Tell an Outrageous Lie About the Poster Above You

Rozalka likes to scope out hospitals and watch patients who are getting treatments for nasty external injuries that will leave large scabs, then sneak into the hospital room, knock out the patient, peel off the scab, eat it, and get out before a doctor can see them.
Donnabudgie punches random children in grocery stores. From infants to 17 year olds, she doesn’t care.

She also works with the Nursing Home Nightmare who terrorizes elderly people in nursing homes and steals their money.

The two swim in money and an underground bank hidden from the IRS and the government.
Rico_Tiel arrived to my town by this food truck getting stuck in our fountain:

Welcome to Poland, Rico.

(The pic isn't random - it was taken in my town for real)
Oops my bad, I was aiming for something else.
Clark_conure eats feathers.
Clark_conure started by eating his birds' feather sheaths while preening them wirh his teeth. Then he used the quills of molted feathers to clean between his teeth, now he eats the feathers after cleaning his teeth. A real sick-o!
Donnabudgie punches random children in grocery stores. From infants to 17 year olds, she doesn’t care.

She also works with the Nursing Home Nightmare who terrorizes elderly people in nursing homes and steals their money.

The two swim in money and an underground bank hidden from the IRS and the government.
Rico_tiel is trying to teach a baby moose how to fly. She is collecting Rico's and Cricket's feathers and is making a set of moose wings to strap into them so she can fly away on the baby moose. She lures the baby moose to her windowsill with pellets that her birds won't eat and feeds the moose to wins their trust. The baby moose and it's mama are actually laughing because they can already fly!
Clark_conure started by eating his birds' feather sheaths while preening them wirh his teeth. Then he used the quills of molted feathers to clean between his teeth, now he eats the feathers after cleaning his teeth. A real sick-o!
I'm not saying i've not not not eaten the quill of a feather.......
Clark conure snatches people off the street, throws them in their white van, ties them up, and reads the most atrocious fan fictions they can find for 57 hours straight, force feeding them stale bacon and burned toast with a brick of frozen butter so they can become their therapist and make lots of money.

Clark conure also gets a kick out of becoming a pool life guard and letting people just drown.
Rozalka likes to scope out hospitals and watch patients who are getting treatments for nasty external injuries that will leave large scabs, then sneak into the hospital room, knock out the patient, peel off the scab, eat it, and get out before a doctor can see them.

This is getting kinda dark man you ok?
Rozalka isn't even polish she's polish adjacent. She just picked their to get some bohemien goth credit.
Rico_tiel is trying to teach a baby moose how to fly. She is collecting Rico's and Cricket's feathers and is making a set of moose wings to strap into them so she can fly away on the baby moose. She lures the baby moose to her windowsill with pellets that her birds won't eat and feeds the moose to wins their trust. The baby moose and it's mama are actually laughing because they can already fly!

Rico_Tiel just gave alaska back to russia, now there is a link from Kamchatka to Alaska....

Great work Rico_Tiel.... (slow clap)

Never play Risk with a cockatiel.

Rico_tiel wears baseball caps UPSIDE DOWN. HOW, RICO, HOW???
foxgloveparrot rides around in thier bugatti with the budgies so they can experience fast. Then serves them up with fruit juice and millet to lower thier inhibitions and get pictures of them.....which they won't share because they are a dick.......
Rico_tiel didn't give Alaska back to Russia- she SOLD it and is keeping the Rubles and using them to send Cricket to budgie obedience training classes and have her wings imped. Clark_conure is even more in love with Rico_tiel now since she got all those Rubles.
DonnaBudgie has "Lotsa Budgies" because she works for the NSA. Her Biological Information Reconassance Devices (BIRDs) are tapped in to steal ALL THE DATA. Thats why she knows so much about the alaska deal.

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