This is why i love birds!

Well, I may be abnormal, but I think your priorities are spot-on. Why would you want to hang around with boys when you've got pets to play with and horses to ride. It sounds like a boring option. If a boy likes to ride, he could come along, but as for sitting about doing Nintendo and talking about the footy.

Forget about it!!!

Fargo's special, but (this is a compliment to you) you also reap what you sow. You may have been lucky to have adopted a bird with a fantastic personality and abilities, but I bet you a lot of his "specialness" comes from the time and effort and love that you have given him and his comfort around you and in his home.

Your neighbours may think you are "weird", but I find people like you reassuring, when all you get on the news is all the horrible stories about boys smacking strangers in the head. I am glad to know there are responsible, talented, healthy, fit,,, yada yada yada YOU GO, GIRL!

I'd better stop, or you'll get a swollen head. :D

EDIT: and you are right, I never really understood how big your horse was. I love big horses, I don't know why, because I'm pretty midget-y. I liked riding them better than little ponies.

Oh stop it you :o :09: hahaahahahha

Thank you so much!

I would LOVE to find a guy that rides... Romantic rides along the beach :rolleyes: hahaha

See, i guess i grew up with 2 older brothers, so i LOVE playing xbox, pc games, ps vita, 3ds, wii u, play station..

and i love watching soccer with my brother..

I CANT cook though hahaha :09:

I think the situation i have with Fargo is different to most people, because we share a room together, sleep near each other, watch movies together, and i am home with him most of the time...

So he has really learnt to just be like another person!

Oh yes, i know my mum is glad i am not like most girls... Getting pregnant at 16, always out at parties, drinking...

I have never even touched a drink in my life haha Although mum did put a little bit of alcohol in the christmas cake, felt sick after :31:

Hahahaa big horses are the best!!! ;) I feel weird riding anything smaller than 16hh..

Although i do ride a 14hh arab occasionally, just because she is nicknamed pocket rocket, and she loves to gallop fast :09:

Thank you again :)

I am off to the doctors soon! Driving the car along the road for the first time.. I have been practicing each day on our property.. So getting good.. but the road might be a bit scary.. wish me luck :rolleyes:
I'd just like you to know how much i enjoy reading your stories about Fargo. I can just feel the bond between you too, in the words you type. It's amazing. That signature of yours makes me smile whenever i watch :)
See, i guess i grew up with 2 older brothers, so i LOVE playing xbox, pc games, ps vita, 3ds, wii u, play station..

and i love watching soccer with my brother..
Oh sure, I know, I was being facetious. There are lots of people (boys and girls) with a variety of interests, I was just referring to that "Clueless" type of "interested in boys" stereotype. Lots of blokes will be "into" the same things you are, you might just not find them at high school. It's a silly thing to criticize somebody for, IMO, having interests in life.....

It does sound like your dad is scared of your animals. Leading the horses like that sounds like he doesn't want to get too close to them.
Fargo is such a sweet boy!!!❤❤

We love talking to other people about chili and someone asked yesterday "does she hang out on your shoulder and stuff?" lol

And then Xmas eve when she got to meet a bunch of people, they got to see a tidbit of how sweet she can be... People don't understand how loving parrots can be until they see it and experience it themselves. A few days ago I was having a rough day and felt down and out- chili would not stop snuggling and kissing me alllll day lol

I'm sure there are plenty of people that think I'm crazy because of all my animals haha
Oh sure, I know, I was being facetious. There are lots of people (boys and girls) with a variety of interests, I was just referring to that "Clueless" type of "interested in boys" stereotype. Lots of blokes will be "into" the same things you are, you might just not find them at high school. It's a silly thing to criticize somebody for, IMO, having interests in life.....

It does sound like your dad is scared of your animals. Leading the horses like that sounds like he doesn't want to get too close to them.

Hahahaha i hate those girls, that pretend to play all these games just so guys like them :rolleyes: You know, they pose with an xbox controller...

One of my friends always tells guys that she is a gamer.. So i versed her and she didn't even know how to play anything :09:

Definitely, when you get older and start getting a career, and going out doing things you like, it is much easier to find someone with similar interest!

