Ya I'm so happy! And now you find this one??? I bet he was so so scared and now he can cane relax and eat all he wants! Aw! :D I really hope he finds his home and hey if not he has a new family! :)
I realized Tusk was your "Ow that hurt" bird late last week and it upset me but at the same time I knew if anyone said he said his ow line that was a definite identifier and now I'm cracking up again. I love that he says that lol!
What happy happy news to see first thing this morning! I've been following your other thread and hoping everyday to see that you found him! So glad your flock is back together plus one. Hoping you find his flock for him, or if all else fails you add him to your flock.
I realized Tusk was your "Ow that hurt" bird late last week and it upset me but at the same time I knew if anyone said he said his ow line that was a definite identifier and now I'm cracking up again. I love that he says that lol!

He learned that one when I was bite pressure training him... now he uses it in context as a warning, when you are annoying him.

He will also look you in the eye and say one or more of the following IN CONTEXT: "Knock it off!" "Quit being an a$$hole." or "Get out of here!"

Tusk is a HUGE personality bird...

I also learned one more thing in his absence. The vast majority of the messes in my house are also Tusk-related. Didn't have even 1/3 of the usual mess with him gone. First evening back?! He and that little green bird are back to their waddling around making a mess ways... (She didn't do it without him. Just started blankly out the window at the tree. She was depressed.)
Glad so so glad. NOW I can do a Gus update and question thread LOL It just did not seem right until you found your fid
This forum really is like a family. So glad I found it !
Im sooooo happy for you :) you should buy a Lottery ticket.

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