The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Gail, you and Rival give every bit as much as you get here on the forum, you both are amazing people and I am so honoured to know you both. Rb feels like a member of the family and your tales of him always make me smile! Not to mention how much hope it gives to others that he has been a part of your family for 35 years. That is amazing, and an inspiration.

I remember when we discussed me wanting Phoe to be the subject of your artwork for me, you only saw Phoe for the beauty he was inside, rather than his lack of feathers. I am the one who is honoured to have this beautiful creation of yours as my avatar. You understood him, and your many PMs to me about him showed me how much you cared about us both.*I'm so glad I got to hear your voice this morning, it made my day. Sending hugs to you and Rival, and scritches to the Rb:)

Looking forward to the new Rb Holiday Song book addition!
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This rose is from Terry's birthday thread, but I think it makes a nice appearance here.

I admit I was snarky when the Missus first pressured me to join here but the Forums are a welcome part of our daily lives now. Terry helped me pick my name out, so you can see we go way back.

This is a nice time of year to reflect on our Community here. See? I'm not always snarky.

"Happy biRdDay Terry, sorry they made me late to wish you Happy Day but I was lockeded iN closet with no fOODs or water an several cats and dogs which tried to eAt me an also they told me you was out of town an your comPuter broke an anyway they sAid the mAfia was after you an you had to hide out so I misseD yer biRthDay but wasnt my fault as plainly you can See so HAPPY BIRTHAyYyYyYyYyYyY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here's you a rose but donT eat it I alreadY tasted and is not very good."

Happy Birthday, Terry!
I love this and it made me smile once again!
We do go back a ways, don't we? And I have never seen you be snarky in all that time!
If Rickeybird called you snarky, I think he may have an ulterior motive to get extra chili peppers:)
"See? I'm not always snarky."

What, the Rival being snarky... Now sneaky snarky, while plying RB, within a mist of smoke and mirrors, heck yaaaaa!

A Cool One Your Way, good friend!!! Well Played!!!

Well, Okay, and all the nice things Terry said also!!!
No not snarky at all! Snarky is our Kevin! Kevin has taken the award for premier snark on the forums! [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] and we love him.

Forums need Rival and RB and Gail to keep us grounded...or looking over our shoulders? Eh Rickeybird?

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I love you guys!

Like I always say, snarky is as snarky does. Kevin is a total snark. Rival is... well... snark-ish! There. The Rickeybird does not have an adequate command of language to be snarky. To wit: he thinks Snarky is the name of that cute Latina on Jersey Shores (on MTV, his favorite channel), and he is in love with her now that he has lost interest in J-Lo, who hasn't had any new hits or videos in a long time.
Where was I going with all this?
Oh, yes, about the Rb not being snarky. He's just plain mean. I have once again risked life and limbic system* to channel a message from him...

*lol at MYSELF - that's a good one!


Oh, Rickeybird!

I have channeled the Rickeybird's final addition to
The Rickeybird Holiday Songbook for 2019.
Rival has already promised (threatened?) to present the whole thing again in 2020.

And with that, I give you the following, sung to the tune (or at least part of it) of
"The Twelve Days of Christmas"


Oh, Rickeybird!
Flashback to 1973 - after all these years I finally understand why I was so TERRIFIED of Santa - it was the Rickeybird under that big white beard all along!!!


"Send now or die!" ... jeepers creepers!!

Gotta go find something to settle my nerves now... :eek:
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I have channeled the Rickeybird's final addition to
The Rickeybird Holiday Songbook for 2019.
Rival has already promised (threatened?) to present the whole thing again in 2020.

And with that, I give you the following, sung to the tune (or at least part of it) of
"The Twelve Days of Christmas"


Oh, Rickeybird!

I'm preparing a large bag of rudders and sleeves and underfluffies from Amy and The Beebs to send to your Hot Hen,'zzz she can wave 'em under your noses and tell you "See? dis is wot real burdz smellz like". Then she can make some sort of ornamental type hangy-dangy to hang above your house so's you can look at allatime. Hows dat for a Merry Christmas Joy To The Wurl present...pal 'o mine????


I have channeled the Rickeybird's final addition to
The Rickeybird Holiday Songbook for 2019.
Rival has already promised (threatened?) to present the whole thing again in 2020.

And with that, I give you the following, sung to the tune (or at least part of it) of
"The Twelve Days of Christmas"


Oh, Rickeybird!

Hahahahaha! RB's 12 Days of Christmas are utterly terrifying!

Flashback to 1973 - after all these years I finally understand why I was so TERRIFIED of Santa - it was the Rickeybird under that big white beard all along!!!


"Send now or die!" ... jeepers creepers!!

Gotta go find something to settle my nerves now... :eek:

Such a cutie! But yes, that is stark terror writ upon your face! Hahahahaha! But who could blame you? Random dude dressed in an unseasonably warm red and white outfit (yep, I know my winter is your summer) with a weird hat and unkempt beard just invading your private space like that? Pfft! Sounds like a healthy survival response to me! For one of my sons, it was the Easter Bunny who terrified him. Lol! Can't blame him, either!
Holidays can be like that, eh?

Moments of sheer joy and awful terror...
Happy sentiment and sad memories...
Delicious punch and burned cookies...
Festive raiment and ugly sweaters...
Beautiful music and sour notes...

Yet we press ahead here on the ol' Parrot Forums!
And, a warm and loud Christmas Day to my fellow Parrot Friends as your Parrots awake and bring more cheer (in their own way) to all of us...
A Very Merry Christmas My Good Friends!
Well said, Admiral Boats, well said! In fact...



I'm getting ready for the New Year in a new way...!

Back in September, I was showing some 'feather art' that I made out of the Rickeybird's moulted 2019 feathers, collected throughout both his moults during the year.
I'm finished, having used up the entire 2019 batch. Maybe I'll do another set in 2020... not sure.

Anyway, here's the finished "gallery".
It was a lot of fun. As you can see, designs can be as intricate as a portrait or as simple as a little squiggle. All it takes --- some glue... maybe a paper or background design... even an existing ornament, or anything to which you could glue feathers... and of course... FEATHERS!!



Oh, Rickeybird!
Hahaha RB!

When Alex molts a feather I show it to him and in mock horror declare that he is FALLLINGGG APARTTTT, Alex(think, "the room" style)! After 17+ years I think he is tired of it.

[ame=""]You're Tearing Me Apart, Lisa! The Room - YouTube[/ame]

The little birdy on the finger is possibly my favorite. How wonderful. I need to get off my lazy butt and do some feathercrafting too!
Ahhh... The Room...
"Things Have Learnt to Walk That Ought to Crawl" comes to mind.

Yes, get to feathercrafting! And thank you for that term. Let's go with it!
That is a wonderful idea! I have access to tons of feathers at the shop; when I asked if could keep a feather from our hyacinth, they told me I was welcome to keep any shed feathers I want from any of the birds. I should really start crafting. Thank you for the inspiration!
They do make striking displays. And the missus has passed many a beguiled hour making them.
And, as the mercenary half of our marriage (Gila is my wife) I will also advise you that those feathers, especially the long tail feathers, sell for amazing prices on eBay and Etsy..................... just sayin'!!!
They do make striking displays. And the missus has passed many a beguiled hour making them.
And, as the mercenary half of our marriage (Gila is my wife) I will also advise you that those feathers, especially the long tail feathers, sell for amazing prices on eBay and Etsy..................... just sayin'!!!

Wow. Those... ARE amazing prices. :eek: Thank you!

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