A few members are eager to teach their birds to talk, and have approached me. This method worked for Mishka and myself, hopefully it will work for you and your birds.
I am by no means an expert, you don't have to be, to teach a bird to talk
It's so easy to teach your bird to talk
Start off saying simple words
hello love you Mishka (your birds name)
bye bye
Continue saying this to the bird daily, along with your everyday conversation, they listen to EVERYTHING we say, and have the ability to learn all the time.
Talk to your bird, saying who does Mishka love? Mishka loves Sean
Ask the question and answer it as well in the beginning, saying it along with the bird. You will be surprised how quickly they catch on.
When ever you are near the bird, even in another room, talk all the time, telling the bird what you are doing.
I started of telling Mishka water, whenever I turned a tap on, when turning on a tap now, she says to me mommy water.
Keep a file with the words you are teaching the bird, add the new ones on each time. Carefully selecting words and sentences, which will create an amazing vocabulary for your bird.
It took Mishka about a month to learn to say I want to go to the bathroom to poopie
[ame="[MEDIA=youtube]eGHStngKnbg[/MEDIA]"]Talking African Grey Parrot "MISHKA" BRILLIANTLY PUTTING WORDS TOGETHER - YouTube[/ame]
Talk talk and keep talking
Good luck