The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

La Manuka... what can I say? You and your particular blend of lyrical slapstick absolutely delight me and (I'm positive) everybody else. Thank you for being a part of our wonderful Community. I am grateful to have your Scrapbook patronage, and in particular, visions of fuzzy Princess buttfeathers of green. Ahhhhhh...!
That last contribution was beyond compare. Having no hopes of bettering any further versions, the Rb and I shall switch gears for this, which may be our final carol of the year, given our scheduled holiday festivities tomorrow.


Oh, Rickeybird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would have to pay THEM to take you!
:40: LOL great works Gail&Rival :40:

(sorry Rb unless I see actual evidence of you typing, no credits to you, oh Dear Screachy One).

I have never sung so many ribaldy songs not mutilated by myself (accidental or otherwise), but creatively altered by other genious (parrotminded) minds.
You guys made this (already) a season to remember! :35: :smile020:
[Christa - QUOTE\] (sorry Rb unless I see actual evidence of you typing, no credits to you, oh Dear Screachy One).

You got that right, Christa... it's even worse... he invades my MIND with this stuff!
But thank you so much. The Scrapbook wouldn't be the Scrapbook without your special brand of whimsy and glee. Ah, so that was YOU I heard singing just now. Lovely!
Somebody/anybody needs a Rickeybird like they need another hole in the head, at Christmas or any other time of year. On the other hand, if we could succeed in getting him taken in somewhere, I bet they'd pay through the nose to get us to take him back! Yeah, sounds like a plan!


Rickey the Patagonian
Likes to scream, bite and attack,
And if you ever had him,
You'd pay up to send him back.
A Very Merry Christmas to my wonderful friends who keep warmly together with the magic of RB Feathers! The joy of being part of the Rickeybird Scrapbook is a joy that I find wanting to return too! Your Joy is Sunshine on a cloudy morning.
And there's nuthin' like those "warm Amazon feather hugs" you give, Mr. Boats... ADMIRAL Boats!

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for stopping by, Laura. I wish you a lovely, peaceful Christmas, if you celebrate it, and a Rickeybirdless one in ANY EVENT!
Thanx again Gail & Rival for your outstanding work and Rb for providing such inspiration! And LeaKP deserves honourable mention for that whole buttfeathers thing - once you’ve got that particular image in your head the rest flows naturally... :)
Merry Christmas Rival, Gail, and Rickeybird! At the family dinner we saw RBs distant cousin Felicia who is known for her long-legged beauty. RB tried to fix her up with Kevin but Kevin’s big feet paired with Felicia’s long legs prompted him to say “bye Felicia!”


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Merry Christmas Gail, Rival, Pinkie & Rb! My flock, Reg & I are sending you much love <3
As soon as we get over that leggy 'keet, we have some greetings back at ya, Terry, and everybody.

Good glory.

Okay, here we go.

Season's Greetings, EVERYBODY!

You too, Bird, but I'll keep my nose as is.

Whew! We made it through the big day: time to rest up for the NEW YEAR while we enjoy delicious leftovers and 'play' with all our new presents! And for the lucky fids, maybe a little something extra...


All yours, Rickeybird!
Patagonians are partially nocturnal... unusual for parrots. Usually, they're silent at night, but sometimes I understand that they're as raucous as they are in daytime. Here's a photo of them having a little party near the limestone cliffs where they nest.

Imagine New Year's Eve in THIS crowd.
3... 2... 1... Happy New Year!

Make those reservations now, friends!
Only $3,995!


After a great deal of reading and re-reading plans, searching for appropriate tools, and adult language, I have successfully completed assembly of the Bird's present. He hates it, naturally, and must be coerced to perch on it. What a happy occasion. And doesn't he looked pleased, and grateful?

Than you, Rival, for going to all this trouble.

Oh, you're welcome.

C'mon now Rickey,show Rival a little luv now,willya? He had all the best intentions! Just be thankful there aren't any hand grenades hanging from that perch with their little pins showing..we all know how much you just LOVE chewing/pulling on sh** errr...STUFF :p

Oh RB cannot let it be known he secretly loves the stand, his cover would the. Be blown.

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Speaking of cover being blown, I’m sure I detect more than a little affection from Rival in the general direction of the Rb, c’mon Rival admit it, you really do love that bird dontcha!

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