There and Back Again: A Conure's Tail

Hi everyone! Paris and I are both back from our trip and have been for about a week. For anyone wonderful about what's going on and why I haven't been posting well...I have some pretty big news.

Finley is back!!! We decided to take him back home with us because I just couldn't let him get heaped into a huge room with 100 birds because I could see how much he was truely bonded to me. So he is back in our care and still neurotic and all of that but he does seem slightly better in some ways. We have made some changes for him that I believe to be helping: Took out his happy hut from his sleep cage, uncovered him at night and put him on a natural light sleeping schedule. He also just seems to appreciate me more somehow and is no longer flaring his tail and biting me (really hard) out of absolutely no where so I view that as a huge improvement. He does still bite but meh, I'm not sure he can be"trained" not to because he seems not terribly receptive to training or able to retain it well but perhaps further down the line I'll do some clicker training or some such method.

So there you have it... I've been quiet for a long while trying to privately make this decision and in the end I think Finley is where he my home under the care of my husband and I.
If he were to truly be unmanageable and untame/scared/suffering I may need to reconsider and take him back to the Avian Refuge but I'm guessing he's here for good!

Standby as I'm sure I'll need lots of help and advice in the months and years to follow.
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Oh and I'm still volunteering at the Avian Refuge. :-)
Wow!! Yay and YAY!!! I'm so glad to hear Finley is home and I'm so glad things are going well for you and Paris and Ollie and your wonderful husband. AND I'm so glad you'll still volunteer with the Avian refuge... what a whole lot of good stuff! :)

Thanks for sharing!
This is good news!! I'm glad to hear it.

I know how much rehoming him to the refuge hurt for you... maybe it is just for the best that you have him in your care rather then, as you said, being one of a hundred birds in a room to live out his life. He's different, he's special, but luckily, he now has you again and has seemed to learn from this separation.

Now that you have Paris also, maybe that will help him too.
Interesting developments :)
Well this is good news! I'm happy for both of you. I know how difficult the decision to take him to the Refuge was for you, but as you have just described it and thinking about Finley's specialized needs, I agree that he probably would not get the one-on-one attention at the Refuge that is going to help him in the long-run. So with all things being equal, he's definitely better-off with you guys, and you with him. Yes he's always going to be special, but that's why you love him so much.

I was trying to explain this situation to someone recently in-regards to the possible ramifications of Force-Weaning baby birds (and also Tube-Feeding/Force-Feeding them), and was trying to explain the absolute heartache and stress that this situation can cause...It's hard to get the point across and for someone else to take it seriously without them actually seeing what can happen when you do this to a baby bird, but I think I got my point across. I hope so anyway, as this is just a horribly selfish thing to do to a baby bird and to the people who love them...
Thank you everyone! It feels so right to have him back. When it came down to it, I couldn't think of his little face mixed in with all the other birds. I know so many of you (especially Gail) who has made things work with a difficult bird like Finley and now that I know what it's like without him (extremely sad and painful) I know I'd rather have him with me unless he truly becomes better off with minimal human interaction which I believe he is far from at this time. The saying "You don't know what you have until it's gone" is true. I thought when he left I'd be more relived and like the battle was finally over but that's not how it felt at all especially after visiting him. My sweet baby Finny welcome home!
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You're incredible Sunnyclover! I hope that you all will learn to go along in this "new-old" situation. Wish you all the best on your journey!
woohoo Finley back in the pad! Ollie has his partner in crime around.

I was hoping to see Finley come back home, taking him there was so hard for you. He's back with momma again where he belongs, though I bet he had fun on his little vacation.

You just need to figure out what works and remember his wires are a little more crossed than most other conures! Like they say in Jurassic park "Life finds a way"
I'm definitely trying to keep in mind when I interact with him that he's not quite right. It's really hard not to put expectations onto him because Paris and Ollie are model citizens (well Paris for the most part...still working on a few things). It's tough but not impossible so far. He does have live in his little birdie heart for me which I can see and that helps!
I know how hard you agonized over the decision to take him to the refuge AND the decision to bring him back home. I’m sure that you’ve made the right one. Especially after meeting you and Nick and Toby-it’s obvious that the rest of your family also has a dedication to your fids. I’ve got my fingers crossed for all of you that our little Finfin stays happy!

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I am so glad you brought Finley home. You have really made my heart happy. Of course, I'm hoping he can stay forever, so that there are no more sad visits and goodbyes. Welcome home, Finley!
I thought you might be happy about this Gail! I know you seem to have really liked Finfin. Don't worry I think he's here to stay baring some tragedy of some kind. Considering I couldn't give him up once I doubt I'll be able to ever do it.
Yeah, l'il Fin has a very special place in my heart. Now I can watch his videos and laugh again at his antics, knowing he's home.
Since I updated about Finley I thought I would tell you guys how my other 2 babies are doing too.

Ollie: Ollie seems to be going through puberty and a hard molt at this time. So far he has been much more loud and screams more than usual. He sometimes will regurgitate to me but not that much and I stop him asap by distracting him. He also seems very worried about everything lately and is very on edge. It's kind of hard to describe, it's like he's on high alert. He isn't into being held and cuddled as much as usual but still likes the occasional tickles session. I know that is really normal with a molt and puberty so I am not surprised. He has not been biting me at all which I am thankful for, he is still a model bird citizen and if I payed less attention to my birds I would not even notice he is in his puberty but I watch them like a hawk so I can tell lol. Also, poor Ollie has really been getting the short end of the stick attention wise since Finley came home and I feel really bad and I would like to find a way to make it up to him but it's kind of hard. Maybe I will take him on a special trip or something. I feel really guilty about it the poor guy.

