The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Sweetie, that poem is so beautiful it brought me to tears, I'm so sorry I missed it for so long:(

I'm so sorry to hear that the Rb is having age related issues. May we all have someone as wonderful as you to lean on when that happens to us. He could not be in better hands, my Friend.
Love you!
How about a little birthday poem for my boy? I hope you enjoy it.

Old Bird
Dedicated to the Rickeybird, and to Old Birds everywhere, and to the people who love them.

Old Bird. My bird. My bird, forever.
Time finds such meaning in our time together.

Mi vínculo con la Verdad (My link to the Truth).
And to Nature. And to youth.

And age.
And ages.
We have both had cages...
Of work and wages, loss and rages, dark back stages.
But we've turned the pages.

We've cut through the mystery.
Of life, love and history.
For us, it's just chemistry.

This morning, you greeted the dawn with your usual screams. Animation, jubilation, exultation!
Mid-day, I caught you in an unexpected nap. It's late afternoon now. Need another quick rest, my little rooster?

Someday our play here will draw closed its curtain.
We'll stay together, though. Somehow I'm certain.

That's what Eternity's for!

Old Bird. My Bird. My Bird Forever.​

Well, our hero is growing older, as we all know.
I have had to take some of his more exciting toys away from him, cuz he gets all excited and falls off his perches while playing/fighting with them. Kinda like when you have to take grampa's keys cuz he really shouldn't drive anymore?
But life is still good... plenty of morning sun, fat chiles, fantasies of hot henz...


Yipes, Terry, I missed it, too. Maybe I can dig out of the dawghouse by re-loading it. We love you, too. :)

And you're right. We should all have such golden years in loving hands.
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Hugs 'n' kisses... from ME, not grumpy gramps Rb!

The Rb goes to the vet tomorrow for routine monitoring of Enalapril and related hematocrit.

It's the best of times and the worst of times, to borrow from Dickens. It's what we all hope for... a long, long happy life with a darling companion (human or not)... and then the golden years. And the associated nostalgia and, sometimes, sadness.

I think it's great that this wonderful forum provides meaningful interactions about the whole spectrum of life with birds.

Thank you, THANK YOU, thank you.

More kisses and hugs!
Oh geez, when you said "grumpy gramps", I thought you meant Rival! :D

All our very best wishes and hopes for a non-eventful vet visit, Aunty G. Sending lots of love to y'all from everyone over here in Briz Vegas! :smile015:
Sistah Gail, I'm wishing all my very best for the Rickybird to have a positive, uneventful visit with the vet! Be sure to provide lots of extra chilies from his favorite uncle :)
Rickeybird having an uneventful anything is a huge leap of faith! He adds so much to any event! :D

Huge, warm, Amazon Feather Hugs Dear Friend!
Keep them on their toes Rickeybird!
Rickeybird having an uneventful anything is a huge leap of faith! He adds so much to any event! :D

Huge, warm, Amazon Feather Hugs Dear Friend!

Keep them on their toes Rickeybird!
Fair point, good sir! :)
I hope the Rb has a good vet visit today!
All is well at The Rickeybird Golden Years Manor! Hematocrit is stable at 55, whatever that means... a bit high, but stable, and altogether okie-dokie.
Thank you, my dahlings, for the love and support. Ace Scott, Martypants, Bro' Saxy, Mr. Boats, Terrio, and all y'all who drop by The Manor... you lift me up.
As for the ol' Rb, well... it's kinda like Charlie Manson got older and meaner and crazier, with some arthritis and heart issues thrown in.
What'm'I gonna do: I love the old rascal.
Shhhhhhhhhhhhh --- you'll wake him up!!

Yay Rb! I love that old rascal too & he looks so sweet while he's napping:)
Way to go Rb!! I am so very happy to hear his vet visit went well. Ain't no keepin' that marvellous rooster of yours down!! :)
Another great report!! Awww, Rb looks so gentle asleep, his horns aren't visible!
In the midst of Gila's post about the travails of ageing and enduring (I'M REFERRING TO THE BiRD, NOT MYSELF)... ahem... sorry. Let me start again.

In the midst of the post about the travails of ageing and enduring, I appreciate that my good friends here correctly identified the most precious, sentimental, and treasured moments of the bird's golden years, namely, when he is out cold.

Where's my Budweiser?

Resulting from the trials of the SARS-CoV-2 year hidden away. I have found that I have a much wider 'go to bar' of pease-full /rest-bet, cold drinks as long forgotten corners have been found and enjoyed.

I fully understand: "Where's my Budweiser?"
In the midst of the post about the travails of ageing and enduring, I appreciate that my good friends here correctly identified the most precious, sentimental, and treasured moments of the bird's golden years, namely, when he is out cold.

Reminds me of schoolyard dispute circa 6th grade when the bully proclaimed "Scott's a good kid when he's sleeping." :D
I sense a number of kindred rooster-souls here. Just sayin'.
Another day in the upside-down world pf parrot companionship...
In these days of adjustments and anxieties about his old age, today was a great one. Why?
He screamed and threatened every member of the family, tossed his fresh food onto the ceiling and walls, bit my shoulder (hard!) as I retrieved a fallen toy with the loving intention of re-hanging it, scared my poor little mutt half to death by yelling "NO" at her as she dared to enter his room, howled at the top of his lungs as I tried to answer an important phone call in his presence, pooped all over Creation, and in general, disrupted the order of the whole household for no good reason. At the moment, he is screaming and screeching in that well-known psittacine dusk-hour celebration as he prepares himself for a night of peaceful sleep... full crop, safe cage, and vigilant supervision by his long-suffering hen (that would be yours truly). Yeah, he needed an extra nap or two, and he took a scary stumble as he wrestled that paper-towel roll, but --- he felt good. What else matters?

Only you Forum members could understand, right? Right! You understand... the beauty... in our birds' noise and messes and chaos.

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