The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

*c o n t i n u e d*

This is just one invigorating way that the Rickeybrd wakes us up at the crack of dawn...

[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions - WAKE UP, WORLD! Rb and his bell! - YouTube[/ame]

Yes, Wrench, and let me thank you again for introducing that wonderful bell into our household. It is certainly of high quality as evidenced by the fact that its sound is hardly diminished by two large memory-foam pillows squeezed against my head as dawn breaks in our Utopian household.
What the Rival meant to say was "Thank you very much, dear Mr. Wrench!"
*c o n t i n u e d*

This is just one invigorating way that the Rickeybrd wakes us up at the crack of dawn...

rickeybirdproductions - WAKE UP, WORLD! Rb and his bell! - YouTube

Yes, Wrench, and let me thank you again for introducing that wonderful bell into our household. It is certainly of high quality as evidenced by the fact that its sound is hardly diminished by two large memory-foam pillows squeezed against my head as dawn breaks in our Utopian household.

Hmmm, possibly practicing for the Holiday Season a bit early for next late Fall. I had heard that the Salvation Army was short of bell ringers and was planning of searching early this year. Clearly RB has come across some insider information.

Concerning, very concerning!
Your lips to the Rickeybird's ears, Sailboat? Maybe he'll finally get a job. 34 years old, still locked up, no prospects, living with his mom. lol
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Your lips to the Rickeybird's ears, Sailboat? Maybe he'll finally get a job. 34 years old, still locked up, no prospects, living with his mom. lol

But he pays rent by the beautiful music he makes at the crack of dawn!
Rival replies from across the room...
No worries, Terry, it's a scant six hours before the Rb does it alllllllll over again!
And in 6 hours, Rb will be off to another busy day at work! Ringing bells, creating the coolest memes ever, screaming for his green chili peppers, destroying toys, torturing Rival...a Rickeybird's work is never done!
Absolutely, Terry, absolutely!
And don't forget... offending the ladies!

LOL...I'm sorry...this thread is just too much! :rolleyes: :D LMAO

Hahahahahaha! One of my favorite threads! Hilarity!

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Rickeybird seems like a most successful organism to me. He has a personal servant to deliver chilis and treats and clean the abode, he has stuff to sit on, stuff to make noise with, stuff to bite (looking at you here, Rival) (and Gail), his videos are all over the interwebs. While other Patagonians are out there chiseling nests out of solid rock with their beaks, he's living the life of Riley.
*c o n t i n u e d*


Oh, Rickeybird, that's not even the right Riley, and anyway... oh, nevermind!

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. I'll put him to bed early tonight.

Lea, THAT's what I call butt-feathering, alright!
I don't think a re-issue of butt-feathering background is ever out of order...
We do have newcomers all the time.

And Kentuckienne's fabulous rap written for me (The Queen of Bavaria, long story)
*****Queen of Bavaria rap*****
Don't challenge me 'cause my rhymes will bury ya'
I'm Q.O.B. I'm the Queen of Bavaria
I bring the thunder, I rule the weather,
You mess with me, you get buttfeathered.
I got me a friend and I say the word,
You gonna get a dose of the Rickey Bird.
I'm the Beauty and he's the Beast
Your rhymes a snack, but our's the feast
You better keep up 'cause I ain't gonna carry ya
You never saw nothing like the Queen of Bavaria.

(I *WILL* rap this on Youtube someday. It will take an alignment of planets, biorhythms and tequila.)

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