The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

I have channeled the Rickeybird concerning an important matter!


"Tomorrow gonna be National Popcorn Day, so everbody must send me (which am the Rickeybird) all their popcorn an I specially like the popcorn what has the cashewws in it. Thank you very much an dont forget or else."

There you have it.
Fantastic I made popcorn for the birds today!!! Lots left over for tomorrow!
Moving along from popcorn and parties to domestic life...

This was shot just a few days ago by somebody who was sampling birds of Patagonia. Patagonian Conures are called "Loros Barranqueros" there... so the title is "Mr. Patagonian Conure". I love footage in the wild --- I like to to see what vocalizations are innate versus learned/mimicked.

This particular call is the exact one that I hear when the Rickeybird is claiming a toy or chile, or being territorial or warning others to stay away from his hen (that would be me). The bird's posture is so familiar. I am sure that's the female, scrambling around anxiously below him, hoping he doesn't take it out on her or snap at her to drive her to safety of the burrow. I CAN SOOOOOOOOOO RELATE!

I really recommend looking for any footage of your bird's species in the wild. It's fun to see their behavior and hear their calls.
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{Note to new folks............... GaleriaGila is my lovely wife and the Rickeybird is my despicable rival.............. sometimes I have to step in and set the record, er, scrapbook, straight.}

Now, about that video.......................I'm actually going to defend that rooster.

So Mrs. Conure is watching her ol' man doing his thing AND I QUOTE "hoping he doesn't take it out on her or snap at her to drive her to safety of the burrow"??? Looks to me as if he is dutifully patrolling his territory while his missus is complaining and griping and taking it easy, maybe doing some pilates or whatever.

And as far as how you "relate", I hope you're talking about the Rickeybird, not me. I have never once snapped at you in an attempt to drive you to a burrow.

Rival, peace out. :)
What a pretty picture! Nice to meet you.

I'm not quite sure why you dropped by, but you're a hen, right (?) and if so, the Rickeybird would probably like to ask you out on a date, especially since you are bringing your own goodies!

If you're a male, well, the Rickeybird can always use a good WING MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kevin has been waiting for his chilis today! Habaneros running short on the continent!

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Oh, no! The world must help the Continent through this tragedy! Somebody alert the UN! We must organize a Habanero air lift!

Meanwhile, the Rickeybird never fails to gloat over his own bounty. Here he is enjoying a hot pepper while laughing at those who are less fortunate. Oh, Rickeybird!

P.S. I was cleaning the cage and that's why all the toys are gone... I promise!
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Weeeell, since the way to his heart is through his beak....

(nudge nudge, wink wink)
I'm channeling the Rb, especially for Christa!


"Ohhhh my beakie, my beakie, my beakie of mine,
It chews up the chiles on which I will dine,
It bites other roosters and keeps them in line,
And kisses hottt henses like Christa so fine!"
Hahahahahahaha, oh Gail you made my day! (probably week)

Sunny is trying an alternative route to *my* heart... straight up my nose!
(I hope the RB's sense of anatomy is a bit better)
She is a blonde...


Sunny tongue up my nose.webp
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A blast from the past for Sunny...


This is not the real Rickeybird; it's one of his stunt doubles! Actually, this bird on the right is apparently an astonishing Patagonian color mutation... somewhere in South America... stunning, si? I only saw this one example, and it was not named or bred at the time I found it.
I love rare mutations!! that one looks like lutino but lutinos have red eyes.. Somewhere I also saw cinnamon mutation
Edit: I've found the side and there isn't named as cinamon but is not named.
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A blast from the past for Sunny...


This is not the real Rickeybird; it's one of his stunt doubles! Actually, this bird on the right is apparently an astonishing Patagonian color mutation... somewhere in South America... stunning, si? I only saw this one example, and it was not named or bred at the time I found it.

Just Wow! You never stop amazing me with your Patagonia conure photos and finds.
I'm channeling the Rb, especially for Christa!


"Ohhhh my beakie, my beakie, my beakie of mine,
It chews up the chiles on which I will dine,
It bites other roosters and keeps them in line,
And kisses hottt henses like Christa so fine!"

Okay, while we're on the subject of beaks.............................................
It has been a while since I have discharged my duties as Scrapbook Archivist. Lest my lovely wife think I am slacking excessively, I offer this compendium, in honor of "The Beakie". ~shudder~




Thanks, ladies... that "blonde" bird is stunning, isn't it?

Ahhhhhhhhhhh, dear Rival, how sweet. You found some good beakie ones alright.

Oh, look! The Rickeybird has one of his Public Service Announcements!
Thanks, ladies... that "blonde" bird is stunning, isn't it?

Ahhhhhhhhhhh, dear Rival, how sweet. You found some good beakie ones alright.

Oh, look! The Rickeybird has one of his Public Service Announcements!

"You're a regular riot Alice" hahahaha :D:

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