This is why i love birds!

Ant makes a wonderful point... The worst mishka'll do is trick poor Ant into giving more treats ;) otherwise he's completely faithful and anything he does 'naughty' has a reasonable answer (ie, scared). Not sure many people have reasonable answers when it comes to back stabbing and cheating and taking advantage of other people.
Ant makes a wonderful point... The worst mishka'll do is trick poor Ant into giving more treats ;) otherwise he's completely faithful and anything he does 'naughty' has a reasonable answer (ie, scared). Not sure many people have reasonable answers when it comes to back stabbing and cheating and taking advantage of other people.

The worst thing Mishka ever did to me was bit me, when he was molting. Compared to the human race that is absolutely a pinch of salt.

AND birds DO NOT lie

Wwww Tab. I hope you're feeling better and up on your feet/saddle again soon :D

My family too have NO idea. Mums pretty sure Blue would be fine in a budgie cage. She HATES the fact she comes out, even tho it's not as often as she should, and she has NO idea why I sit and talk to her in such a cushy way..... You'll make me sick..., is what I get hahaha.
Mum instructed me...... 'That bird is not to come out over Christmas'

people need educating. Birds have a higher emotional state than cats AND dogs. (I believe) or am I being bias lol. Anyway, blue always cheers me up...

I'm pleased Fargo does the same for you. Pictures are gorgeous ;) x
Fargo is just so cute!!

And trying to describe to people why I like animals can be a PITA. I usually explain and if they isn't understand I just walk away.

Kiwi has been very sweet lately too! Today she let me give her REAL scritches. Usually it's forced by me and she'll accept it for a minute, and then try to bite me, or make cooing noises, sometimes tipping her head backwards for a few moments, looking like she loves it and then try to bite me,lol. But today she was sitting all sweet, so I started scratching her, and she poofed up her face and just cooed and trilled... She looked so happy! It looked like she was going to bite me, so I quickly retracted, but then she just got a sad look on her face... It was so cute!

Thank you! :)

It honestly just surprises me how people can think that about animals though :/ I guess i have always had animals, so they are a part of me, but the people who just don't like them, ahhh, terrible!

AWWWWWWW!!!! Yay, congratulations! That is a brilliant step :) Guess it just all takes time, and up to the bird of course, they tell you when they want scritches :09:
I love Fargo to the ends of the earth

It's what makes your feel good and what counts

People who do not have birds DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE LOVE A BIRD CAN OFFER

Think of this.......

Birds do NOT break your heart, gossip about your OR back stab you EVER

They are not after your money, or the material things in life.

I honestly do not think a man could ever love me as much as Mishka does and visa versa !!!!


That is brilliant!!! You said that perfectly :)

Although i think Fargo is after my money ;) hahahaha

But that is just so true, animals are just so loyal and loving..

My horses love me, Kyros neighs as soon as he sees me, but the way Fargo bonded with me is just something special!

Oh Mishka loves you with all his heart, he is definitely better than any man out there!!!! <3
Wwww Tab. I hope you're feeling better and up on your feet/saddle again soon :D

My family too have NO idea. Mums pretty sure Blue would be fine in a budgie cage. She HATES the fact she comes out, even tho it's not as often as she should, and she has NO idea why I sit and talk to her in such a cushy way..... You'll make me sick..., is what I get hahaha.
Mum instructed me...... 'That bird is not to come out over Christmas'

people need educating. Birds have a higher emotional state than cats AND dogs. (I believe) or am I being bias lol. Anyway, blue always cheers me up...

I'm pleased Fargo does the same for you. Pictures are gorgeous ;) x

Hahaha mum and dad wouldn't let me ride today :rolleyes: Kyros was probably thinking- thank god! another rest day ;)

It's weird, you would think with all the resources out there, they would realise that birds cant just sit in a budgie cage with seed forever..

