There and Back Again: A Conure's Tail

The place is like 45% Cockatoos, 25% Macaws, 30% Others (Amazons, Cocktiels, Conures, Lovies and Pionus). The is just an estimate but I think it's pretty accurate.No African Grays allowed because that many Cockatoos put off the dust that AG are very sensitive too and it would not be fair to their health (so I was informed).
I have not made nearly enough videos of baby Parry (aka Paris) and I was able to capture a sweet moment with her a couple of days ago. She's such a sweet little her so much.
[ame=""]Paris get loves - YouTube[/ame]
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She’s so precious!

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I love Baby Parry's eyelashes in that great portrait!!!!!!
Awwww geezz Desi..what a sweet girl she is! :05:

Now Finley! Don't you go trying to teach Paris any of your naughty habits! :58:

Lol...Finley bit the crap out of me today. It was partially my fault as I bothered him when he wanted me to leave him alone I think (still hard to tell since he's ALWAYS puffy) but wow I gushed blood ALL over the kitchen...

On top of that I'm cooking at an event in NYC today (I'm a chef) and so I'll have to wear a glove or something and that always sucks...maybe I can just tape my hand shut or something.

Thanks Finley...

I don't think Paris will turn out like him, he's a special case as we already know.

I know right? Her eyelashes are true to life too. She's such a girly girl. I would have to think what would happen if RB got ahold of her and made her his hen. Lol.
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Well, Desi, don't you worry. Parry has all the things I don't, namely feathers, and she's not 150 times bigger than the Rb, so he's not even gonna get a look at her!!! I'm the jealous type and I know my liabilities!
Ollie: He seems to be in full on puberty now. He isn't biting me or getting frisky with me but he is very standoffish and doesn't want to be held as much. Ollie is also not very impressed with the other 2 birds right now either and has decided he wants to copy Fin and bite Paris any chance he gets. They don't bite her hard but it scares her and she does a tiny squeak and flies to the ground terrified, the poor thing. Of course, I rarely let it get to that point but I do sometimes see her trying to get closer and closer to them if she is on the tree and so she clearly wants to be accepted. Anyways, I can occasionally catch Ollie in a cuddly mood and we will settle into the couch for a good long cuddle session, he's my baby still!

Finley: For the most part Finley is doing way better at learning not to bite. We did have one problem the other day but that was not his fault. He had one of his more violent freak outs and he was in the bathroom bashing himself about on various bathroom items and I was slowly and calmly trying to catch him. I find that if I can catch him and hold him to my chest and pet his head it will calm him down. I did manage to get him in my hands but he bit the holey hell out of my thumb but I didn't really feel it as I was busy trying to calm my terrified bird down. Once he had gotten over his spell I looked down and saw blood all over him. I usually inspect him after one of these fits to see if we need a vet visit or not and I was looking at him and I couldn't find a cut anywhere in him but there was a lot of blood on his head. I then realized I was the one who was bleeding and I am glad it wasn't him. I wiped him off and returned him to my shoulder and he was fine the rest of the day but definitely on edge but the next day he was back to his happy doofy self. So yeah other than that he's been doing really well on biting, I think he's finally learning because I put him on a short time out (not in his cage) when he bites and I think he is finally connecting the dots. Yay Fin!

Paris: Oh little I love thee. She is such a sweet, quiet and well behaved little birdie. I was blessed with her after all my troubles with Finley the universe knew I needed a break and sent me her. Paris just craves attention and to be held and loved and lately I have been trying to carve more time out for her. I took her on a trip for an hour and Thursday and each night that I am home to try to put her to bed at least a half hour after the boys (because they can be quite a time suck) and I hold her and cuddle her until she starts to make this quiet little chirp to tell me she is ready for bed.

Here is a close up pic of my babies!

This is a youtube video of them enjoying one of the last warmish days of the season:
[ame=""]Outside in a row like ducks! - YouTube[/ame]
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May I officially be Finley's biggest fan? Is there an application?

He's just so... special...
I love them all! Ollie’s SQUAWK SQUAWK made me laugh (and Bumble jump), Finley is doing so well, and Paris-she’s just gorgeous. I think the turquoise GCCs are stunning. And she DOES look tiny next to your boys!

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May I officially be Finley's biggest fan? Is there an application?

