The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

LeahKP and Nigel...

I was aware of some of those problems in that area, but I'm sure I can't even begin to understand the enormity of it. I ran across the music of your Ray Phiri a while back (what a voice), and that got me to read about your land. The beaches and mountains are so beautiful... Chipamila Village stuck in my mind, too. It's very precious to me to "meet" you!
I'm glad you have Nigel... nothing like a parrot to help you shake the day off.

You are so right. He just huddles up and makes everything easier. He loves all of us, even my 8 year old (we've been here in Africa 30 yrs and she is our bonus baby who we adopted from Malawi) loves him. We're opening a school and our mascot will be called the Greys. Keep the great advice coming!
The Rickeybird Scrapbook
September 11, 2016

As a tribute to all who suffered and grieved as a result of terrorism, I humbly offer this video. It was made a few years ago (not by me), but it still touches me

To all who have served in the name of liberty, I thank you for my safety and independence... my right to speak my mind, live where I wish, and keep a parrot if I want to. :)

Thank you.
I wish us all peace.

Abigail and the Rickeybird
The Rickeybird Scrapbook
September 11, 2016

As a tribute to all who suffered and grieved as a result of terrorism, I humbly offer this video. It was made a few years ago (not by me), but it still touches me.

To all who have served in the name of liberty, I thank you for my safety and independence... my right to speak my mind, live where I wish, and keep a parrot if I want to. :)

Thank you.
I wish us all peace.

Abigail and the Rickeybird

Well said, Ab and Rb. It's a good day to take stock and be grateful.
Forgot to tag the video.
[ame=""]9/11 Tribute - "Angel" - Sarah McLachlan - YouTube[/ame]
The Rickeybird Scrapbook
September 12, 2016

CherylCali, I do believe this is the video you mentioned earlier.

This is in Spanish, but the story tells itself visually. This guy maintains a small flock of Patagonians. Tiny chicks are shown from hatch to maturity. The adults follow him around, inside and outside.

Note that Patagonian Conure is referred to by its native Patagonian common name, 'Loro Barranquero' (Burrowing Parrot).

[ame=""]Loros barranqueros. Vuelo libre. - YouTube[/ame]
What is not shown in the video is the guy with Patagonian carrots shoved into his ears! Known there as tampas de orelha de cenoura
The fireplace story is definitely my favorite of the recently transcribed Chronicles.

Its so cool that you have the years an years of living with Rickybird to have all these tales! Now if you want to swap motorcycle stories or yarns from playing in bands,
I am your man. Some of the unbelievable s**t that happened on the road , doing shows and concerts, but this is a parrot forum, and I have only stories from my little Maxie ( 5 years) and of course my baby, Salty, who is only a 1 year old, but is so far providing lots of material.

Hey we have to Skype again, dont cha think? Doesn't have to be a special occasion, could be like Happy Tuesday?
The fireplace story is definitely my favorite of the recently transcribed Chronicles.

Its so cool that you have the years an years of living with Rickybird to have all these tales! Now if you want to swap motorcycle stories or yarns from playing in bands,
I am your man. Some of the unbelievable s**t that happened on the road , doing shows and concerts, but this is a parrot forum, and I have only stories from my little Maxie ( 5 years) and of course my baby, Salty, who is only a 1 year old, but is so far providing lots of material.

Hey we have to Skype again, dont cha think? Doesn't have to be a special occasion, could be like Happy Tuesday?

Carrots in my ears. lol

I for one, would love to hear some stories about bands and bikes. A spoonful of sugar would help the bird medicine go down, that sort of thing.
:D Sometimes I crack myself up.

About that fireplace story. I was sneezing soot for the rest of the day. Okay, too much information.
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The Rickeybird Scrapbook
September 13, 2016

Salty, can the Rickeybird be in your band?
He does... ummm... percussion. Yeah.
Ummm... vocals, too!

The Rickeybird Scrapbook
September 13, 2016

Salty, can the Rickeybird be in your band?
He does... ummm... percussion. Yeah.
Ummm... vocals, too!

I have also heard that pirates like bedraggled garments, he can surely pitch in there.

Cheryl, not to derail this thread ( never, Gail!) it's not uncommon for hard core pirate
re-enactors to do all sorts or stuff to brand new coats, pants, etc, (sometimes costing hundreds of $ ) to make them look bedraggled, threadbare and shipworn. I will spread the word, Gail, that you and Rickeybird are offering this service.
CC, and Al... yes, the Rickeybird stands ready to bedraggle anybody. But he still wants to do vocals and percussion when Salty starts his band. This is his audition/demo.

P.S. Woops, forgot I posted this video already. I really must fire the Scrapbook Editor. Oh wait, *I'm* the Scrapbook Editor.
"Ricki-ticki-tacki"... I think that will make a good stage name when Salty's band tours. Or, I was also thinking "Slash" or "Prince of Darkness", but they are taken. With Salty on xylophone, Rbird on percussion and vocals, we still need a guitar or mandolin, I think. Anybody got a bird that can pluck at strings?

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