The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

"Hello this here is the Rickeybird tappin on yer computer screen (*BONK BONK BONK*) I CAN SEE YOU!!!!! So lookie here thanks for all the views an replies an thanks for noticing, specially you hot hens what nose how to let that inner dinosaur out for some real fun. Matter of fack later on we have special party all y'all hens show up at 730-11 o'clock an do a lil chorus line dance for me to celebrate the new total views, and I will be watchin with my printscreen ready!!!" (*BONK BONK BONK*)

Oh, Rickeybird!
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Congratulations, RB! Quarter million views only confirms what we already knew! You're a phenomenon! And a hearty thanks to Abs for so effectively channeling his mischievous inner thoughts for our shared enjoyment/utter terror!
IT'S THAT TIME OF YEAR, BOYS AND GIRLS.....................................
From the Archived Rickeybird Christmas Song Book
First Installment of Several, courtesy of your humble Scrapbook Archivist

And now, the first in a series of Blasts from the Past
from your Loyal Archivist
I believe this little gem is sung to the tune of "Hark, The Herald", may God forgive me.


Well tune up those vocal chords. The next little (cough, cough) treasure from the Archives is from @2016, I believe. Sung to the tune of ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS MY TWO FRONT TEETH.................................

An Archivist's work is never done. Karickeyaoke, indeed.
This is apparently a wild Rickeybird. The rousing carol is sung to the tune of GOOD KING WENCESLAS. I particularly enjoy the humility and modesty, so appropriate in this season of giving and good will. Sing it, Bird.

More to come, boys and girls, more to come..........................................
Keep spreadin' dat Holiday Cheer RB...we here in innerweb lan' have ton's of respeck for you!

No one rings in the holiday season like the RB!
From the Boats' household!
"We three Boats of glory and Amazon joy" and then Julio's version goes down hill rapidly!!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, is there anything quite like the holiday season here on the Parrot Forums?????




And here we go!
From the Archived Rickeybird Christmas Song Book
Second Installment

You know, a songbook is a good idea. I'll put the wife right on it. Also, THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS deserves a parody. I'll put her on that, too.
Meanwhile, here is the first of three special little ditties by a wild Patagonian. Patagonia Got Talent? They got something alright.
This doozy is to the tune of RUDOLPH THE REDNOSED REINDEER. I don't really get it. I guess that if your clothes get pooped on you have to take them off. A likely story.

And on that note...................................those notes.......................
We have another exciting submission from the Patagonia Got Talent series. Degrading yet another holiday carol, this one is to the tune of WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS.

I shall follow in order...
On the Ninth Day of Christmas, the Rb sent to me...
Nine Ladies Dancing...
[That sounds harmless enough]
Oh, wait...

"Nine Henz a-twerkin'!!!!!"

Yes, more to come, girls and boys.................................the holiday season is young.........................
Let's all practice together and then we can go caroling on another bird forum and terrorize everybody. Or we could just send the Rickeybird. Yeah, let's just do that!
Tingle toes
Tingle toes
Tingle toes all the way

Hey! Has my toes froze?!

Oh what fun to hide
In an open box, yeah!

Dashing through the house
Hey outta the way

Crashing through the house
Laughing all the way

Bells on toys are ringing
And RickeyBird is singing

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What a truly wonderful thought for the Season. True Kindness offered to other Parrot Like Forums.

"Yes, more to come, girls and boys.................................the holiday season is young.........................
Let's all practice together and then we can go caroling on another bird forum and terrorize everybody. Or we could just send the Rickeybird. Yeah, let's just do that!

What a wonder thing to do to those totally unprepared. Those who have never been hand-feed (questionable word usage :D ), over many years, the Rickeybird experience. What a mind twist that would be!!! So, "Yeah, let's just do that!"

