This is why i love birds!

I own A LOT of animals, non of them are as challenging as birds are hands down.

I love each and every one of them, all in different ways.

When I need to get away from my 'family' I always retreat into my bird room or bedroom where my pets are....they always centre me and make me feel better.

Tab, you have plenty of time to meet mr.right, and when it happens you'll know, just make sure Fargo accepts him as well ;)

Oh birds are definitely the most challenging, i don't really have many animals, just bird, horses, dog.. But Fargo takes up most of the time, because he is so similar to a human! :p

Its amazing though, animals dont ever say a single word to you, but they still make you feel better?

I have fallen asleep in the horses stables before, not Klaatus, because he kept ripping the blankets off me and then grabbed my earphones at one point ;) hahaha But Kitai just stands next to you with his head in your lap.. Very sweet!

Hehe thank you ;) Oh Fargo will definitely be the judge, he gets to decide if the guy is good enough or not :54:
and they always say the truth comes out in alcohol
It isn't the truth, either objectively or from the perspective of the person saying it. The booze messes with your thought processes. The problem is that the sober people don't forget about it like the nasty drunk does... Sorry about your situation. I know it's hard.

But now, i have to do yoga and gym work to help my back..
Swimming may also help, do you have access to a pool?
I own A LOT of animals, non of them are as challenging as birds are hands down.

I love each and every one of them, all in different ways.

When I need to get away from my 'family' I always retreat into my bird room or bedroom where my pets are....they always centre me and make me feel better.

Tab, you have plenty of time to meet mr.right, and when it happens you'll know, just make sure Fargo accepts him as well ;)

Oh birds are definitely the most challenging, i don't really have many animals, just bird, horses, dog.. But Fargo takes up most of the time, because he is so similar to a human! :p

Its amazing though, animals dont ever say a single word to you, but they still make you feel better?

I have fallen asleep in the horses stables before, not Klaatus, because he kept ripping the blankets off me and then grabbed my earphones at one point ;) hahaha But Kitai just stands next to you with his head in your lap.. Very sweet!

Hehe thank you ;) Oh Fargo will definitely be the judge, he gets to decide if the guy is good enough or not :54:

and so he should be! he knows a good thing when he sees it, he adores you doesn't he?, ha ha
I really enjoyed your pictures of you and Fargo cuddling and chilling out. They made me smile after a long week. I just got home today and will be home all weekend. I won't have to stay at the VA anymore because my program ends on Monday. So now I am home until Jan 6th when I go back to the hospital for another two weeks. I get to come home on weekends though. All this is hard on Valentino because he is missing me. My unstable come home for a day disappear for two days come home for two days then disappear for three is wearing on him. In January hospital stay I will not be able to come and go like I did when PPH. I have to stay the solid week then I can come home.

I missed Valentino so much. I have realized years ago how much I love the parrots. They are like no other companion I have ever had. I grew up with all kinds of pets so I learned very early to love animals. My mother grew up on a farm so she always had this different view of animals. She always presented like they were a bother and that she "didn't like animals" but deep down she loved animals. I think she learned to love them because of my dad. My father was a big ole softie with any animal. He would of loved all my boys.

I got the shock of my life last weekend when Lupe and I talked very deeply about our future. During her trip home to El Paso TX she got involved with a woman she has been in love with for over 20 years. Now finally they are together and I officially have been replaced. Right now they are doing the long distance relationship thing and Lupe's new partner will be relocating to MN in about two years. During a intense conversation Lupe asked me quite seriously if I would keep Julio our rescue Noble macaw. It was decided earlier after the breakup that Lupe wanted Julio very badly and wanted to take him when she is to finally move out. Now that there is another person in the picture she asked me if I would keep Julio.

I asked her why she was not to take her parrot when she moved out. She told me her new partner does not like animals in the house. I was in shock. Lupe loves animals as much as I do. Her love for animals always had endeared me to her because I have always been able to relate to other animal lovers. I can't understand that Lupe would now live without any animals in her life. It would be very hard myself to trust people that didn't like animals. I understand that your father and your relationship is probably not the closest and that is probably because you both are so different. He is still your father though and you work though the issues very well. I, however cannot understand why Lupe would be in a relationship with someone that does not like animals. That concept is so foreign to me and I could not be with someone that would want me to get rid of Valentino. I could never do it nor would I ever get rid of my parrot for someone.

