The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

There's a reason the RB's thread is fast approaching a quarter million views....... this s**t iust plain funny !!! I mean squirting liquid from the nostrils funny. One never knows quite what the RB will say, but it's a safe bet henz and chilies will be involved.

Thanks Gail and Rival for a sure laugh every view !!!

Saw this and laughed thinking of RB. NO ONE TOUCH THE CHILIS!!!

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RB's band...

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"Shhhhhh, c'mere, Laura, you really GET me, baybee, hey lissen here, i decided you the only one for me, i give all the others up for good juss you an me. you bring all your peppers over later and we share em then we get married, then you can drop me off at LaManukie's house I share her peppers, then I got to be back home in times for supper so Gail don't get suspiciously, then you come over next day an we do it all again tomorrow! This gonna be great! Hey, you got phone number for any other hens what gots peppers too?? Shhhhhhhhh!!!!!!"

Looks like all this rhyming and romance has put the Scrapbook over the edge!

This Scrapbook has been over the edge for a very long time. Like since about 1985. I just sit back and watch. But today is special since it is the missus' birthday........................ how many, you ask....................... she's 39 again, I am informed. But since the Rb was hatched in '84 I guess that makes him -1 in Scrapbook years???????????????????? I wish you all well while I go hide behind my Lazyboy and enjoy a few cold ones.

Thanks, dahlings all. You too, dudes. Peace out. Rival.
Thank you all, my loves! Yes, Happy Birthday to Me. It would be neither complete nor satisfactory without a visit to our Community here. This place is better than the United State Post office... "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds"... I can always count on y'all for friendly howdies. And when the spirit is right, I channel the Rb for a quick trip to Planet Rickeybird. Thank you all for the rhymes, pepperology, words of good humor, juicy photography, red hot video action, and all around good cheer. May the Capsaicin be with you...
(writing down in my little black book)… HAPPY BIRTHDAY MS GAIL! :05:

Happy birthday!
The over the edge is why we keep coming back!
OMG...this thread is the best...Gail, happy (possibly belated) birthday and Rival_of_the_Rickeybird, thank you for an excellent dialogue hahah!
Ohhh i hope your day was amazing Gail! Happiest of days to you!!!

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If that doesn't look like a dinosaur...:54:

Looks like he is saying " i double dog dare you to resist my cute baby self!!! "
What an adorable baby Rickeybird, photographed at a research facility in Patagonia, Argentina. This chick is about ten days old.
He is saying "Gimme a kissie-wissie!" No, wait, he speaks Spanish. Make that "Dame un besso-wesso!"

WOW, at 10 days and already the personality is so visible!

And, Jim you nailed it: "If that doesn't look like a dinosaur..."

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