My dad doesn't believe me when i say teflon can kill birds.. he says its absolute rubbish :20:

Oh i would like to hear the cute way you talk to Blue hahaha :p

Thank you ;) x
I love seeing Fargo pictures! I hope someday that I can have the relationship with Simba that you have with Fargo! Or at least something close. Yesterday, he decided to swirl his beak around his food dish and spray food everywhere. I told him to stop it and he did it again. So I gave him the evil eye, told him he was naughty and took his food dish away. 2 minutes later he stepped off his cage on to the couch, came over and perched on my leg and practically begged me to pet him. This is a bird who just LET me touch him for the first time the other day. Then he went to get pets from my gf who has never touched him.
And I used to get embarrassed talking to non-bird people about my birds cuz they looked at me like I was weird. But now I get excited talking about them and I don't give a rat's a$$ what they think. Rock on birdies!!
I love seeing Fargo pictures! I hope someday that I can have the relationship with Simba that you have with Fargo! Or at least something close. Yesterday, he decided to swirl his beak around his food dish and spray food everywhere. I told him to stop it and he did it again. So I gave him the evil eye, told him he was naughty and took his food dish away. 2 minutes later he stepped off his cage on to the couch, came over and perched on my leg and practically begged me to pet him. This is a bird who just LET me touch him for the first time the other day. Then he went to get pets from my gf who has never touched him.
And I used to get embarrassed talking to non-bird people about my birds cuz they looked at me like I was weird. But now I get excited talking about them and I don't give a rat's a$$ what they think. Rock on birdies!!

Thank you ! :)

Well you have only recently got Simba, and he is much older?

Hahahah that is brilliant, what a cheeky boy!!

But look at the progress already!! Considering he barely let you pet him at first, and now he is actually seeking you out to get them, that is a major step! :D

I think that is a piece of good advice, because that's what i did with Fargo at first.. He didn't like me touching him and stepping up..

So he would run away from me.. So i completely ignored him, went and sat down...

and he realised, oh... She doesn't care about me anymore.. That's not fair, i want all the attention..

So he would climb down to me all by himself and get scritches!

Some birds are just very stubborn, i always play tricks with Fargo, if he is doing something he shouldn't, i do something, and then he wants to be involved in what i am doing hahaha Birds :54:

My friends all like Fargo, even though they aren't bird people, but they understand when i tell them something exciting.. It is mainly just my family who doesn't understand!
Yes, Simba is 16. He's an old man compared to Fargo. :D
I'm loving this thread! Y'know, Tab, the way you describe your feelings is exactly the way I used to feel when I was your age. There were no other young people who were as committed to animals as I was and few people who could even understand the attachment I had to them. I remember our neighbours having a quiet word with my Mum and Dad because they thought I was on drugs. They'd seen me sitting, cuddled up to my horse as she lay down. I was singing to her and stroking her face: clearly an odd thing for a girl to be doing! LOL! My Mum and Dad were the best, though. Although they didn't share my passion for animals, they understood it and never prevented me from bringing anything home. Well. Except a snake when I was ten.

There's something deep in a person's soul that binds them to their animals. I don't know what it is, but it's there and it's strong. It's something about Life and recognising the common threads between ourselves and other species. It's hard to put into words, but everyone who has it will know what I mean.

Tab, take my word for it, there's plenty of gorgeous young men out there who are just as in tune with the natural world as you are. At your age, it's harder to find them, but as you get a little older, they'll become apparent to you. There's a whole world out there, just waiting for you to reach out and enjoy it. As you wisely say, there's absolutely no hurry. Take your time growing into the person you want to be and the universe will unfold as it should. :)
what a cuddlebug Fargo is! You have an inspiring relationship with him, and I have no doubt that you will still find a husband:)
I'm loving this thread! Y'know, Tab, the way you describe your feelings is exactly the way I used to feel when I was your age. There were no other young people who were as committed to animals as I was and few people who could even understand the attachment I had to them. I remember our neighbours having a quiet word with my Mum and Dad because they thought I was on drugs. They'd seen me sitting, cuddled up to my horse as she lay down. I was singing to her and stroking her face: clearly an odd thing for a girl to be doing! LOL! My Mum and Dad were the best, though. Although they didn't share my passion for animals, they understood it and never prevented me from bringing anything home. Well. Except a snake when I was ten.

There's something deep in a person's soul that binds them to their animals. I don't know what it is, but it's there and it's strong. It's something about Life and recognising the common threads between ourselves and other species. It's hard to put into words, but everyone who has it will know what I mean.

Tab, take my word for it, there's plenty of gorgeous young men out there who are just as in tune with the natural world as you are. At your age, it's harder to find them, but as you get a little older, they'll become apparent to you. There's a whole world out there, just waiting for you to reach out and enjoy it. As you wisely say, there's absolutely no hurry. Take your time growing into the person you want to be and the universe will unfold as it should. :)

That was beautiful Trish!!!