Haha well just because dad is scared doesn't mean he has to say he hates them :31:
I'd just like you to know how much i enjoy reading your stories about Fargo. I can just feel the bond between you too, in the words you type. It's amazing. That signature of yours makes me smile whenever i watch :)

Awwwwwww! :) Thank you very much!!!! I am glad you like them :D

I have over 10 000 pictures and videos of Fargo on my computer.. You guys just get bits of them hahahahaha :rolleyes:

Hehe such a great signature ;)
Fargo is such a sweet boy!!!❤❤

We love talking to other people about chili and someone asked yesterday "does she hang out on your shoulder and stuff?" lol

And then Xmas eve when she got to meet a bunch of people, they got to see a tidbit of how sweet she can be... People don't understand how loving parrots can be until they see it and experience it themselves. A few days ago I was having a rough day and felt down and out- chili would not stop snuggling and kissing me alllll day lol

I'm sure there are plenty of people that think I'm crazy because of all my animals haha

Hehe thank you!

I love when non-parrot people ask about birds- does he eat crackers? does he sit on your shoulder like a pirate bird? hahahaha

Ohhhhh how did Chili go with meeting new people? :)

Nawwwwwwww!!! How adorable!
It is just amazing how in tune they are to your feelings! :rolleyes: Most animals are...
I can totally relate to what people have written here. The bond with animals etc or even have a way with certain animals, people don't understand, not even those that are closest to you.

I can relate with your dad to tho Tab. He won't admit he's scared or jealous, it'll come out in anger.... Possibly a man thing... I think I can qualify to speak on those things haha ;)

Meeting people. It's not just girls who have a problem finding like minded boys trust me. Soooo many girls like to party and have a good time too. So many say they like animals etc but you can soon tell when they handle them o.O
Basically they like them to look at.
Horses have always passed me by. Mums sister was killed in a horse related accident so has never encouraged us with them. But we've always had dogs, cats rabbits and birds(mine)

But then I've always had other interests too so I've had a big group of friends. I used to dirt jump bikes, football, gym, cars and so much more.

Altho birds esp parrots have always been my first love, before all the rest. All that holds me back is family, otherwise I'd have so many more. :)

It's great knowing that there are others out there that share in this and can relate to how each other feels haha.
Hmmm... I've often found it useful to ask the afflicted person to help you. For example, 'will you please hold him while I pick his hoof up?' Just as an aside, you can toss off a remark like 'Oh, he seems to like you. Why don't you scratch his ears (or whatever the horse enjoys)?' Then, if the horse does enjoy it, you can say 'Oh wow, you've made a hit with him, Dad. He really likes you!' No one could resist a horse responding to them like that and I bet your Dad would start to warm up to the GGs.

You could do similar things with Fargo. 'Dad, will you hold him a minute please?' or 'Dad, will you feed this to him while I hold him?' Give your Dad a few chances to have positive experiences with Fargo and I bet he changes. (If you could possibly teach Fargo to say 'Dad!'...?) A good one might be 'Dad, I'm wondering whether Fargo will do his tricks for someone besides me. Will you ask him to fetch this ball please?' If Fargo does the trick for your Dad, there'll be the beginning of a relationship.

This is how I got my Dad to finally accept my axolotls. 'Dad, will you feed him this worm please? I can't get my hand wet!' (Was wearing a cast at the time). Once Dad had fed a few earthworms to my Axies, he became smitten! Before long, he was explaining their life histories to everyone who visited. LOLOLOLOL! The first night I had them, one leaped out of my hands and right onto the T-bone Dad was about to start chomping on. He bellowed 'Patricia, will you get this bloody fish out of my tea!!!!' and hated the poor Axies after that. It took a bit of sneaky tactics to get him back on our side again, but it worked. :D (NB. The axolotl was none the worse for wear, except I had to wash some worcestershire sauce off him).

