The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

You just wait until Salty's and Rickeybird's band goes viral!

Meanwhile, our hero shows himself to be a true Renaissance Bird... not only a musician, artist, actor, singer, and philosopher... but a mighty warrior. Here he is in a best-of-three (he won all three) tournament with the infamous and dastardly BOUNCEY-BALL*! He really bounces the ball, higher and higher, eventually over the edge! He's got skills!

*Thank you, Wrench, for this gift; it has remained a most worthy enemy!

Bout 1

Bout 2

Bout 3

The Victor: the Rickeybird! BEGONE (for now), evil Bouncey Ball!

My heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeero!
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Wow Gail, he really does hate that ball, I'm so glad.
I mean you can really see the progressively building hate.

"Get thisouttaHERE."
He hates it with a singular vengeance!

I let him kill it and toss it a few times a day... his behavior really reminds me of the constant, year-around spatting the males do at their burrow entries (thank you, YouTube), so I figure it lets him release some natural macho energy.

I believe it's the bounciness that drives him nuts. Nothing else is quite like it. It interacts and counter-attacks. I think every bird should have a try at a bouncey-something.

Thanks again. :)
The chicken has a couple baby stacking cups in the bottom of her cage that she likes to kill. I originally got them to try and teach her to stack them, but she just attacks them instead. She loves it though, and I really think she likes the annoying banging sound they make on the bottom of get cage too.

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Thanks! I love that chicken.

I think every parr---... uh... chicken... needs a frenemy... one who can be counted upon to present a dastardly countenance, make astonishing noises, put up a desperate fight, and then die an appropriate and timely death.
All hail stacky cups, bouncey balls, and all other worthy opponents!
Just for giggles...
While waiting for my car to be fixed today, I got to fiddling with my camera's video-editor app. I had no idea I could take a clip and then make it rain, make it snow; I can make it into a cartoon, or make it at sunrise or set. Here is the mirror-image effect that the big rock stars like Prince use(d), starring who else but...

Click to play.
You're a problem-solver, CherylCali! Just one of the things I love about you.
Why not?
We'll bill him as "dribyekciRRickeybird".
Mirror image.
Pardon me double-posting this vid... I'm trying to figure out if Photobucket links from Google Chrome are faster than regular Google. My videos from regular Google seem slow to load, so I'm experimenting.

The solution (thanks to Terry)? YouTube! I will never use Photobucket (or any other "web host") again on this site. And I advise any new video-hopefuls (or anybody having trouble with slowwww uploads) to go straight there. The only down-side? If you are of delicate temperament, be prepared to click away quickly when the video ends: YouTube's 'additional suggested vids' can be unpredictable and... um... ribald!

Okay, look how fast this vid uploads and plays, in comparison to above!

[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions mirror - YouTube[/ame]
I have robotically and helplessly rewarded the calling of my name for so long...

Accordingly, it's one of the Rbird's favorite names to screech. He imitates my husband's Texas drawl... "Gayulll!" DON'T LOOK at the last quick view of some dirty cage papers and half-eaten chile peppers!

Loud, mean, disobedient, destructive, stubborn... my angel!

[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions: "GAIL!" - YouTube[/ame]
I have heard it very clear Gail.
But I have not seen the dirty paper and half eaten peppers.
I had nothing but eye and ear for Rbird.
Marileen, you are so very dear. Somehow I know you know just how I feel. If the Rickeybird and I got married, you'd be our flower girl.

Okay, that was weird.

This is cool. Its a nice way for us to get to know a Patagonian Conure. I have never met or seen one before.
Thanks, Snowflake and Co.!

I think Patagonians are not popularly kept or widely highly valued, for understandable reasons.
MOST ( I say most; there are dear exceptions like Archie, Nicky's baby) are loud, aggressive, stubborn (especially males)... stinkers! But loveable in their own way.

Thank you for giving the Rickeybird a look! He's my Love.

Patagonian hugzszszszszszsz!
You just wait until Salty's and Rickeybird's band goes viral!

Meanwhile, our hero shows himself to be a true Renaissance Bird... not only a musician, artist, actor, singer, and philosopher... but a mighty warrior. Here he is in a best-of-three (he won all three) tournament with the infamous and dastardly BOUNCEY-BALL*! He really bounces the ball, higher and higher, eventually over the edge! He's got skills!

*Thank you, Wrench, for this gift; it has remained a most worthy enemy!

Bout 1

Bout 2

Bout 3

The Victor: the Rickeybird! BEGONE (for now), evil Bouncey Ball!

My heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeero!

Hahahahaha! Just had to say, these videos had me cracking up! No quarter asked, no quarter given, eh? ROTFL! He's really going for the jugular!
Anansi, that ball infuriates him. I let him wear himself out with it; afterwards, he's a more pleasant fellow, usually, having gotten rid of a lot of energy. In YouTube vids, I see the males snapping and scrapping as they defend their burrow-entrances year-round, so I imagine it's good (natural) even if not pleasant for him.

Plus... it's so dang funny!

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