He's just so... special...

Well Gail you'll have to line up behind me and my husband lol but you're welcome to join us! You should really see Finley sometime because he's even cuter in person if you can believe it.

You know something interesting. I don't like to play favorites but I often feel like Finley is my favorite because I'm always having to check up on him, think about him, help him, calm him down ect. I used to be a but annoyed with him but lately I'm finding myself just looking at him and thinking of how "special" he is and just feel so much love for him. Maybe it's because no matter what's going on it's always a strong feeling that I'm having... sometimes happiness and sometimes frustration but it's never just "meh". I'm thinking this is why I seem to have a strong love for him not that I don't absolutely love my other 2 birdies just as much I just think I have to think about it more with Finley because he's so all encompassing at times. Ollie is not for everyone... he's way too serious about his life and his surroundings but he's easy to love because he's caring, loving and obedient. Paris is easy to love because she's just the sweetest little thing ever. Ahh Birds...I love my birds! I LOVE MY BIRDS AND I'LL SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS! Lol.
It's official! I'm Fin's #3 fan. Everybody else, take notice.

I have a lot of those feelings for the Rb, as you know. It's a sort of "if it weren't for me" thing. Imagine what would have happened if a non-bird-person had bought the funny, bouncy, long-tailed little parrot all those years ago. Would it have been long before he grew into his 'awful' self (due to whatever genetic/constitutional/congenital factors), then wound up in the basement, covered by a quilt to shut him up? And after that, what? At a flea market... "Parrot, cage and seed - $100"?

I'm being a bit melodramatic, but... to all of you folks who keep and love and protect a Finley or Rickey...

We do good work Gail and other like us. I too can go down the rabbit hole of "what ifs"...what if someone else bought him..first off he'd be dead probably if the people had no experience or knowledge of what a force weaned baby who had been starving for days looks like ...what if they saw him have a fit and didn't be careful with him and he broke his little self all to bits...what if he bit them with zero signs or warnings and they got mad and hurt him...what if they didn't let him out of his cage because he's so hard to handle and very on and so fourth. But if it wasn't for Finley I'm not sure I'd know what it's like to have learned that when you get angry and frustrated with someone you love you just have to do a 180 and instead of act on that anger you have to love them more. This is a valuable lesson in life...thank you Finley and Ricky!
Finley and RB are definitely were they are sent to be! I am so happy Fin is back, and that you tell his story so people know how bad force weaning is.
Yes, thank you, Fin and Rb, you impossibly endearing, funny, quirky, crazy, needy, ridiculous, obnoxious, assaultive, deranged, unhinged... *ahem*... impossibly endearing parrots!
I added some more swings/play area to the above the sink pan drying rack. Umm at this time if we want to dry pans we'll have to do it somewhere else lol. I hope the hubby doesn't mind...

Also...anyone notice how puffed up Finley is? Well...that's how he ALWAYS's so's like his feather fluffer is broken.
When I die, I want to be reincarnated as your fid.

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So as many of you may know, my husband and I volunteer at a bird sanctuary (almost)every Sunday. We always bring Finley because the lady who runs it misses him as he did live there for 2 months and Fin enjoys car rides and outings so it's perfect for some extra time with him as well. Well, last Sunday I made a video of my favorite bird there. She's a hyacinth macaw and her name is Duchess. She is just the sweetest big girl ever! Hee leg is permanently broken (sadly) and she can't move around too well and needs frequent baths. The sanctuary doesn't adopt birds out AT ALL but Paula said she'd let me have her if I want. Unfortunately my husband (as much as he truly loves birds) said no, at least for now. He said if we ever move to a farm or something I can probably have her as she will probably still be there... she's only in her 20's. But until then I will give her extra treats and attention when I see her.
[ame=""]Duchess! - YouTube[/ame]

Also, here is one of my Finley. He has really become my best buddy these days. He asks all the time to be with me and he's so cute! Oh and a cameo of Ollie in the background looking disapprovingly at Finley and I. Lol.
[ame=""]Finley is bae - YouTube[/ame]
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OMG I can't believe they said you could adopt Dutchess! She looks so sweet....that's too bad about her broken leg, poor girl. Are you suuuuure you can't convince your husband to let you keep her?? ;)

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