If you couldn't see the Spirit-World-Chile in the previous photo, I should have mentioned that a couple of Margaritas greatly facilitates the experience!
Another couple of pages from the Rickeybird's Scrapbook. I had bypassed these originally because it only showed the bird, not me, but Wrench's thread about Salty's bath inspired me to post these. They are images from our first few years together... 1988-9. He was 4-5 years old here. That was 26-7 years ago.
The first page is just Rickey being beautiful... posing outdoors (yes, clipped, no harness... the breeder assured me that was fine... plus, WERE there even harnesses back in the dark ages? Anyway, rest assured this happens NO MORE).
The second page's first photo shows him mugging and giving you his little beady stink-eye from within a home-made cage. It was all the rage in New Mexico in those days to buy chicken-wire and related fixings, and make a cage right there inside the room. It could be HUGE. It was tricky making it. My husband and I cut ourselves a bunch of times while building, and then ensuring all edges were bird-safe. We had help from experienced friends, and the cage really was an amazing thing... the cage was by a huge picture-window, and its size was a good 6 x 6 feet, leaving room for all manner of branches, toys, bathing areas. We moved later that year, and opted for a conventional cage. Looking back, I'm amazed we ever did such a thing, but we did.
The second page's second photo shows a dripping wet Rickeybird. I love that little "unibrow" he gets when his head is soaked. Somebody who doesn't know birds would be horrified, I expect,wondering what had happened to that poor creature. Salty, I wish the Rickeybird put on a show like yours, but hey, he prefers just to get soaked by diving and even rolling briefly on his back. Maybe it's a Patagonian thing.