Sounds like a perfect excuse to increase the stores of "Cold Ones" and Popcorn!!!
Bumble and I would like to submit, for your consideration, this classic

Have a bumble-wumble Christmas
It’s the best holiday yet
I don’t know if there’ll be snow
But have a Parrotlet

Have a bumble-wumble Christmas
And when you walk down the street
I’ll fly around, you’ll hear the sound
Of me singing tweet tweet

Oh-ho the mistletoe
hung where I can perch
If you’re under the mistletoe
I’ll poop on your shirt

Have a bumble-wumble Christmas
And I case you didn’t hear
Don’t you fumble! Have a Bumble-wumble Christmas this year!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Laura and Inger have truly joined in the happy holiday cheer, I see. Let's hear it for the ladies, carolers! Their smackin' rhymes are outshone only by their good hearts. Bless you.

Unfortunately, Boats has my number. Cold ones and popcorn................... the Bird and I may finally have found a basis for solidarity. It's all about the cold ones for me, and as for the dark-hearted singer of "nine hens-a-twerking" (see previous page)..................................

From the trusty Scrapbook Archives
Ladies, thank you! Thank you for showing us that carols can be lilting and lovely and uplifting. No (*ahem*) hens a-twerking needed for a good time. Let the boys have their rooster racket!


"HEnZ a-TwERkIN???!!!"



Oh, Rickeybird!
I just ran across this...
The people of Patagonia and nearby lands really love their Patagonian Conures... they call them Loros Barranqueros or Burrowing Parrots or Tricahues.
Here's an educational cartoon that I found absolutely enchanting!
It's a safe download and worth the trouble. Oh, it IS in Spanish, but pretty self-explanatory. It shows all kinds of stuff about the birds, their characteristics, burrowing and breeding, and behavior. It gets off to a hilarious start when a rabbit is trying to get comfy in his warren at the base of a mountain cliff-face full of nesting Patagonians, who are so LOUD that the poor bunny is quaking and complaining. Poor thing! I can relate...

Well well well.................................................
That little movie is worthy of Tim Burton. Let's just call it The Nightmare Before Christmas IN PATAGONIA.
From the Archived Rickeybird Christmas Song Book
Third Installment

And now for this episode of Patagonia's Got Talent (Not).
I see no redeeming characteristics to this version of DECK THE HALLS whatsoever but here it is.
I do have it on good authority that we will have some brand new carols this year. Oh, joy.

Thank you, thank you.
As we keep our spirits strong, here is another carol from the archives. 2017 this time. Let's sing it to the tune of THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME (for the holidays).

Brilliant, Manuka.

And now......................
Your humble archivist opens the Scrapbook of Christmasses past yet again to offer this rousing favorite from 2016. Sing it, Bird. ~cringe~
IT'S THAT TIME OF YEAR, BOYS AND GIRLS.....................................
From the Archived Rickeybird Christmas Song Book
First Installment of Several, courtesy of your humble Scrapbook Archivist

And now, the first in a series of Blasts from the Past
from your Loyal Archivist
I believe this little gem is sung to the tune of "Hark, The Herald", may God forgive me.


Well tune up those vocal chords. The next little (cough, cough) treasure from the Archives is from @2016, I believe. Sung to the tune of ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS MY TWO FRONT TEETH.................................

An Archivist's work is never done. Karickeyaoke, indeed.
This is apparently a wild Rickeybird. The rousing carol is sung to the tune of GOOD KING WENCESLAS. I particularly enjoy the humility and modesty, so appropriate in this season of giving and good will. Sing it, Bird.

More to come, boys and girls, more to come..........................................

Okay, I tell ya what... if the holidays are grinding you down a bit, try this. Pick one of these carols (I particularly favor "Good King Rickeybird" at the moment) and actually sing it, maybe to yourself, or maybe to somebody else, or maybe just to your bird. Maybe leave it on somebody's answering machine or phone. Open up and let it rip. Loud as you got it. Some Rickeybird good cheer from our house to yours.
I like Hark, the Harold! I needed this yesterday, I had the holidays blues..

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