I had ups and downs with my Dad during my teenage years, but eventually we managed to clear all the silly stuff away. He's been dead these fifteen years now and I miss him every single day. The man I came to know was much nicer than the one who thought he had to discipline me to grow me up! My advice would be to keep trying with your Dad: inside him somewhere is a nice man and if you search, you could find him!
See it makes it hard when dad works full time, and when he is home, he will not come into my room... He just doesn't like Fargo..

and he does hold the horses, like when i was taking pics of Kyros as a reindeer, but he just doesn't enjoy it :rolleyes:

For the 18 years with dad, he has always done things for me with my horses, but he has never enjoyed it...

Don't like talking about personal stuff on the forum, but dad is a major alcholic, who has said on countless occasions that he wishes Fargo was dead....


If he was any other person i would never of talked to him again...

I know you should have a close relationship with your dad..

But for 18 years my dad and I have never gotten along, and he calls me some not so nice names :54:

I know its the alcohol talking, but considering the only thing i have known for 18 years is my dad as an alcoholic, and they always say the truth comes out in alcohol ;) i can't really get to know the person my mum did before i was born

and i am fine with that, haven't talked to my dad about much in 18 almost 19 years, and when someone wishes my best friend to die, even if they are my dad, i can't ever want to spend time with them and be their friend.. Just not something i can do..

I talk to my dad, we make jokes, not like i ignore him... I just, dont feel any sort of attachment to him after everything we have been through

Oh boy did this thread go downhill hahahahaha :D

Change of subject, i found out that i have an even rarer spine problem than i thought!!!!! :p

When i was 5 doctors said i had spina biffida occulta...

Which wasn't anything serious... just mild form of spina biffida.. where my vertabrae didnt grow correctly... split.. then formed another one...

So i had an extra vertabrae in my back..

They said would probably cause back pains when i was older..

Well, sunday, i started getting pains in my lower back.. Thursday i woke up and couldn't move..

Got x-rays today... and found out that i actually have a rarer case, and i have bones growing off the extra vertabrae, they are kinda stumpy little weird things hahahaha :D

But usually spina biffida occulta doesn't have any bones off it.. but my one does..

The doctor thought it was brilliant, was so excited when he was showing me the structure..

He explained that is one of the reasons i am tall, and unflexible..

and the reason my back is hurting so much, cause my spine is all out of wack with its proportions, and not put together right :rolleyes:

He said i was a very fit, strong, well muscled girl, and have great core strength..

But now, i have to do yoga and gym work to help my back..

But for now i am just on pain killers each morning until my back pains go away and it just settles down..

Thinks the fall from kyros triggered it.. ;)

What an exciting day! :D
My dad isn't really a animal person but he is fine with my love for them. Yes, I know some non bird people that do not understand why anyone would want a bird. My sisters husband when he first heard I was getting a bird he flat out said but it can not love you like your dog does. (He likes dogs). Well his view has changed when he seen how cuddly Captain Jack is. Captain Jack in his book must be treated as a dog. For example they got Captain Jack some bird treats for Christmas (we buy gifts for each others animals). The stereotype of a bird not wanting anything to do with a human and must stay in its cage is false. Maybe it may apply to finches but it does not apply to parrots.
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I hope the yoga does wonders for your back.

So sorry to hear about your Dad. You are truly an amazing person. You have a great attitude and seem to have your priorities right.

I am sure that you have a bright future ahead of you.
I don't care what anyone thinks...

And yes, I know exactly what you mean. Macaws are the most "toddler-like" of all of them. And I often find myself asking the question, how is it possible to love a bird this much...
I own A LOT of animals, non of them are as challenging as birds are hands down.

I love each and every one of them, all in different ways.

When I need to get away from my 'family' I always retreat into my bird room or bedroom where my pets are....they always centre me and make me feel better.

Tab, you have plenty of time to meet mr.right, and when it happens you'll know, just make sure Fargo accepts him as well ;)
I really enjoyed your pictures of you and Fargo cuddling and chilling out. They made me smile after a long week. I just got home today and will be home all weekend. I won't have to stay at the VA anymore because my program ends on Monday. So now I am home until Jan 6th when I go back to the hospital for another two weeks. I get to come home on weekends though. All this is hard on Valentino because he is missing me. My unstable come home for a day disappear for two days come home for two days then disappear for three is wearing on him. In January hospital stay I will not be able to come and go like I did when PPH. I have to stay the solid week then I can come home.