Paris: She is doing well and has decided she trusts me and will not bite me no matter what I do to her much like Ollie. That's really comforting and I am really happy that there is a huge amount of trust there.Paris is also kind of weird about hands and a bit skittish at times and more so since Finley has been back. I am not sure where this new behavior is coming from but hopefully if I ignore it then she'll get over it. She is kind of a weird little girl but also sweet and cuddly when she is in the mood which luckily is usually. Paris has been getting even the shorter end of the stick on attention even more than Ollie because she is so small and quiet. I also feel guilty about not giving her enough time as well. I hope this coming week I can give her and Ollie more time and maybe do something special with them one on one. The poor babies!

Finley: Ahhh yes....he's just so big, his personalty is larger than life and he just sits there and looks at me and I can't help but talk to him and gush all over him because he is just so animated and also very needy. I have been trying to teach him a trick today and he has done well learning it. I am trying to get him to lay on his back while taking a treat from my lips...not in my mouth but it's a half of a pine nut so it's like on my lips ever so slightly and ofc I make sure it isn't in my mouth. He likes giving kisses so it's a great trick for him to learn. He has done well and I will post a video of it when he's mastered it. I made a video already but I think we can do better.

This long weekend was very eventful!
On Friday we went to Woodbury Commons (huge premium outlet about 25 mins from our house) and got many many wonderful deals and had a blast. Luckily my husband loves to shop as much as I do.
On Saturday we went to the NY Renaissance Faire which is huge and amazing and only about 20 mins away from our house. I dressed up in full attire (if anyone wants pics I can post them) and my husband wore a cloak.
On Sunday, we went for a hike and took Finley on his harness and it was awesome. I LOVED taking him with us and he was very very happy and entertained. I think the whole experience made our bond even stronger. I am going to post pictures of that on another thread so that people who don't read our story can enjoy it as well. Here is thread:
Lastly, today we went to Manhattan and had lunch at a wonderful restaurant called Lupa and then did a bit of shopping. I got to get my favorite cupcakes from Georgetown Cupcakes. When we got home we hung out with the birdies and I took some pics of them eating their nutriberries which I like to give them when I get back from somewhere to make it at least a kind of positive experience. Paris decided to drop hers when I was taking pictures and then fly off her cage in protest so that is why she looks sad and isn't eating hers, don't worry I gave it back to her later.



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The Three Amigos. Los Tres Conure-os. It's just all happiness.
This long weekend was very eventful!
On Friday we went to Woodbury Commons (huge premium outlet about 25 mins from our house) and got many many wonderful deals and had a blast. Luckily my husband loves to shop as much as I do.
On Saturday we went to the NY Renaissance Faire which is huge and amazing and only about 20 mins away from our house. I dressed up in full attire (if anyone wants pics I can post them) and my husband wore a cloak.
On Sunday, we went for a hike and took Finley on his harness and it was awesome. I LOVED taking him with us and he was very very happy and entertained. I think the whole experience made our bond even stronger. I am going to post pictures of that on another thread so that people who don't read our story can enjoy it as well. Here is thread: Finley went hiking with us! (pics) - Parrot Forum - Parrot Owner's Community
Lastly, today we went to Manhattan and had lunch at a wonderful restaurant called Lupa and then did a bit of shopping. I got to get my favorite cupcakes from Georgetown Cupcakes. When we got home we hung out with the birdies and I took some pics of them eating their nutriberries which I like to give them when I get back from somewhere to make it at least a kind of positive experience. Paris decided to drop hers when I was taking pictures and then fly off her cage in protest so that is why she looks sad and isn't eating hers, don't worry I gave it back to her later.



Finly looks so very happy and proud!! He looks a tad thin though? Such pretty pictures. He seems so happy to be back
Naw he's not thin at fact he's a touch overweight. Must be the picture angle.

So today Finley is having a bad day. Not sure why but he's bitten me out of no where a few times and so I think the rest of the day I'll leave him be because I think he wants me to leave him alone. So odd yesterday he could not get enough mommy time. Poor thing.

Edit: He nailed me hard in the finger right before his bath time..uggg. Here's to hoping tomorrow is a happier time.
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Ollie has been really sweet this last few days which has been nice. Paris has been good too except Finley is always trying to bite her (the poor thing) when they're on the big tree. He's weird because he doesn't seem to be being particularly aggressive, he just kind of leans over slowely and then bites her and then looks at me like "what? I'm just biting my sister". Poor little Paris squeaks in pain (I don't think he's biting her hard though) and then flips around and flies off the stand. I'm trying to teach him to stop but if I go at him fast to stop him I'll get a bite trying to get him to step up so I can't punish him so I'm kind of at an impasse. I of course tell him no and all that but he seems not to care. Finley has been more afraid of hands lately...not sure what his deal is. He sometimes still acts afraid of me suddenly and bites out of fear which really bothers me. Wish I could get to the bottom of that one...I hate that he's scared. Uggg Finley the problem child...some things never change.
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