I will keep Julio. It is not his fault he is not wanted. I feel so much compassion for the rescue bird no one would adopt because he is plucked. I hope Lupe thinks this woman is worth it. I guess when you wait 20 years for someone you will do anything to keep them. I would never give up Valentino for someone else.

Oh my gosh Rebecca, i wish i could give you the biggest hug!!

I couldn't begin to think what you are going through!!!

I hope you can be home with Valentino in a normal schedule soon, i am sure he will understand what is going on and give you the biggest cuddles!

That is incredible about Lupe, how can someone who loves animals so much, just decide they don't want an animal anymore just for someone else...

How could anyone be fine with leaving their parrot for someone else? I wouldn't be able to trust her either :/ I would never give up Fargo just because a guy said- I dont like birds....

Valentino and Julio are both so very lucky to have you as their guardian, i hope the 3 of you get back on track soon! I wish 2014 to be a much better year for you!!!

I agree with the doctor, that's facinating, do you know how rare that is?

No idea! I know Spina Biffida Occulta isn't that rare...

But it is usually down the bottom of the spine..

But because mine is up the lower/mid section... It has tried to from the rib bits as well... So it is alot rarer..

There are different types of spina biffida, like the damage of it? Occulta is your mildest one, but because i have the weird stuff, it is a bit worse, and thats why i am getting even more back pain...

They call the bones- L and T.. So L is just the extra vertabrae, but i have an extra T...

The weird thing is though.. When i was 5, and i got the x-ray, the doctor showed mum that my extra one was down the bottom, had the split in it (like occulta does)
and didn't have the bone off it...

So, i am not sure if it is possible, but i could have 2 extra, because the first was in the lower section where it should be... but now this new x-ray has shown an extra in the middle...

Unless the bone rib thingies grew out? :20:

We have to wait for the x-ray people to come back with a full report which will say and show exactly what is wrong along the spine... The doctor said he would call me when it all comes back !
and they always say the truth comes out in alcohol
It isn't the truth, either objectively or from the perspective of the person saying it. The booze messes with your thought processes. The problem is that the sober people don't forget about it like the nasty drunk does... Sorry about your situation. I know it's hard.

But now, i have to do yoga and gym work to help my back..
Swimming may also help, do you have access to a pool?

Oh really? Yes that is what is most annoying, when dad has one of his super bad nights, and says nasty stuff, in the morning, he completely forgets about it :eek:

Problem is, dad works 6 days a week, gets home at 6pm, so there is about 30 minutes of time where he is actually ok... Then 6:30 he starts.. :rolleyes:

Yes!!! :) We have a swimming pool, i am not really a huge fan of swimming though... In summer 2010, i literally lived in the pool.... People couldn't believe my tan hahaha

But i dont really like it anymore, i get bored? There is nothing to do :rolleyes:

Might have to start going in again and doing some work with my back!
They call the bones- L and T.. So L is just the extra vertabrae, but i have an extra T...
L is lumbar (down the bottom), T is thoracic (in the middle)... so you have an extra thoracic vertebra

the doctor showed mum that my extra one was down the bottom, had the split in it
May have been some confusion over the abnormality in the lower vertebra, or maybe they just "counted wrong".
Unless the bone rib thingies grew out?
If they are spurs, yes, they can grow over time.

Was it an orthopaedic guy you saw, or just your gp?

As for swimming, try to get into the "zen" of it, just focus on the rhythm, I would swim to waltz-time. Also, walking in the water is good, it doesn't hurt like walking on normal ground.
But when i was 5, the xrays show exactly the spina biffida problem, it has the split through it... and down the bottom..

But the xrays now show a different section having the problem :/ and the bones on either side

So i dont get why the mid and lower part both have had xrays with the problem?

The first doctor wouldn't of counted wrong, because you could see the split, which no other vertabrae had... :/

and then this one has the problem as well but higher up, and with the bones on the side, which no other one has :eek: Which is the reason the doctor was so interested and excited :p

Ummmmmmm it was just the doctor next to the xrayers? They are like a joint place?

Now we have to wait for the actual xray doctor whatever they are called, to actually do the full results of what each bit is affected..

This doctor just said the spina biffida affected this vertabrae, but it is uncommon that the bones would grow out of it?

I dunno, i just want to have a back that doesnt ache ;) hahahaha

How long do i have to be in the water for? 20 minutes?
Ok, your back is like a string of cotton reels sitting on top of each other, it's an S-shape. Because each one moves, a bit of a problem with one can result in a bit of a problem somewhere else in the "chain". The congenital defect in your lower spine might have contributed to the spurs growing on one of your thoracic vertebrae.

