The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

It's amazing how much is caught on security camera at your place! Can't get away with nothing there! ;)

Why do you think a huge chunck of the misdeeds etc. are planned right here, online ;)

"Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy speakin of holidays an such, tomorrow is National TRIVIA Day, an lets us all celebrate it, alright alright alright!!!
Here some good trivia questions,
I ask an ansers them too
an we see if we git a winner!
How many toys did the Rickeybird which am ME did he bite yesterday? 14!
Did the Rickeybird which am ME eat pecans yesterday? YES!
Will the Rickeybird which am ME ring his bell today before or after he gets a chile? BOTH!
All ansers were correct, I which am the Rickeybird am the winner so here is my prizes, no need to wait tilll tomorrow!
Bring or send to this addre
ss: 123 Rickeybird Lane, PeeOhBox xyz OhHiOh.
*All hot henz what nose how to party
*57elevenmillion dollars
*Green chilees all what you got
Okay, thank you an have a great National Trivia Day."​

Thank you very much, Rickeybird, which am YOU. Most informative.
I'll need a quick nap now. Channeling the Rickeybird is hard work.

Well, for my part... I am the helpless victim of the Rickeybird, who takes control of my mind and forces me to channel his evil inclinations. As for the Rival, he is a just flat out a...


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I am not a hater. I love the dang little rooster. All I want is for him to be happy. Here, let me prove it.

Okay, so tomorrow is National SAVE THE EAGLES Day. Lookie here, they need our help.
I'm going to see about getting the Rickeybird involved. Eagles seem like nice enough roomates for a Patagonian, right?
Maybe a mild-mannered hen what "nose how to party", eh, Bird?
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Well, that mild manner Hen had 70 seconds in that video and never once removed the face of her handler or severed the handler's arm. What could go wrong?
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"Save the Eagles"? Don Henley leaving the group??? :confused: Oh...sorry....wrong Eagles! :p

The Eagles are safe!

But I'm a little worried about these Rickeybirds.
This video is only a few days old, so they may well be flying free even as we speak.
The birds are magnificent to watch, but I worry about predators and other hazards. I think this is somewhere in Southeast Asia...
So if the Rickeybird had a girlfriend, and was a free-roaming rooster, here's what he'd look like.

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Ms Gail...DON'T show that vid to Rickey OR Rival! It may give one of them ( or both!) ideas!!

BTW..that was a beautiful sight :07: Thank you for sharing it! :)

I agree Gail. It is very cool to watch, but how awful would it be if a hawk or eagle flew in and grabbed one. Especially, b/c they are alerting the predators while they're flying. Yikes
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Mwach, birds of prey are the reason the parrots evolved to be such smashing fast and acrobatic flyers...

it is the captive-bred ones that are in real danger because they are not trained to look out for themselves and all the dangers.
Well speaking of eagles of the tropics.... This is yours truly at the Eagles Heritage Raptor Centre, at Beedelup Falls Western Australia, sometime in the last century when I used to work for a little (!) airline called Ansett and pre-digital cameras (!!). The red-backed sea-eagle (or Brahminy kite) in question was a rescue having been kept for years as a "pet" in a parrot cage way too small, and thankfully found his way into the caring hands of the wonderful people at the Raptor centre. The handler asked the audience who would like to have a go at holding him (pick me pick me pick me!) so I proceed to do probably totally the wrong thing and talk to him like I'm talking to my pet budgie but as you can see from the look of his sweet little face he is taking it all in very good humour :) ...(he probably gets that a lot from dumb tourists like me!) At least on that particular day he decided not to rip my face off.

Brahminy kites are regularly found in coastal Australia, India and South-east Asia... but hopefully there were none around when our friends Lilo and Bintang were on their excursion!



(PS the handler looked unimpressed didn't he!!)
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Neato!!!!!! Love the pics
And I don't know what you are talking about, that handler looks thrilled!
Neato!!!!!! Love the pics
And I don't know what you are talking about, that handler looks thrilled!

Suuuuuure he does! Just like the driver of the boat on an albatross-spotting tour we took in Kaikoura in New Zealand. MASSIVE wandering albatross swooped down and landed near the boat and starts paddling over, I'm leaning over the side tapping on the boat's hull to encourage him closer, the driver is wondering if he needs to get the first aid kit out because my fingers to an albatross resembling nothing more than a tasty snack of sardines! The albatross got to within about two metres of the boat when the same thought finally dawned on me too (see previous about dumb tourists!) ... YIKES that is a BIG BEAK!!


And here's a picture :)
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How FUN are these pictures?! COOOL! I think you and your fingers are quite brave. That albatross is absolutely regal. They're 15-20 pounds, right? And his expression is quite fierce! Wait, where have I seen that before...???

Oh, yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Neato!!!!!! Love the pics
And I don't know what you are talking about, that handler looks thrilled!

Suuuuuure he does! Just like the driver of the boat on an albatross-spotting tour we took in Kaikoura in New Zealand. MASSIVE wandering albatross swooped down and landed near the boat and starts paddling over, I'm leaning over the side tapping on the boat's hull to encourage him closer, the driver is wondering if he needs to get the first aid kit out because my fingers to an albatross resembling nothing more than a tasty snack of sardines! The albatross got to within about two metres of the boat when the same thought finally dawned on me too (see previous about dumb tourists!) ... YIKES that is a BIG BEAK!!

And here's a picture :)


I dunno...that "look" on that Albie's were one brave woman there 'Nuka :eek: Sardine fingerettes indeed! :04:

The Rb has invaded my mind again and is forcing me to channel his efforts at a new internet empire. Maybe all this talk about beaks has made him feel insecure.

(little innocent girl with a nice attractive basket brimming with chille-peppers: )

Oh grandfather what a BIG beak you have.....?
All the better to BITE you with!! :)

Uh oh it seems I may have inadvertently given the Rb a serious case of PBE (Psittacine Beak Envy) ... who knows what unexplored territory this may lead to ...
Oh, geeez, yeah, remember the whole thing when the roosters got to bragging about their feet? For once, I'll let the Rival have the last word.

The Bird's feet are a source of a lot of Scrapbook drama lately. lol
It seems there was a debate among the roosters as to the quality of their 'feets'.


"Here is totallyy unreetouchded photo of my excellent large feets!"


"Okay, okay, these my real feets, these my real feets!"

For me, they'll always just be the last thing you see before your eyes get gouged.
I have channeled the Rickeybird concerning an important matter!


"Tomorrow gonna be National Popcorn Day, so everbody must send me (which am the Rickeybird) all their popcorn an I specially like the popcorn what has the cashewws in it. Thank you very much an dont forget or else."

There you have it.

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