The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

How about this memory Gail? Salty's 1st birthday party/conference call. Went something like this:

Me: Hi Gail!
Gail: Hi A...
Gail: Hi..
Me: I'm so glad you could..
Me: Join us...
Gail: Hi Sal...
Gail: Salty
Me: Geri says...
Me: Hi
Gail: Hi Ge...
Gail: ri !
Salty: Peep
Me: Salty's been...
Me: been...
Me: having a..
Me: good birthday so..
Me: far.
Gail: He's so...
Gail: cute...

And so on for another 15 minutes! Loved every one of them!

Oh my gosh, I am dying laughing at this, this is hysterical!

Just another day in Homestead Rickey Bird!!!
And, regarding 'THAT' dear bell -- its like an announcement of Christmas coming! Well, right up to the point that our Chief of Noice adds a string of vocal quacks... :D
I will never forget that Skype, not ever. My ears are still ringing! The Rb was beside himself with excitement. Salty was such a sweet, sweet baby, perching on Al's shoulder so politely while the Rb ruined everything, as usual. Yes, OF COURSE, the occasion was immortalized in the ol' Scrapbook. Here was the original post. Good times... good, good times...
May I have a moment of your time, dear readers?

My only private, sacred area in our entire home is my desk, along with my computer. No wives or parrots are ever supposed to be spending any time there AT ALL. Now I am not a suspicious nor bickersome man by nature, but just take a look here and tell me if you notice any things that don't seem right.


Like........................ hair accessories on the desk top screen, feathers here and there, dander and poop there and here, plastic foot toys, green chile remnants on the floor........................

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May I suggest, dearest Rival, that it has ever been this way? That the illusion of the sacredness of your man-cave was exactly that, an illusion?? They've been gleefully invading your private domain from the start but they just don't care about covering their tracks anymore! Nothing is sacred!!
May I have a moment of your time, dear readers?

My only private, sacred area in our entire home is my desk, along with my computer. No wives or parrots are ever supposed to be spending any time there AT ALL. Now I am not a suspicious nor bickersome man by nature, but just take a look here and tell me if you notice any things that don't seem right.


Like........................ hair accessories on the desk top screen, feathers here and there, dander and poop there and here, plastic foot toys, green chile remnants on the floor........................


Kirby??...KIRby???....KIRBY!!!... I'm sorry bro but thats just TOO funny not to LOL!

May I have a moment of your time, dear readers?

My only private, sacred area in our entire home is my desk, along with my computer. No wives or parrots are ever supposed to be spending any time there AT ALL. Now I am not a suspicious nor bickersome man by nature, but just take a look here and tell me if you notice any things that don't seem right.


Like........................ hair accessories on the desk top screen, feathers here and there, dander and poop there and here, plastic foot toys, green chile remnants on the floor........................


this is so funny, I can't stand it!!!! Laughed till tears if happiness ran down my face!!!! What a great wat to start my morning!@! I always enjoy this thread but sometimes one or the other of you pulls out all the stops!!!!!
May I have a moment of your time, dear readers?

My only private, sacred area in our entire home is my desk, along with my computer. No wives or parrots are ever supposed to be spending any time there AT ALL. Now I am not a suspicious nor bickersome man by nature, but just take a look here and tell me if you notice any things that don't seem right.


Like........................ hair accessories on the desk top screen, feathers here and there, dander and poop there and here, plastic foot toys, green chile remnants on the floor........................


HAHAHA! This was the laugh I so needed this morning!
Kirby, I have a like space in our home, common referred to as 'his' room. The room contains very important documents, computer (laptop) and all the common accessories and their connecting wires, although WiFi has helped greatly!

Point being, long ago, I have come to understand that our Amazon and his Girl Friend in fact own the room and I am allow in from time to time...

Feel your pain!
Thank you for your support, my friends.

I wish to state unequivocally that I have no knowledge of this situation. Specifically... I do not recognize the toys; I don't know anybody who has yellow belly feathers; I have no interest in animal-print hair clips from Amazon; I don't know any parrots who like chile peppers.

FURTHERMORE, I have on occasion seen your sister and her Pomeranian at your desk. I have also observed hair clips on your side of the bathroom cabinet. Last but not least, your lips are no stranger to the caress of green chiles.

GOOD DAY, sir!
Trickery is a foot
As All Hallow's eve nears
ghostly parrot signs appear
The good sir's wife is in a pout
she doesn't know what he is talking about!
Sir has feathers,toys,and peppers dropped
This invasion must be stopped!
The wife's as innocent as a dove
Its the ghost that must get the shove
Spooks might squawk
But the office is getting a new lock!
Trickery is a foot
As All Hallow's eve nears
ghostly parrot signs appear
The good sir's wife is in a pout
she doesn't know what he is talking about!
Sir has feathers,toys,and peppers dropped
This invasion must be stopped!
The wife's as innocent as a dove
Its the ghost that must get the shove
Spooks might squawk
But the office is getting a new lock!

The muse is certainly upon you today Laura, this is AWESOME!! :D
Oh Laura, you've set a very high bar here, I bow to your far superior skills! This is as good as it gets from me today I'm afraid!

"Oh Rickey, dear Rickey, the evidence trail,
In Rival’s man-cave, tells a mischievous tale,
Of a lewd Hot Henzsszszzszssz Party,
But The Bird's such a smarty,
That Rival’s the one who will end up in jail!"
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Its fun! I only copied your early play with words and limerick, because its fun :) and Gail and rival don't seem to mind ;)
Thank you for your support, my friends.

I wish to state unequivocally that I have no knowledge of this situation. Specifically... I do not recognize the toys; I don't know anybody who has yellow belly feathers; I have no interest in animal-print hair clips from Amazon; I don't know any parrots who like chile peppers.

FURTHERMORE, I have on occasion seen your sister and her Pomeranian at your desk. I have also observed hair clips on your side of the bathroom cabinet. Last but not least, your lips are no stranger to the caress of green chiles.

GOOD DAY, sir!

Could it be the sister with the pomeranian?
Even tho all signs point to avain?

Interesting clue the animal print clips
But whoever uses them has sealed lips

The road to truth has become quite hilly
It all depends on who eats green chili!
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Heads up, dear readers!

LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW (Washington Irving, 1820), move over..........................

I give you.....................................
LEGEND OF OFFICE HOLLOW (Laurasea, 2020)............................
And SEQUEL TO OFFICE HOLLOW................... (LaMartina, 2020)

[ame=""]Sleepy Hollow - CHEERS! - YouTube[/ame]


Okay, wait a minute, hang on, HANG ON...

Rival and the Bird
It is a competion?
Sorry, you fail, bud.

Arigato. ありがとうございました
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Well, Kirby (aka The Rickeybird's Rival) is promising a fitting reply to the dazzling poetry and hilarious repartee of the past few days. I can only hope he is gracious in his defeat. Honestly, what did he expect?

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