Wait for the written report and then google it all up. There might be some misunderstanding as to what "extra" bits they are talking about. Might not be "extra" vertebrae, just the extra outgrowths (spurs).

Just swim up and down, however long you want.
Gee, I'm sorry you've had all this going on, Tab. You'll want to be careful with riding for a while until it's all sorted.

Spina bifida occulta is more common than most people think - I have another friend with it and she has no trouble at all (although hers is the 'regular' type with just a single lumbar vertebra split on the backward-facing part). The poor thing has Menière's Disease as well, which means she spends part of every day being sick from dizzy spells. She (Lesley) happens also to be an animal nut like the rest of us. The first time I visited her place, I heaved a sigh of relief: she had a huge marine tank, a cage with two cockatiels and a tank full of mice in her lounge room. I felt right at home! Last I heard, she was breeding ferrets...

Anyway, ask your doctor before you start any kind of exercise. You need to know exactly which muscle groups to build up and which ones to leave alone. Let us know what the report says as soon as you find out, OK?
and i am fine with that, haven't talked to my dad about much in 18 almost 19 years, and when someone wishes my best friend to die, even if they are my dad, i can't ever want to spend time with them and be their friend.. Just not something i can do..

I talk to my dad, we make jokes, not like i ignore him... I just, dont feel any sort of attachment to him after everything we have been through...D

My stepdaughter and I have a tense relationship. She doesn't harm Hahnzel, but does the same kind of talking your dad does. I know she'll eventually move out and that part will be over. Until then I'm learning to ignore much of it but I do point out on occasion her bitterness to her. She's going to take that poison with her wherever she goes.
See it makes it hard when dad works full time, and when he is home, he will not come into my room... He just doesn't like Fargo..

and he does hold the horses, like when i was taking pics of Kyros as a reindeer, but he just doesn't enjoy it :rolleyes:

For the 18 years with dad, he has always done things for me with my horses, but he has never enjoyed it...

Don't like talking about personal stuff on the forum, but dad is a major alcholic, who has said on countless occasions that he wishes Fargo was dead....


If he was any other person i would never of talked to him again...

I know you should have a close relationship with your dad..

But for 18 years my dad and I have never gotten along, and he calls me some not so nice names :54:

I know its the alcohol talking, but considering the only thing i have known for 18 years is my dad as an alcoholic, and they always say the truth comes out in alcohol ;) i can't really get to know the person my mum did before i was born

and i am fine with that, haven't talked to my dad about much in 18 almost 19 years, and when someone wishes my best friend to die, even if they are my dad, i can't ever want to spend time with them and be their friend.. Just not something i can do..

I talk to my dad, we make jokes, not like i ignore him... I just, dont feel any sort of attachment to him after everything we have been through

Oh boy did this thread go downhill hahahahaha :D

Change of subject, i found out that i have an even rarer spine problem than i thought!!!!! :p

When i was 5 doctors said i had spina biffida occulta...

Which wasn't anything serious... just mild form of spina biffida.. where my vertabrae didnt grow correctly... split.. then formed another one...

So i had an extra vertabrae in my back..

They said would probably cause back pains when i was older..

Well, sunday, i started getting pains in my lower back.. Thursday i woke up and couldn't move..

Got x-rays today... and found out that i actually have a rarer case, and i have bones growing off the extra vertabrae, they are kinda stumpy little weird things hahahaha :D

But usually spina biffida occulta doesn't have any bones off it.. but my one does..

The doctor thought it was brilliant, was so excited when he was showing me the structure..

He explained that is one of the reasons i am tall, and unflexible..

and the reason my back is hurting so much, cause my spine is all out of wack with its proportions, and not put together right :rolleyes:

He said i was a very fit, strong, well muscled girl, and have great core strength..

But now, i have to do yoga and gym work to help my back..

But for now i am just on pain killers each morning until my back pains go away and it just settles down..

