This is why i love birds!

Everybody can have conflicting views and emotions on any subject. Some days you do feel like you wish your responsibilities (whatever they may be) would disappear. An isolated comment doesn't necessarily reflect ongoing feelings about things. When your dog has just peed on your slippers and done a stealth raid on the cat's prescription kibble, it's easy to think or say things like "I wish I'd never got you". When he's had his bath, he smells nice and is up for a cuddle, you've run your slippers through the washer and you've come back from the vet's with another $80 bag of cat food, you "love him again".

Things said in the heat of a moment aren't reliable as to somebody's feelings overall, ditto with drunken rants. It's not really about what the speaker says, the listener shouldn't get too upset over words tossed out without thought or consideration (neither of which a drunk is capable of).

My dad may not get real angry and throw things or get drunk but he has no problem telling me and my sister how to live our lives etc. Now that my sister is married he has laid off saying anything to her. However he has recently started to make suggestions to both of them. I know if it was not for my mom I would not have had pet birds when growing up. He bought the dog himself so I know the reason my sister took his comment the worse was because she went to pick up the puppy for him.
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See i have never ever thought that ?

I must be crazy... I have never thought i wish i hadn't gotten one of my animals.. haha

Kitai, my horse, has major hoof problems... He has cost thousands of dollars in vet fees, and he has to live in a stable...

That means i have huge responsibilities of taking him for walks, cleaning his hooves, soaking his hooves, cleaning out his stable and stable yard, making up special meals for him...

He will never be ridden, but i have never once thought i wish i wouldn't of gotten him, although he has turned into a massive chores and responsibility that my other horses dont have, i am glad i got him... :)

Fargo has destroyed my phone, my ipod, 2 keyboards

But i have never thought when i was angry- i wish i didn't get you...

I am SCARED of losing Fargo, even though he destroys my stuff, that little moment of anger has never made me think- i dont want you..

I have never had a single moment of doubt with my animals, that is probably the reason i am so attached to them all... haha



When i had the accident on Kyros.. Dad wanted to sell him.. Dad wanted me to never ride him again.. He said he was a dangerous horse..

He wasn't drunk at this point ^

Then he told me i was a terrible rider, and i can't ride a horse, and i have no control... :o

He still tells me now that i don't ride him correctly.. apparently i just sit on him and plod around....

Even though my dad hasn't watched me ride since the second week i had Kyros..

But apparently he knows how i am riding... and apparently Kyros is still a freak who puts me through fences ;)

Even though Kyros has not bolted once since that incident... Not once.....

He even goes on trails and roads now, and isn't fazed by a single thing..

His last owner couldn't ride him on trails alone because he would get scared and run, and he was petrified of cars..

Each day he goes on the road and a trail for about 2km..... and we even trot and canter along, and he is perfect :D

Kangaroos jump out and he doesn't even look at them...

You would think my dad would be proud of that accomplishment?

But no, apparently Kyros is still horrible..

and then my other horse, Klaatu, is the biggest 'freak' of all, and he is mental...

And i dont get upset over my dads words.... Which is probably why he gets even madder...

I laugh, and walk away... And then he starts yelling even more ;)

My dad has thrown remotes at me a few times, smashes plates and such.... When he is drunk..

But the point is, even when he isn't drunk on a sunday, he still isn't nice, he still hates my bird, he still hates my horses...

My dad came to the dressage show with Kyros.. Whilst i was riding and there were lots of people there, he acted nice as can be..

When we finished, and Kyros decided he didn't want to load into the truck, he started yelling and swearing...

Most embarrassing thing ever, all these people were looking at us.. Had to make dad just go for a walk... and he wasn't drunk.. He just has anger issues....

Plus apparently i am disgusting and live in a pig hole, even though my mum has told him a few times, i am the only person in the house who vacuums my room each and every day and my room is spotless...

Anyways.. i am not affected by my dad, i don't have a problem with it, i know he is drunk and just yelling..

I don't like when he comes into my room yelling though, and slams the door, because it REALLY upsets Fargo, and Fargo gets very protective of me and starts full on screaming at dad haha :o Doesn't come in often though

But as much as most people would like me to try and get along with him.. I wont... and never will ;)

and Trish, about my back, yes! Thats what i thought, when i was 5, the doctors told mum it was common, not that rare to have the extra vertabrae..

He had said that i might be fine, or i might get back pain.. Each person is different! :)

But i think this doctor was so excited because it is rarer to have the bones on the side, and not normally seen in the occulta type!

Taken pain killers the past 2 mornings now.. and this morning it doesn't hurt as much :D

I am 'kinda' thinking it had to do with the reinless riding i was doing? Because that is relying on your core muscles alot more?

And that seems to be the same time as it began? Maybe?

So will just wait a bit before i go reinless again and see if it was that which affected it!

and Strudel, you might be correct!! Cause the xray when i was 5 clearly shows the split in the vertabrae..

But i can't remember if the one with spurs higher up has the split... :O

So this doctor could of just thought the one with spurs was the extra? But further down was the actual extra?

OH MY GOSH.. it is HOT today :eek:

Have had the aircon on ever since i woke up.. Fargo doesn't like the aircon, he hides in the walk in ward drobe all day haha

Be careful when horse back riding Tab. Was it Kitai or Kyros that you bought from a lady that wanted to see the potential buyer ride because she was not going to sell the hose to someone that could not ride? I can see why there would be resentment there and maybe feeling of being cheated. One the farm we only had horses that were pretty calm. The most spirited horse we had was Arabian gelding who always eyeball any cow nearby (but he never ran way from them in fear). My dad sent one horse ( a female mustang) back the seller next day after it bolted and dragged my mom through the fence. However, I understood where he was coming from. I never had a animal I wished I never got. Clover once chewed the wire in my speakers so badly I had to get new speaker for my computer. However, I accepted that. I also wonder if Paulie knew my dad resented him and therefore would bite him as hard as possible. My dad has flat out said the birds were noisey and messy (and these were not large birds). But that is okay. He is not a animal person let alone a bird person. Strange as it may be to say while I miss Paulie and miss any bird I had I have to say I favor Captain Jack out of any bird I had.

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