There and Back Again: A Conure's Tail

Well...I just ordered some clickers, I am going to start Target and clicker training Finley to see if it helps him become less scared or whatever it is that seems to bother him when he's at home. Maybe the true one on one time will help him also. I think he's actually pretty smart so he might just need more mental stimulation or something. It's worth a try!
As my previous posts have indicated, things with Finley have been a bit on edge this last week but today we took him on a trip to the bird sanctuary where he was going to live because we still volunteer there. Plus Paula the woman who runs it really adores Finley and they miss him so it was fun for him to get to visit with everyone. Finey is amazing if I take him somewhere and I'm not sure why but I'm going to to write a post on it for the forums about it and try to see if anyone has any ideas. Finley was wonderful today and had the time of his life. He got to be on my shoulder while we were changing the bird's food and water and he got to sit on many many of the perches for the big boy birds (Macaws and Cockatoos) and play and eat almonds right out of the shell (which I did not know he could manage and will now get for him). My husband and I also packed our Tesla full of toy parts for me to make a bunch of toys for the 100+ birds there. We'll bring them back next time we help out. The name is Under My Wing Avian Refuge in case anyone wants to add them on Facebook or if you live in the NY/NJ area and are interested in helping out with us on the weekend sometime let me know! Also there is a small farm stand and ice cream shop like 3 mins from there which is literally the best ice cream in the entire world and I'm a fine dining chef by yeah just saying.

PS. I got totally nailed in the ring finger by a U2 when changing his water. Lol.

Here is a video I made for my son today because he is in boarding school and asked me what I was doing today. It's of some of the birds at the sanctuary.

[ame=""]To Toby from Mom and birds - YouTube[/ame]
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Today is Finley's 3rd day of clicker training. So far we we're doing simple stuff like step-ups (he'd sometimes bite or refuse to step up then bite) and learning the clicker means a treat.
Yesterday, I toughht him to go on his back in my hand which was not that hard.
Today we're working on learning to "shake paws" or whatever you call it for a bird. He's doing well...this is more complicated because unlike the going on his back trick where he has to just rely on me to do most of the work then get a treat on this one he has to actually put his foot up. He so far puts his foot up but also tried to step up half the time lol. I get could be confusing. But anyways so far in the last 3 days his attitude and everything has improved from last week. He has not even bitten me or even acted scared of me or my hands a all and I have handled him a lot today. I'm really happy to be having a great day with him and he seems really happy.
The other 2 birds are taking a bit of a back seat lately (sorry Ollie and Paris ) but I do purposely carve out a part of my day for them for alone time so we can keep our bond strong!
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Fin, lil dude, I'm proud of ya. You too, Desi.
Aww thanks. You're always rooting for us! We'll try not to disappoint. :-)
Progress with Finley!

[ame=""]Progress - YouTube[/ame]
So cute! I’m glad you brought him home.

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Finley: The last 3 days with Finley have been like a dream come true. He is seriously in love with me now. Begs to come to me, wants to play with my finger and has not biten in me at all except for when I know for a fact something scared him and I had to grab him unexpectedly and that was 2 days ago.
I'm not sure if he's just feeling much more secure and trusts me a lot more or if he is responding to the clicker training or what but i can't believe it! How can 10 mins of training per day result in such a huge difference? Blows my mind if this is the ONE thing that worked for him. If anyone has any idea why this would make such a difference in him please respond. All I'm doing is having him step up, stick touching and kissing then 2 tricks (shake and turn) and now I'm not even doing step up because he knows was just for practice because he was biting and refusing to step up. So yeah. Wow wow wow!

Paris: She has discovered her big mineral block shell looking thing on the top of her cage and really digging into it when on top of her cage. She makes a huge dusty mess for me and I clean it like once an hour lol. I know it's good for her though because she needs the calcium if she ever feels the need to lay an egg. Other than that she is usually begging for attention a bit here and there and bobbig her little head for me to pick her up but ofc I usually and doing something with the other 2 or just busy in general. I did set aside some time tonight to just be with her and put Ollie and Fin to bed.

Ollie: For once he's being kind of annoying. He's clearly going through puberty at the moment and is being extra loud and screaming for NO reason. That has been fun. He is also less into cuddling than usual but if catch him in the right mood he'll settle into my neck and spend a half our there or so and get head tickles. He's still a shining example of a bird and is definitely not too bad during his puberty so far. Still hasn't bitten me, good boy!
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SunnyClover, I love reading your posts. And so happy for you and your flock. The sanctuary video was an eye opener, so many parrots given up! :( And these are the lucky ones that ended up in a place like that...I wish all future first time parrot owners could check out rescues, or get real information and facts from breeders or pet stores , before deciding if this is right for them. I'm glad you still volunteer and make toys,,! And drive so far. Even though this is a great place it breaks my heart to see do many given up. The clicker training sounds great! Sunny in puberty sounds tough....ugh I'm headed that way with Neptune
Aww I'm glad you enjoy my posts! We would have gone to the bird rescue tomorrow too but we have company coming in for the day. Next weekend we will go volunteer and I will make another video! I have made 6 bird toys so far and I will probably take pictures...the toys are for really big birds like Cockatoos and Macaws. They're so fun to make. I just live parrots and so does my hubby. We even got to let a rescue owl loose back into the wild once and today we even went to a Renaissance Faire basically to see the "Birds of Prey" show for the 3rd time this yeat. Plus they have a guy who walks around with parrots on his shoulder taking tips which we love. Birds are life!
Finley: A few days in a row before today, Finley, had been kind of cranky and biting and flipped out on the floor which he'd not done in a long while and managed to hurt is foot (I think). He kept holding it up but would then act totally normal with the foot but then when he'd get in trouble or told "no" all of a sudden his foot hurt again. I think he may have been playing me. Well anyways today his foot issue and attitude had gone away and he was a complete DREAM. All he wanted to do was cycle between being on my shoulder, lap, getting scratches and eating. Love love loved it. I'm always super excited when he acts like this...most days he's kind of a mixed bag but not today! He was a bag full of sweets.

