The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Sis, we do indeed understand! My green dinos have taken a liking to screaming specifically to make the dog howl. The more he howls, the more they scream, and then laugh hysterically at the howling.

And all is right with the world... :D
Another day in the upside-down world pf parrot companionship...
In these days of adjustments and anxieties about his old age, today was a great one. Why?
He screamed and threatened every member of the family, tossed his fresh food onto the ceiling and walls, bit my shoulder (hard!) as I retrieved a fallen toy with the loving intention of re-hanging it, scared my poor little mutt half to death by yelling "NO" at her as she dared to enter his room, howled at the top of his lungs as I tried to answer an important phone call in his presence, pooped all over Creation, and in general, disrupted the order of the whole household for no good reason. At the moment, he is screaming and screeching in that well-known psittacine dusk-hour celebration as he prepares himself for a night of peaceful sleep... full crop, safe cage, and vigilant supervision by his long-suffering hen (that would be yours truly). Yeah, he needed an extra nap or two, and he took a scary stumble as he wrestled that paper-towel roll, but --- he felt good. What else matters?

Only you Forum members could understand, right? Right! You understand... the beauty... in our birds' noise and messes and chaos.

A fact that you already know is true Aunty G - it's a Rickeybird World, you just livin' in it!! :D
Yes, indeed, my loves... as long as I remember my place, the Earth continues to obey laws of Gravity, Relativity, and the Rickeybird.

One of the Rb's oldest and dearest party-buddies is celebrating his hatch-day tomorrow.
We love you Salty!
Happy Hatchday!
I hadn't realized it until just now... the Rb and Salty's hatchdays are kinda close. Rb is 5-5 and Salty is 6-16. Hey Al, they should hold a joint party next time!
Well, I was browsing the Chilean 'net for items relating to Tricahues (the Chilean Spanish term for Patagonian Conure Parrots) and ran across this artist's site. She makes these items representing local wildlife. Adorable! And much quieter than the real thing...

My most recent POTM venture. Just For Fun. AS IF anybody could take this as a legitimate entry..............................................

JUST FOR FUN...................................
From the Dreadful Rickeybird Scrapbook........................

The debauchery continues...
Sorry for the blurriness. The cam wasn't fast enough to catch the action!
Actual Rickeybird eggs are about a quarter the size of this regular chicken egg.

*c o n t i n u e d*

See what I mean??

Yes, yet I STILL am determined to find a decent entry. I am. Determined.
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Hahahahahahahaha! I Googled "conure egg roll" and lookie what I found!!

From July 2017 POTM Contest!
Oh, Scott, those were the days, eh? Thanks for hauling that one out! xo
Our humble entry for the July POTM......................................

Geeeez, so very sweet. The WORLD is HRH's toy. Love you always, Patches. Twins... double the adorableness.

Sorry for spamming ya with Rb/Toy photos, y'all!
But I couldn't resist. Okay...

Just for fun...

Wearing The Gladware Hat

Hiding The Naughty Stuff

Throwing The Evil Bounceyball

Going Back to the Gladware Goodies

Admiring The Wiffleball with cornrows - his true love - made by his Auntie Terry57

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd... the Tubular Bell
I promised to make THE BELL my official entry, but I can't slow the video down enough to screen-grab any still photos! And my camera isn't fast enough to get any decent shots.
Now what am I gonna do?

Rival, any inspirations?????

Here's our official entry. Gila, my love, I did my best.
Of course, we all know that it is impossible to capture the true and total charisma and character of your darling parrot,
but Gawd help me, I tried.
So, I hope to avoid sleeping on the couch.
Great bird. Adorable. Dandy. Great, great bird.
Here we go.

Official Entry

Our humble entry for the July POTM......................................

Geeeez, so very sweet. The WORLD is HRH's toy. Love you always, Patches. Twins... double the adorableness.

Sorry for spamming ya with Rb/Toy photos, y'all!
But I couldn't resist. Okay...

Just for fun...

Wearing The Gladware Hat

Hiding The Naughty Stuff

Throwing The Evil Bounceyball

Going Back to the Gladware Goodies

Admiring The Wiffleball with cornrows - his true love - made by his Auntie Terry57

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd... the Tubular Bell
I promised to make THE BELL my official entry, but I can't slow the video down enough to screen-grab any still photos! And my camera isn't fast enough to get any decent shots.
Now what am I gonna do?

Rival, any inspirations?????

Here's our official entry. Gila, my love, I did my best.
Of course, we all know that it is impossible to capture the true and total charisma and character of your darling parrot,
but Gawd help me, I tried.
So, I hope to avoid sleeping on the couch.
Great bird. Adorable. Dandy. Great, great bird.
Here we go.

Official Entry


If ever I have a bad day ( and I have way too many) All I have to do is look at the RickeyBird Scrapbook...thank you thank you Ms Gail for creating it and Thank you thank you dear friend Rival for keeping it you guys! :D

This. If there were a hilarious, i can?t stop laughing emoji, I?d put it here.

I totally agree! I laugh every time I look at those pics.

Love you Gail, Rival and Rb!!!!
I can still to this day remember with fondness the day we sent off the Devil's Tin Can, I mean the tubular bell, off to dear Gail and Rickeybird, hoping it would be received and put to good use. "Little did we know .......", which is the opening line to many a good murder mystery novel. Here's hoping the 'Bird gets many more years of enjoyment from it.

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