I missed Valentino so much. I have realized years ago how much I love the parrots. They are like no other companion I have ever had. I grew up with all kinds of pets so I learned very early to love animals. My mother grew up on a farm so she always had this different view of animals. She always presented like they were a bother and that she "didn't like animals" but deep down she loved animals. I think she learned to love them because of my dad. My father was a big ole softie with any animal. He would of loved all my boys.

I got the shock of my life last weekend when Lupe and I talked very deeply about our future. During her trip home to El Paso TX she got involved with a woman she has been in love with for over 20 years. Now finally they are together and I officially have been replaced. Right now they are doing the long distance relationship thing and Lupe's new partner will be relocating to MN in about two years. During a intense conversation Lupe asked me quite seriously if I would keep Julio our rescue Noble macaw. It was decided earlier after the breakup that Lupe wanted Julio very badly and wanted to take him when she is to finally move out. Now that there is another person in the picture she asked me if I would keep Julio.

I asked her why she was not to take her parrot when she moved out. She told me her new partner does not like animals in the house. I was in shock. Lupe loves animals as much as I do. Her love for animals always had endeared me to her because I have always been able to relate to other animal lovers. I can't understand that Lupe would now live without any animals in her life. It would be very hard myself to trust people that didn't like animals. I understand that your father and your relationship is probably not the closest and that is probably because you both are so different. He is still your father though and you work though the issues very well. I, however cannot understand why Lupe would be in a relationship with someone that does not like animals. That concept is so foreign to me and I could not be with someone that would want me to get rid of Valentino. I could never do it nor would I ever get rid of my parrot for someone.

I will keep Julio. It is not his fault he is not wanted. I feel so much compassion for the rescue bird no one would adopt because he is plucked. I hope Lupe thinks this woman is worth it. I guess when you wait 20 years for someone you will do anything to keep them. I would never give up Valentino for someone else.
But usually spina biffida occulta doesn't have any bones off it.. but my one does..

The doctor thought it was brilliant, was so excited when he was showing me the structure..

I agree with the doctor, that's facinating, do you know how rare that is?
Wow NobleMacaw , my thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope it all works out for the best.
My dad isn't really a animal person but he is fine with my love for them. Yes, I know some non bird people that do not understand why anyone would want a bird. My sisters husband when he first heard I was getting a bird he flat out said but it can not love you like your dog does. (He likes dogs). Well his view has changed when he seen how cuddly Captain Jack is. Captain Jack in his book must be treated as a dog. For example they got Captain Jack some bird treats for Christmas (we buy gifts for each others animals). The stereotype of a bird not wanting anything to do with a human and must stay in its cage is false. Maybe it may apply to finches but it does not apply to parrots.

See its great that his view changed once he realised! But even when people see how birds are, they still think they are something that cant love you! :20:

and that is great that they got you christmas presents for him :D

My brother got Fargo a toy, which was nice... :)
I hope the yoga does wonders for your back.

So sorry to hear about your Dad. You are truly an amazing person. You have a great attitude and seem to have your priorities right.

I am sure that you have a bright future ahead of you.

Hopefully! :)

Its ok! ;) I know dad is glad i am not like most daughters, even though he would never say it.. Its just how much i like my animals he doesn't like :rolleyes:
and considering i have had animals since i could talk, that has always been the issue..

Where as my brother doesn't like animals, and they get along much better

Yes :D Next year will be starting at uni doing the paramedic course, cant wait! So exciting.. Get to do training at the station :) Mum said she actually thinks i would make a brilliant paramedic.. :)
I don't care what anyone thinks...

And yes, I know exactly what you mean. Macaws are the most "toddler-like" of all of them. And I often find myself asking the question, how is it possible to love a bird this much...

Haha thats the way to be ;)

Oh my brother has a 2 year old son, and some of the behaviours he does, are so similar to how Fargo acts, it is so interesting!

Very much like a toddler! Just with feathers haha

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