The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Great bird. Adorable. Dandy. Great, great bird.
Here we go.

You got THAT right, Rival! The Rickeybird is the BEST, and so are his incomparable, magnificent parronts, and don't you forget it!


Love Youse All!! :smile015:
Speaking of claws and life finding a way... I'm diggin' the whole Jurassic Park vibe.
The whole cold-blooded connection just can't be denied.

From the Archives.........................

A modern Fossil.

You tell me these guys aren't related.

Or these.


The Rival rests his case.
Have a good one, annnnnd PEACE OUT.
HAHAHA! This is hysterical!
Good glory!

Well, alrighty. As they used to say on Monty Python... "and now for something completely different!" And I do mean COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!

The Rickeybird has a gentle side --- when he's asleep. Gawd help me, I do love him so. So much that I make up ridiculous, embarrassing little lullabyes for our quiet moments. I cannot believe I'm sharing this. But I am!

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Awwwww, adorable! Sweet dreams, Rickybird :)
And once again, peace descends across the land. I know the feeling well. Nitey nite, you fabulous Rickeybird :smile015:
Good glory!

Well, alrighty. As they used to say on Monty Python... "and now for something completely different!" And I do mean COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!

The Rickeybird has a gentle side --- when he's asleep. Gawd help me, I do love him so. So much that I make up ridiculous, embarrassing little lullabyes for our quiet moments. I cannot believe I'm sharing this. But I am!


One man's sweet dream is another man's nightmare.
Peace OUT. Rival
Good glory!

Well, alrighty. As they used to say on Monty Python... "and now for something completely different!" And I do mean COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!

The Rickeybird has a gentle side --- when he's asleep. Gawd help me, I do love him so. So much that I make up ridiculous, embarrassing little lullabyes for our quiet moments. I cannot believe I'm sharing this. But I am!

you can sing me to sleep anytime,Ms Gail :)

It's a date. As soon as I ditch the Rickeybird and his Rival, you're on!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL....have I ever said I love this place???? :D

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy, all! Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been posting much lately. Did you miss me? SAY YES! I've had a lot going on... y'all know how it is... life can get chaotic! But I want to share some timely thoughts on my journey with the ol' Rickeybird. Some things are really changing. And some aren't.

We all hope for a long and loving relationship with our avian darlings. I never dreamed mine would last this long. I brought a 3-month-old Rickeybird chick home with me in 1984. I was in college. Now, 37 years later, I am several years into retirement. And we are still together, having endured many jobs, a couple of marriages, many moves, many traumatic life events, and a pandemic! He has been a fascinating roommate, a continual challenge, a bizarely affectionate creature, an awful burden at times, and... I love him profoundly and eternally.

What is The Rickeybird like these days?
*At dawn/dusk, he still vocalizes (screams/sings/shouts at 100+ decibels) for a solid half hour.
*He takes a lot more naps.
*He is not so steady on his feet anymore, and I have had to take away his more recklessness-inspiring toys, lest he knock himself off his perches.
*He has finally become very compliant with his Enalapril medication regimen.
*He still loves to destroy favorite toy objects.
*He delights in his daily green chile, which he woos, serenades, and then chews to little pieces, finally devouring the seeds.
*Sadly, he has become less attached to me, sometimes even avoiding my touch, making me wonder if he is experiencing dementia of some kind, not fully recognizing me. You BET that's rough.
*But I'm still the one he runs to... when he falls... at the Vet's... when he has one of his weird nightmares in the wee hours...

I have often joked that one of my most important life goals is to outlive The Rickeybird, to see him out safely and with love. In fact, I promised him that. Sometimes I feel so afraid... of what's to come. Illness? Accident? Difficult decisions? Or...? But I've done a pretty good job so far (if I do say so myself) and I plan to keep doing my best.

If ever you'd like to talk about these issues, please feel free to do that... either here or privately. Facing the end of the journey is scary, for parrots and people and pets (notice I don't categorize parrots in the latter!), but with love and bravery and this Community's support, I know we can do it. Thanks for reading.


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