Tell an Outrageous Lie About the Poster Above You

Rico_tiel has a combined wealth of over 2 billion dollars......when not jet setting off to Dubai spends time flying down to vegas to party it up and then off to rio to attend soccer games... The birds like vegas but hate the heat of Dubai.
Clark conure enjoys going to adoption centers and orphanages and making kids think they are getting adopted, then just before filling out the paperwork, they turn to the kid say “NAHHHH I don’t love you LMAOOOOO” and leave.
Rico Tiel doesn't own a cockatiel but a dragon named Rico. She rides on him thinking that she is the king of all dragons. Recently she attacked one town making one big bonfire
Rico Tiel doesn't own a cockatiel but a dragon named Rico. She rides on him thinking that she is the king of all dragons. Recently she attacked one town making one big bonfire
All those birds that Clark_conure has in "man cave" were stolen from that bird superstore in Minneapolis! He walks in, scopes out the layout and when no one is looking he stuffs birds in his pants and just walks out! The last time he kidnapped some birds, one of them bit him hard in his nether regions, mutilating him badly! He had to have over 100 stitches down there but his stuff was sewn on backwards! That's what he gets for stuffing a sun conure in his pants!
All those birds that Clark_conure has in "man cave" were stolen from that bird superstore in Minneapolis! He walks in, scopes out the layout and when no one is looking he stuffs birds in his pants and just walks out! The last time he kidnapped some birds, one of them bit him hard in his nether regions, mutilating him badly! He had to have over 100 stitches down there but his stuff was sewn on backwards! That's what he gets for stuffing a sun conure in his pants!
All those birds that Clark_conure has in "man cave" were stolen from that bird superstore in Minneapolis! He walks in, scopes out the layout and when no one is looking he stuffs birds in his pants and just walks out! The last time he kidnapped some birds, one of them bit him hard in his nether regions, mutilating him badly! He had to have over 100 stitches down there but his stuff was sewn on backwards! That's what he gets for stuffing a sun conure in his pants!
Rico_tiel was not born today. Rico_tiel was HATCHED!
DonnaBudgie actually invented flying in 1897 but thought it was too dangerous for birds because there would be bird strikes...(true) then the wright brothers came along and (re)invented it after so ...yep no patent rights......
sorry accidently this is my favorite game....I mean least favorite.
uierpgu (the bird did it)
uierpgu (the bird did it)
When Clark_conure is home alone he pretends he's a parrot. He wears a parrot suit that he made from his birds' molted feathers, eats pellets, and screams a lot. He sleeps in a cage and is trying to master the art of sleeping with his head tucked between his shoulder blades while standing on one leg. His birds all laugh at him.
Rico_tiel was not born today. Rico_tiel was HATCHED!

When Clark_conure is home alone he pretends he's a parrot. He wears a parrot suit that he made from his birds' molted feathers, eats pellets, and screams a lot. He sleeps in a cage and is trying to master the art of sleeping with his head tucked between his shoulder blades while standing on one leg. His birds all laugh at him.
He also wears a strap on beak!
DonnaBudgie only knows all this because I bought from her invetory on etsy. Also it's not true. But everything was on etsy, .....which I bought. I sent in feathers but I was expecting a plushie doll.
Onamom replied an emoji so fair game.....

Onamom has a dilute GCC because she constantly dilutes the bird in the bath bowl. She's affraid of what kind of carnage an undiluted GCC can do to well...basically any single thing......ever.
Onamom replied an emoji so fair game.....

Onamom has a dilute GCC because she constantly dilutes the bird in the bath bowl. She's affraid of what kind of carnage an undiluted GCC can do to well...basically any single thing......ever.
Clark conure has a shrine to Ona in his closet. Pictures of Ona are plastered all over the walls. Every night he lights candles and chants about how pretty Ona is.
Clark conure has a shrine to Ona in his closet. Pictures of Ona are plastered all over the walls. Every night he lights candles and chants about how pretty Ona is.
Actually I'm trying to drum up sponsors for a kent vs ona cage fight.......they would probably just preen and eat seed together but so long as we get the money up front.
Actually I'm trying to drum up sponsors for a kent vs ona cage fight.......they would probably just preen and eat seed together but so long as we get the money up front.

Clark_conure started a fight-to-the-death parrot fighting hobby and business. He got inspired by watching rooster fights on TV. Saw how much fast money he could make! He gets them all ramped up on sugar free Monster and Redbull energy drinks, deprives them of food for days, straps razor blades to their legs, and lets them fight for the big reward- a big fat millet spray. He steals birds to use for training the fighters by breaking into houses, stuffing innocent birds into his pants (yeah, he's a real sicko like that) and escaping via an electric bicycle, also stolen.
You're really sticking to the title of the thread "tell an outrageous lie about he poster above" damn chicka....that story reads like a VICE it's fine.


DonnaBudgie lives in maine but doesn't even own a she taught her budgies to plunge dive into the ocean to retrieve lobsters to eat. Then doesn't share with them.
Clark conure snatches people off the street, throws them in their white van, ties them up, and reads the most atrocious fan fictions they can find for 57 hours straight, force feeding them stale bacon and burned toast with a brick of frozen butter so they can become their therapist and make lots of money.

Clark conure also gets a kick out of becoming a pool life guard and letting people just drown.
Rico_Tiel has 5 000 accounts on Art Fight. Because of it the site works very slowly
Rico_Tiel has 5 000 accounts on Art Fight. Because of it the site works very slowly
Rozalka likes to scope out hospitals and watch patients who are getting treatments for nasty external injuries that will leave large scabs, then sneak into the hospital room, knock out the patient, peel off the scab, eat it, and get out before a doctor can see them.
Rico_Tiel arrived to my town by this food truck getting stuck in our fountain:

Welcome to Poland, Rico.

(The pic isn't random - it was taken in my town for real)

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