Thinks the fall from kyros triggered it.. ;)

What an exciting day! :D

It is hard to say if what your father saying is the truth when he is drunk. All it says is he has some opposing views. Does he resent the horse that you had a accident with? Does he think Fargo gets in the way of you making human contacts? I do not know. I can tell you not to long ago when I talked to Dad and the subject about Captain Jack came up. It then led to me bringing up the birds I had as a child. I said if they had a healthy diet they probably would have lived longer and I talked about how I wished I could have taken Paulie with me to college. Dad then said "They could have lived longer? I thought they would never die. Thank goodness they did and too bad they didn't die sooner." This took me by surprise a little and he went on to explain they were messy and always made a mess even after we cleaned up after them. Just like your dad my dad has never been big on animals. He has a Jack Russell terrier that lives outside (my Dad lives on a farm). He once made a remark that he wished he never got the dog and this made my sister (who drove a couple hours to pick up this dog (when it was a puppy) and bring it to my father's house) to give him a glare (my sister has also grown to be a dog person). It even took my step mom (who is Chinese) by surprise because she thinks this dog is such a nice smart dog.
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Everybody can have conflicting views and emotions on any subject. Some days you do feel like you wish your responsibilities (whatever they may be) would disappear. An isolated comment doesn't necessarily reflect ongoing feelings about things. When your dog has just peed on your slippers and done a stealth raid on the cat's prescription kibble, it's easy to think or say things like "I wish I'd never got you". When he's had his bath, he smells nice and is up for a cuddle, you've run your slippers through the washer and you've come back from the vet's with another $80 bag of cat food, you "love him again".

Things said in the heat of a moment aren't reliable as to somebody's feelings overall, ditto with drunken rants. It's not really about what the speaker says, the listener shouldn't get too upset over words tossed out without thought or consideration (neither of which a drunk is capable of).
See i have never ever thought that ?

I must be crazy... I have never thought i wish i hadn't gotten one of my animals.. haha

Kitai, my horse, has major hoof problems... He has cost thousands of dollars in vet fees, and he has to live in a stable...

That means i have huge responsibilities of taking him for walks, cleaning his hooves, soaking his hooves, cleaning out his stable and stable yard, making up special meals for him...

He will never be ridden, but i have never once thought i wish i wouldn't of gotten him, although he has turned into a massive chores and responsibility that my other horses dont have, i am glad i got him... :)

Fargo has destroyed my phone, my ipod, 2 keyboards

But i have never thought when i was angry- i wish i didn't get you...

I am SCARED of losing Fargo, even though he destroys my stuff, that little moment of anger has never made me think- i dont want you..

I have never had a single moment of doubt with my animals, that is probably the reason i am so attached to them all... haha



When i had the accident on Kyros.. Dad wanted to sell him.. Dad wanted me to never ride him again.. He said he was a dangerous horse..

He wasn't drunk at this point ^

Then he told me i was a terrible rider, and i can't ride a horse, and i have no control... :o

He still tells me now that i don't ride him correctly.. apparently i just sit on him and plod around....

Even though my dad hasn't watched me ride since the second week i had Kyros..

But apparently he knows how i am riding... and apparently Kyros is still a freak who puts me through fences ;)

Even though Kyros has not bolted once since that incident... Not once.....

He even goes on trails and roads now, and isn't fazed by a single thing..

His last owner couldn't ride him on trails alone because he would get scared and run, and he was petrified of cars..

Each day he goes on the road and a trail for about 2km..... and we even trot and canter along, and he is perfect :D

Kangaroos jump out and he doesn't even look at them...

You would think my dad would be proud of that accomplishment?

But no, apparently Kyros is still horrible..

and then my other horse, Klaatu, is the biggest 'freak' of all, and he is mental...

And i dont get upset over my dads words.... Which is probably why he gets even madder...

I laugh, and walk away... And then he starts yelling even more ;)

My dad has thrown remotes at me a few times, smashes plates and such.... When he is drunk..

But the point is, even when he isn't drunk on a sunday, he still isn't nice, he still hates my bird, he still hates my horses...

My dad came to the dressage show with Kyros.. Whilst i was riding and there were lots of people there, he acted nice as can be..

When we finished, and Kyros decided he didn't want to load into the truck, he started yelling and swearing...

Most embarrassing thing ever, all these people were looking at us.. Had to make dad just go for a walk... and he wasn't drunk.. He just has anger issues....

Plus apparently i am disgusting and live in a pig hole, even though my mum has told him a few times, i am the only person in the house who vacuums my room each and every day and my room is spotless...

Anyways.. i am not affected by my dad, i don't have a problem with it, i know he is drunk and just yelling..

I don't like when he comes into my room yelling though, and slams the door, because it REALLY upsets Fargo, and Fargo gets very protective of me and starts full on screaming at dad haha :o Doesn't come in often though

But as much as most people would like me to try and get along with him.. I wont... and never will ;)

and Trish, about my back, yes! Thats what i thought, when i was 5, the doctors told mum it was common, not that rare to have the extra vertabrae..

