And now for something completely different...
Recently, I found myself staring at a huge pile of the Rb's feathers. I routinely save them for kids, crafters, and whomever may want them for whatever. But this time, I felt an urge to fiddle with them myself. I had a good assortment due to his BIGGG yearly end-of-summer molt.
I decided to raid my art supplies/stash, and I gathered up some Elmer's glue, scissors and styrofoam board, acrylic paint, and odds 'n' ends. As many of you know, I'm retired and therefore able to nerd out for extended periods of time, and so...
I commandeered the big living room coffee table, and after much sorting, sketching, puttering and playing... ta-da!!!!!! I have enough feathers for a few more projects.
If you don't already do stuff with your birds' feathers, I recommend it!
It was fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And, in further developments...
What I see...
What the Rb sees...
Yeah, it's a feathery HOUSE OF HORRORS here alright. It all started with that talking heap of feathers on the left there, and now it's all over the walls.
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