Ollie McBudgie's productive day

That's such a nice cage! Where did you get it? Who makes it? My budgies would love
It's from Pawhut https://www.ebay.com/itm/354305752184 It was on eBay. It's really well made. I would caution though that it's harder to clean. It doesn't come apart without a hex wrench, and the top is connected to the stand. If you have a vacuum cleaner it would probably be easier. ( I don't, so all the crooks and crannies have to be gone over with a brush, then the floor swept and wet mopped). But he loves his secret rooftop passageway and there is room for a bath up there. It comes with huge dowel rods that you can use for beating off intruders or staying warm in the apocalypse or building a cabin in Alaska. I would definitely never leave those rings on top empty. Ollie would slip and get stuck and they are solid. I replaced the outside ladder with an easier to climb rope ladder from mysafebirdstore.
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For a budgie (or two) that comes out a lot like Ollie its perfect! I love the roof deck. I have four mini shop vacuums (yes, I'm obsessed with vacuum cleaners) in an 800sf house and they really help. I'd give you one but shipping would cost more than the vacuum! An ArmorAll 2hp "car vac" can be bought on Amazon for about $40.
I keep dreaming of a vacuum but something higher up the ladder always wins out. (Air purifier, water distiller, vet bills, etc). But I'll get there! A stove?...someday. A car is in the works which would be huge. I sweep a few times a day and wet mop every other day and thank the stars Ollie is only one little budgie!

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