The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

That’s the most impressive butt-feathering I’ve ever seen

Related: you guys are killin me [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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I don't think a re-issue of butt-feathering background is ever out of order...
We do have newcomers all the time.

And Kentuckienne's fabulous rap written for me (The Queen of Bavaria, long story)
*****Queen of Bavaria rap*****
Don't challenge me 'cause my rhymes will bury ya'
I'm Q.O.B. I'm the Queen of Bavaria
I bring the thunder, I rule the weather,
You mess with me, you get buttfeathered.
I got me a friend and I say the word,
You gonna get a dose of the Rickey Bird.
I'm the Beauty and he's the Beast
Your rhymes a snack, but our's the feast
You better keep up 'cause I ain't gonna carry ya
You never saw nothing like the Queen of Bavaria.

(I *WILL* rap this on Youtube someday. It will take an alignment of planets, biorhythms and tequila.)

I think TEQUILA will be sufficient, and I'll personally buy it and pour it!
And share it.!

You do the rap, and I will personally tell the Rickeybird's future by reading his poop paper. There are no secrets in Kentuckienna! How else did I suss out the secret identity of the QUEEN OF BAVARIA?!!! Sorry for the shouting. But I get so excited. Long live the Queen!
I consider myself the Scrapbook Archivist, he who remembers, retrieves, and reposts relevant items from earlier pages. It is my mission, lest anyone forget the extent and longevity of this bird's infringements upon good avian taste and general civility. Remember this one? Mmm-hmmm.
I consider myself the Scrapbook Archivist, he who remembers, retrieves, and reposts relevant items from earlier pages. It is my mission, lest anyone forget the extent and longevity of this bird's infringements upon good avian taste and general civility. Remember this one? Mmm-hmmm.

So,Mr are stating that The Rickybird has been an unscrupulous, conniving, scheming, self important thug and let me rephrase that..ALL of his years??:eek:...and you expect his fan's to believe that?? :rolleyes: Me thinks someone ELSE has been taking nips off that ta-killya bottle!:11: :p ;)


Methinks there’s something wrong here. RB?

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RB needed a "friendly" date for a function that HRH sprung on him in short order. Beeb's knew of someone..seem's he has a "sister" that get's...ummm..frisky... after a couple ta-killya's..:o

That moment when RB removes his mask (jk Gail, I couldn’t resist).


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