Edit: I forget to mention that on Wednesday I took Finley out and about in the strip mall near our house.First, to Petco where he was a huge hit... doing tricks and giving mommy kisses and going on his back on command. Then to Old Navy to buy some socks and I got a few looks and the cashier said her boyfriend's mom had 5 birds and 2 were big and white and one was medium and green and 2 looked like they had hats sometimes. So yeah I'm guessing 2 Cockatoos, 1 Amazon and 2 cockatiels. Lastly, we went to TJ Maxx where we soon drew in a crowd of spectators. A middle aged woman asked to pet Fin so I let her and she grabbing at him like she was picking an apple. I kind of flipped out and said "Are you serious? He's a small bird, you can't do that... he's scared to death! What's wrong with you? need to be gentle!" And yes I actually said all of that because it was SO shocking I had no time to edit myself lol. Her excuse was "I'm used to petting dogs.. sorry." So yeah I decided to not buy those shoes on sale and get the heck out of there in case she had kids or something because I was scared for our lives if that we're the case. Shocking....

Ollie: Ugggggg he's so in puberty. Doesn't want to be touched that much..and super wary of hands which is unusual for him. He definitely is still super obedient and does what I ask but seems more worried about it and always wants to be on his cage for some reason. He is not agressive at all towards me so that's good. I can sometimes get him to have a tickle here and there and a bit of cuddles but not as much as before. I do still try so he knows I still love him. Yesterday, I took him upstairs during my hour long French lesson for him to spend one on one time while I was on my computer. He really enjoyed it to my surprise. I know our bond is strong and will make it through puberty and everything else that comes our way.

Paris: The last couple of days she's been...well the same. Begging for attention and love, very quietly, bobbing her little head as if to say "mommy mommy I'm here too". Well...I know you are little one but I have cage to clean and dinner to cook and a Finley to hold. Today I finally made special time for her for like 2 hours. I gave her a bath in the sink instead of with Ollie and Fin so she could dry and while she was wet I spent time with the other 2. Then I went upstairs and gave the big boys a shower with me and after that we had 2 hours of uninterrupted Paris only time while Ollie and Finey were drying. It was amazing. The little girl just soaked it all up and did not even want to eat just a potty break here and there. Love her so much! Later though I asked her to step up and she frantically flipped around and off her cage like her tail was on fire. That was weird but she was fine after that for the rest of the night lol.
[ame=""]Paris get loves - YouTube[/ame]
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Gorgeous little Paris is one cute little girlie alright!
Finley and I went to GameStop and Petco today. At Petco there were these college guys who were thinking of buying a parrot for their "house pet" meaning they would all jointly own it. Ugggggggggg. They were like "we can.take turns taking it places like you're doing" and I was like "do you each have at least an hour each minimal of time each day to train this bird?" And they were like "no but whatever...our bird will be chill like yours is...yours seems easy to take care of".... I'm like "1st of all he's not easy to take care of and secondly I spend many many hours a day training THIS bird." Basically, I had to walk away because I was getting upset with them because they were not at all receptive to understanding parrots aren't just "chill" without work going into it and consistency. But other than that both at GameStop and Petco we got lots of smiles and lots of nice kids and parents enjoying seeing Finley and I walk about the store. We haven't gotten kicked out of anywhere yet! Oh and in the car on the way home Finley said "love you" and made a kissy sound. I wish he'd talk somewhere other than the car lol...weirdo. He often doesn't talk at all in the car or otherwise but if he does it's in the car. Ahhh Finley why? Oh well.
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Finley gets out and about! The store should let you do bird talks :) glad you tried.....
Finley, you stinker!

One upon a time, the Rb hurt his foot... a small bruise/sprain... he was maybe 6 months old... and liked to lie on his back and have it rubbed. When I would try to set him him on his feet, he would roll to his back. My best friend (and a veterinarian) lived next door, and she knew the bird well. I was showing her the problem and worrying over dear Rb's foot. She promptly took the bird, set him on his feet, and of course he stood up just fine.

Stop messing with your parront, Fin! And if your foot really was hurt, I'm glad it's better.
For you Desi and your lovely flock! <3 I really like hearing about your adventures with them all.

Oh my God what a sweet picture! :D
Boy oh boy have we been busy lately! This last Sunday my husband, Finley and I volunteered at Under My Wing Avian Refuge (as we do most Sundays) and I took a video of some of the birds. This is what a bird rescue is really like in case you did not know. Don't worry all the birds are in cages but they each get time out of the cage each day and are flighted so they get to fly around and have a bit of fun. Paula who runs the place is seriously like the most wonderful person and she cares SO MUCH about each and every bird. I LOVE going there and spending time with the birds, it's amazing. If any of you who live in/near NJ would like to help out please let me know and I would be happy to set it up and also meet up with you!
[ame=""]Helping birds today - YouTube[/ame] sad..:15: so many abandoned 'too's..:15:

Awesome that you and hubby volunteer Desi!

I should have muted the vid, as my birds got upset at the other bird noise. You are wonderful to volunteer, just wonderful! It is hard to see, but always good to know they are well cared for. Are Cockatoos the number one bird there? I know Noodles talks about they joy, but the difficulty as well. Good to see Fin :)

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