Tell an Outrageous Lie About the Poster Above You

DonnaBudgie has "Lotsa Budgies" because she works for the NSA. Her Biological Information Reconassance Devices (BIRDs) are tapped in to steal ALL THE DATA. Thats why she knows so much about the alaska deal.
Unfortunately, my life isn't that glamorous. I just work at Lowe's now.
Clark_conure's favorite foods are boogers, earwax, and scabs and he refuses to eat anything else
Aparently most of you missed the title you can only post about the one above you....

Anyways Rico_Tiel is Black and white or just shades of grey because thry don't even have color photography in alaska yet.
Clark conure has a crush on Minecraft Steve
Rico_tiel lives in an igloo, eats raw whale blubber, rubs noses with her birds to show affection, bathes once a year if the temperature rises above freezing, and makes her own moose skin underwear. She also collects all of Rico's and Cricket's molted feathers to put into her home made mattress. For fun, Rico_tiel barks at the moon.
Rico_tiel lives in an igloo, eats raw whale blubber, rubs noses with her birds to show affection, bathes once a year if the temperature rises above freezing, and makes her own moose skin underwear. She also collects all of Rico's and Cricket's molted feathers to put into her home made mattress. For fun, Rico_tiel barks at the moon.
Hey! Don’t judge!

Donnabudgie picks her nose and smears it on a very VERY particular spot in her house, in a particular corner, with a particular stench. She has wiped SO MANY boogers on that spot, that it has become like dried cement, and once every five years, she scrapes it off and dines on it. If anyone is within her home during her feast, she goes on a rampage and forces them to eat her toenail clippings.
Hey! Don’t judge!

Donnabudgie picks her nose and smears it on a very VERY particular spot in her house, in a particular corner, with a particular stench. She has wiped SO MANY boogers on that spot, that it has become like dried cement, and once every five years, she scrapes it off and dines on it. If anyone is within her home during her feast, she goes on a rampage and forces them to eat her toenail clippings.
I don't have toenail clippings- I chew my toenails down as they grow- it's more efficient and keeps me limber!
I don't have toenail clippings- I chew my toenails down as they grow- it's more efficient and keeps me limber!
Mmm yummy does the fungus add additional flavor?

Also, you thoroughly enjoy writing Randy Marsh x Peter griffin fanfiction and posting it on wattpad 💅
Mmm yummy does the fungus add additional flavor?

Also, you thoroughly enjoy writing Randy Marsh x Peter griffin fanfiction and posting it on wattpad 💅
I don't even know wtf this means....I'm either having a stroke or you are insane. Also you smell like walrus blubber.
I don't even know wtf this means....I'm either having a stroke or you are insane. Also you smell like walrus blubber.
It means you write fanfics of Peter Griffin and Randy Marsh dating 💀

Hey! Don’t judge! It smells lovely 🥰💅
Your mixing two different canons and two different networks, so not allowed and i never did that, pics for proof. Also Ricotiels cockatiel is actualy a seal he just glues feathers to.
Your mixing two different canons and two different networks, so not allowed and i never did that, pics for proof. Also Ricotiels cockatiel is actualy a seal he just glues feathers to.
I could screenshot your
fanfiction but it’s not PF appropriate considering it is not PG-13 in the slightest. not to mention, there are incredibly horrifying Peter Griffin Images after EVERY paragraph. And THATS why you said that, because you KNOW I can’t. You know what? You get a thumbs down from me >:(


Anyway, you crashed mine and my friends homiewedding and caused a huge mass homievorce event across the entire country of Egypt and a spike of homievorces and homiecides in North America. Not cool man, now 9/10 people in North America and everyone in Egypt is friendless. HOW COULD YOU?!
I don't even dignify this slander with a responce. I will say your car is a prius and can't even get out of the driveway in winter. You're bird risks starvation in december. Bad.
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I don't even dignify this slander with a responce. I will say your car is a prius and can't even get out of the driveway in winter. You're bird risks starvation in december. Bad.
HAH I can’t even drive! Nice try, dish soap!

You use lemon instead of deodorant and you end up smelling like dishwater and funky. Also, you try to make dried fruit and wine in your room, but you forget about the fruit after leaving it under your bed. So, on top of your room smelling like old dish water, it also smells crazy and funky gross like toes. You can cut the air in there with a butter knife and hold it in your hand. Boom.
HAH I can’t even drive! Nice try, dish soap!

You use lemon instead of deodorant and you end up smelling like dishwater and funky. Also, you try to make dried fruit and wine in your room, but you forget about the fruit after leaving it under your bed. So, on top of your room smelling like old dish water, it also smells crazy and funky gross like toes. You can cut the air in there with a butter knife and hold it in your hand. Boom.
Clean up all that rotting fruit, Rico_tiel! Cricket is getting really annoyed by all the fruit flies buzzing around her head (yeah, we know they're your friends) especially since she can't fly yet, but when she will she will show you what it really means to be a Girl Budgie. She and Rocky have been doing facetime calls and Rocky is teaching her Bad Things!
Clean up all that rotting fruit, Rico_tiel! Cricket is getting really annoyed by all the fruit flies buzzing around her head (yeah, we know they're your friends) especially since she can't fly yet, but when she will she will show you what it really means to be a Girl Budgie. She and Rocky have been doing facetime calls and Rocky is teaching her Bad Things!
You cut off 7/8 of Rocky’s toes in one of your Alzheimer’s episodes, chanting “CURE THE FEET, THE FEET WE EAT” because you thought It’d cure her of all diseases and prevent her from getting brain cancer in her lungs. You also drowned your grandpa in the toilet as a child because you wanted the inheritance of his 4$ and 37 unethically sourced toddler teeth.

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