The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

In response to recent aspersions cast upon my character and good nature, I should like it entered into the formal scrapbook text that it is yours truly who purchases the required hot chile peppers, keeps the pile of newspapers well-stocked, does all the heavy lifting during cage cleaning, endures the bird's verbal abuse silently (mostly because he learned to say SHUT UP SHUT UP back at me, but still---), and benignly watches (while nodding pleasantly) the constant barrage of photos and videos of the aforementioned parrot, who, it may be noted, has physically attacked my person on several occasions, with no retribution from me other than my favorite curse word, which was not even repeated lest the creature learn it, which might well put me on the couch for the rest of my natural life.
Rival out.
Aww come on, Rickeybird is so cute, with the high pitched little voice when he talks. Wonder if the other pattys on here have the same vocal timbre and pitch?
You are a gentleman and a scholar, Mr. Wrench.

Thank you for returning this thread to an uplifting tone.

The Rbird has the same tone for 99% of his talking/singing. Unlike other cleverER parrots, he doesn't seem able to mimic tones or ranges of voice. It's pretty much the same cute little squawky soprano. My ol' man has a very deep voice but the Rbird's imitations of his "Hello, Gail"s, etc. are in the bird's usual high nasal tones.
The Rickeybird's Scrapbook
September 25, 2016
"The Links"

Thank you one and all, for looking... you are saving many innocent disinterested bystanders among family and friends who will not be harassed into watching yet another batch of Rickeybird antics. It's just that I think everything he does is so delightful! Y'all get me! Please note the attractive garbage bag hanging on the door.

I can't decide whether or not to call this a trick or an invention of a percussion instrument.
Let's go with percussion.

PRESENTING... The Rickeybird playing instruments which he recently invented: Percussion Links.
He plays one...
Then two...
Then three at once...


[ame="[MEDIA=youtube]Ixs1OJVEvBI[/MEDIA]"]rickeybirdproductions Links 3 - YouTube[/ame]
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Thats hysterical... parrot maracas. Gail its hard to equate this cute talented parrot with the maniacallly vocal bird on Skype. Did you get a different parrot?
Same bird, Mr. Wrench... he hauls out his maniacal self when there is somebody around who wishes to speak to me, including my ol' man. He joins in. When he has me to himself, he's actually pretty pleasant. No... LESS maniacal.
Although I am very shy and awkward and sheepish when complimented, I feel it would be ungrateful not to acknowledge (in the Rickeybird's "official" Scrapbook) the wonderful encouragement (given to me by our Moderators). If it weren't for the Rickeybird, I wouldn't be here. *HE* brought me to this wonderful community.
Here is my beautiful new custom Signature by Allee, finished and submitted just a few minutes ago!
I love love love this place.
Not only are people actually INTERESTED in taking about parrots, but every now and then, people do something so unexpected and kind and affirming that it just makes you wanna...
Kiss your bird.
Hey, CC. So far as I've been able to determine, you can't see signatures through Tapatalk. The signatures are the areas below everyone's posting window designated for each member's own self expression. Some put pics of their birds, or themselves. Others put famous quotes, or poetry. Basically, it's your signature because it will be at the end of whatever you post every time.

If you want to see, log in through the forum itself rather than via Tapatalk.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
The Rickeybird Scrapbook
September 28, 2016

Some time ago, Monica shared this example of a presumed hybrid between a Blue and Gold Macaw and a Patagonian Conure. I have found myself going back to look at it time after time... sounds like Scrapbook material to me!

I think that what I find haunting is just how very familiar yet different the bird is.
The head shape is Patagonian, and so are the flight feathers, underside of tail, and shoulders... but the beak, breast, and feet are B&G. The elongated eye patch, accented by lines of tiny feathers make the patch a real combination of both birds. I would LOVE to hear it.

I was not able to copy the pictures, but the link is a safe Flickr site.
The Rickeybird Scrapbook
September 29, 2016
First of a series: What the Bird is Thinking...

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