You worded that perfectly, it IS hard to explain the connection you have with your animals, it truly is something special.. They are just as important as any other family member, although dad doesn't like that because they are animals, not people :54: hahaha

Your neighbours thought you were on drugs? :eek: Any parent would be glad their daughter was just out sitting with her horse, rather than going out partying! :09:

and why would you want a snake! ;) Snakes love me, no one else has even seen one this summer... But i have seen 3 green ones, and a brown one :31: They scare me so much

Thank you!!! :rolleyes:

Yes well everyone who is my age now, is traveling the world and partying with friends.. Having that young time of their life.. So will just have to wait ;)
what a cuddlebug Fargo is! You have an inspiring relationship with him, and I have no doubt that you will still find a husband:)

Haha such a cuddlebug! Although he was trying to play my vita, sticks his tongue on the screen, always makes me die hahaha

Thank you! :p

If anything, guys actually like Fargo, they think he is cool..

It is just me who is too lazy to go out and meet people haha :rolleyes:
People don't understand my love of animals either! Word got out at work that I shower with my bird and the boys tease me about it all the time now! To me it's just normal! :)
Hey Tab? Have you ever wondered whether your Dad might be afraid of animals? Lots of people are afraid and pretend not to like animals because they really don't know how to act around them.

My husband was like that. Early on in our relationship, we nearly separated because he was mean to my dog. He thought animals had to always obey you instantly and that you should punish them if they didn't. Once, he kicked my dog!!! After I had torn a few hundred strips off him, he finally admitted he had no idea about dogs and was afraid of them. He'd been told you have to 'dominate' a dog or it would 'dominate' you. (NB. Most people have no idea what the biological definition of 'domination' is! Hint: it doesn't mean bullying!) These days, he's a lot better educated and a lot more knowledgeable. I smile when I hear him earnestly telling people how to treat our birds. He, poor darling, came from a family that thinks animals are just animated stuffed toys you give to kids to dress up and throw around. Huh!

Getting back to your Dad, if he has never known that deep love of living creatures in the same way you do, I bet he's really scared of his incompetence showing. I've known plenty of men who can make livestock go into bails, stockyards, trucks etc. But they don't have the first clue about how to call a dog or catch a pony. They seem to think of animals as different from us instead of realising they're pretty much the same: they have doubts and fears and can be neurotic when they're upset.

Anyway, just a thought to share... I'd also like to bet your Dad is very, very proud of his gorgeous daughter and her hunormous horses (he's just too blokey to know how to say so). :)
Well, I may be abnormal, but I think your priorities are spot-on. Why would you want to hang around with boys when you've got pets to play with and horses to ride. It sounds like a boring option. If a boy likes to ride, he could come along, but as for sitting about doing Nintendo and talking about the footy.

Forget about it!!! :D

Fargo's special, but (this is a compliment to you) you also reap what you sow. You may have been lucky to have adopted a bird with a fantastic personality and abilities, but I bet you a lot of his "specialness" comes from the time and effort and love that you have given him and his comfort around you and in his home.

Your neighbours may think you are "weird", but I find people like you reassuring, when all you get on the news is all the horrible stories about boys smacking strangers in the head. I am glad to know there are responsible, talented, healthy, fit,,, yada yada yada YOU GO, GIRL!

I'd better stop, or you'll get a swollen head. :D

EDIT: and you are right, I never really understood how big your horse was. I love big horses, I don't know why, because I'm pretty midget-y. I liked riding them better than little ponies.
I think dad is jealous ? :20:

Because mum has her little inside dog, Wesley, and EVERY night, he gets angry over Wesley, and annoyed that he sleeps in the bedroom.. Poor Wesley is petrified of dad haha

and mum says its a jealousy issue, because mum loves Wesley :rolleyes:

Dad is afraid of Fargo ;) He never would admit it, but he won't go near Fargo in case he bites.. He has held Fargo once, and Fargo put his beak around his arm, just softly, and dad thought he was biting and so wont touch him again haha

When i went to that dressage competition, dad was very proud, but apart from that he complains about the cost of them... He doesn't know the cost that Kyros was ;) hahaha and he doesn't like Kitai, because of all his issues, he thinks we are just wasting money trying to help him

But when he has to hold one of the horses, he doesn't get close to them? He just kinda leads and holds them from a distance..

He has never had an animal, he never had dogs, or cats, or horses growing up, so he of course wouldn't understand why mum and I love our animals so much!

There has only been one dog he ever loved, and then he died about 2 years ago, and that was one of the only times i have seen dad truly upset about an animal...

Guess it is hard to change someones opinions on animals when they haven't liked an animal for 50 years!

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