He had said that i might be fine, or i might get back pain.. Each person is different! :)

But i think this doctor was so excited because it is rarer to have the bones on the side, and not normally seen in the occulta type!

Taken pain killers the past 2 mornings now.. and this morning it doesn't hurt as much :D

I am 'kinda' thinking it had to do with the reinless riding i was doing? Because that is relying on your core muscles alot more?

And that seems to be the same time as it began? Maybe?

So will just wait a bit before i go reinless again and see if it was that which affected it!

and Strudel, you might be correct!! Cause the xray when i was 5 clearly shows the split in the vertabrae..

But i can't remember if the one with spurs higher up has the split... :O

So this doctor could of just thought the one with spurs was the extra? But further down was the actual extra?

OH MY GOSH.. it is HOT today :eek:

Have had the aircon on ever since i woke up.. Fargo doesn't like the aircon, he hides in the walk in ward drobe all day haha
So this doctor could of just thought the one with spurs was the extra? But further down was the actual extra?
I don't know, it's easy to misunderstand or be at cross-purposes in conversation at the best of times, let alone when they are trying to tell you medical stuff that you know nothing about. All should (hopefully:D) be clearer when you get the written report.

As for wishing away responsibilities, give it time and I bet there'll be at least one day when you "drop your bundle" and wish it would all go away. :D
But the point is, even when he isn't drunk on a sunday, he still isn't nice, he still hates my bird, he still hates my horses...

Plus apparently i am disgusting and live in a pig hole

Anyways.. i am not affected by my dad, i don't have a problem with it, i know he is drunk and just yelling..

But as much as most people would like me to try and get along with him.. I wont... and never will ;)

Hey Tab,

I can relate, but it was my Mom. She wasn't a drunk, but according to her, I was never good enough and would never amount to anything. When I told her I wanted to be a photographer, she said I would never make it. 25 years in the business and I have given numerous programs at international photography conventions, I still hear those words in the back of my mind and think that I am not worthy of the success that I have achieved. Parents can really mess with you...

The reason that I mention this is not to complain but to let you know that things can change. As bad as my Mom was to me, she has been an great grandmother to my kids. I also have a new relationship with her. As bad as it was, it really is good now. Things can change and can get better.

Trust yourself, stay strong and hopefully your relationship with your dad improves. It sounds like your Mum gives you the love and guidance that you need, so drink that up. :D

All the best, I know you are destined for greatness!
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Awwwww :( I dont understand why some parents dont support their childrens dreams :S Ridiculous!

That is brilliant though! You followed through with the photography and looks where it got you :D

Haha its ok, i didn't want to bring this topic up incase people thought i was just complaining and wanting sympathy and such ;)

Thank you!! Funny thing is, my dad LOVES his grandson ( my brothers son ).. Just absolutely adores him, he is a completely different person around him :p

But i still say i don't want any kids... ever.. my animals are my kids hahaha so unless i do, i dont think the relationship will change! :p but! if i just happen to have kids, then i guess things could change !

Oh yes, mum has always been good, this year with mum has been very rocky.... like.. intense arguments... but for the past few weeks everything has finally been resolved.. Thank god..

I dont mind fighting with dad, never bothers me..

But the massive fights with mum each day were exhausting, i guess cause dad just yells and carries on, but mum cuts deep? :p

Kinda think it was because this year she has had to deal with her mum being very unwell, plus having to deal with dad each night ! Think the stress and worry all just got to her!

But now mum is helping me with my paramedic course, because the universities are absolutely stupid, so it is a huge task changing between unis to do the right course -_-

But finally have that figured out, plus going to do all training for it in january.. Plus teaching me to drive.. Which, i am brilliant at :p hahaha

What i like the best is when mum tells me that she thinks i would be an amazing paramedic, and she tells people that :o

and mum just loves horses, so she beams when Kyros and I are riding at shows, i think she likes telling everyone that the huge big black horse is hers, when people are just staring at him :o hahaha

So next year is going to be great, finally have everything sorted out!

This year was a very bad year, so next year is going to be my year!! ;)
I'm kind of butting in here, but I too have had a rocky relationship with my father. My advice to you is if it comes to be a little too much to handle at the time, go to your room, turn on some country music, and remember. Everything happens for a reason, and there is 10x good for every bad :)

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