Tell an Outrageous Lie About the Poster Above You

Fox got sent to jail for robbing a donut store using a stick
But Pip helped
Nahhhh, Stormy was the one who loaded the donuts in the truck and drove away, leaving fox there!
Well Pip started the truck :mad:
Stormy ate all the donuts while driving the truck and stopped at three more shops on the way to stock up!
Scott was hiding in the back of the truck and eating my bird's millet!
Stormy knows this because she stuck a Tile under the truck and is following it, just out of sight, in a beater Corolla missing the left rear hubcap.
I know what Kent said
Stormy is actual Stormy, not Ollie.
Foxgloveparrot invented donuts.
Squeekmouse uses inferior cloth in her plushies. (totally obvious lie...)
Clark's dad is an inter-planetary electronics mastermind genius who takes infra-red photos that reveal birds' true alien identities...
Oh, wait, this might be true...
Gale isn't just nicknamed Sunshine, she is the actual sun.
(My literal life)
Beak-Beak has a beak.
Beak-Beak doesn't have toes. So there.
Tikitiel graduated at the top of Hogwart's class of 2021.

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