The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Is that his not-so-secret stash of cocaine he is so jealously guarding?
"Hey, I don't need no stimmoolints, I just high on rooster juice! Seeeee???
I gonna be up all Neww Yeerz Eve.
All you hott henz what nose how to party,
you come an see for yourselfss!!!"


Oh, Rickeybird!!
Oh Rickeybird you know you still got it all baby! You go teach all them young pretenders how to REALLY party. Happy New Year Aunty Gail and Uncle Kirby!
From the Archives...... 2016......


(Sung to tune of the New Year anthem "1999", by Prince, who was a hot rooster himself, like MEEE!)

"I was screamin' when I wrote this
Forgive me if I poop away!
When I woke up this mornin'
Coulda sworn that it was New Year's Day.
My cage door was open,
There were humans runnin' everywhere
Tryin' to run from my destruction,
And you know I didn't even care!

'Cuz they say two thousand-zero-18 party over,
Oops, out of time!
So tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999!
(((((((((I was only 15 then!!!!!)))))))

I was screamin' when I wrote this
So bite me if I go too fast!
But life is just a chile, and a chile wasn't meant too last!
War is all around us, my mind says prepare to fly,
So if I gotta die I'm gonna listen to my chiles tonight!

Yeah, they say two thousand-zero-zero-18 party over,
Oops, out of time!
So tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999!!!!

Lemme tell ya somethin',
If ya didn't come to party,
Don't bother bangin' on my cage!
I got a lion in my beakie,
And baby, he's ready to rage!
Yeah, all these rulers got a bomb,
We could all die any day!
But before I'll let that happen,
I'll scream my life away!

C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, get in the zone!
Fun roosterz, g'on!
Hot henz, come on!

C'mon, sing this song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"[/QUOTE]​
Too many chilli's on New Years Eve RB?? :confused:


"Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy speakin of holidays an such, tomorrow is National TRIVIA Day, an lets us all celebrate it, alright alright alright!!!
Here some good trivia questions,
I ask an ansers them too
an we see if we git a winner!
How many toys did the Rickeybird which am ME did he bite yesterday? 14!
Did the Rickeybird which am ME eat pecans yesterday? YES!
Will the Rickeybird which am ME ring his bell today before or after he gets a chile? BOTH!
All ansers were correct, I which am the Rickeybird am the winner so here is my prizes, no need to wait tilll tomorrow!
Bring or send to this addre
ss: 123 Rickeybird Lane, PeeOhBox xyz OhHiOh.
*All hot henz what nose how to party
*57elevenmillion dollars
*Green chilees all what you got
Okay, thank you an have a great National Trivia Day."​

Thank you very much, Rickeybird, which am YOU. Most informative.
I'll need a quick nap now. Channeling the Rickeybird is hard work.
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And a Happy NATIONAL TRIVIA DAY to everybody, sure, why not?
I find the above to be a particularly poorly-conceived contest, if I may say.
How about this one?
How many cups of coffee did I have this morning, before anybody else woke up? 4
What dessert am I thinking of right now? Pineapple Upside Down Cake
What was my CubScout Leader's name? Mr. Healey
All answers were correct. Here is my prize. Message me with a claim number for one freight ticket to Patagonia for a crate measuring 2' by 2'. No questions asked.
Clearly, you are both individuals of sophistication and resourcefulness. Having not received my prize of a Patagonia shipment arrangement, I am willing to settle for a fare to a Downunder location. The same 2' x 2' crate will be fine, but let's mark it THIS END UP with an arrow pointing down, for............ wait for it...................... Patagonian Upside Down Conure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice try Rival, send the Rb “Down Under”, strictly in the name of science ... see if he arrives upside down, does the toilet flush clockwise or counter-clockwise and so forth. Something tells me however that you wouldn’t get that package past Gail ... “what’s in the package?” ... “what package...?” “The one in your hand marked ‘rush shipment to Australia - important scientific instrument’ and why is it squawking?!”

Well hash-tagged, LaManuka, well hash-tagged!


Now THAT is just too freakin' funny! :09:

Oh boy the fodder this thread produces! [emoji23]

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Well hash-tagged, LaManuka, well hash-tagged!



Ok Mr Keats advises he will keep an eye out for the arrival of the above package but I’m telling you there is no way no how that thing is getting thru our vigilant boys and girls at Aussie quarantine ... unless you mention my name and deposit AUD50000 into my Grand Cayman bank account in the name of “Bird Brain-A-Rama” with the top secret passcode nbr of 1234 (we couldn’t afford a better passcode than that...) please do not share these bank details with ANYONE... signed your loving wife, Queen Victoria ;) ;)
With great thanks, I finished my coffee early today! That action clearly saved a major clean-up! Loving the Humor!
Well, the Rival_of_the_Rickeybird has apparently been stirred to inspiration, judging by his demand for my laptop AND a reminder as to my password for my Imgur account.

I'll certainly help him out... right after I check my eBay, update my blog, review my email inbox, try out a few new screensavers, and defrag the drive...
2019 is some good fun so far. My thanks, to all of you who are helping us enjoy it. I really mean that. :)

But now, on I must go to matters of my rivalry.

Overall, I feel strongly that my domestic behavior is quite temperate given the level of the Bird's treachery and debauchery which I tolerate on a regular basis in my own household. It is with great regret that I submit the following evidence, hoping not to embarrass the dear little rooster, but aspiring to encourage him towards greater loyalty and strength of character, the better to please and honor his adoring Mistress, MY WIFE.

It's amazing how much is caught on security camera at your place! Can't get away with nothing there! ;)

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