Video chat for parrots

We will be on at 2pm central standard time. I’ll leave Blue (B&G macaw) on there this time to see if anyone else logs on.
We saw your beautiful Blue just now! Kabuki pecked at the screen a few times, so he knew what he was looking at.

Improvement idea: We need a Picture in Picture like on FaceTime so we can see what our birds look like to others. I was using my iPhone. I have no idea if my bird was even in the frame. 🥴

Sound is an issue, but we heard Blue making little parrot sounds. Thanks for sharing!
I'm happy you two were connected!
A Macaw parrot is connected constantly now as the owner has hang the tablet opposit him. I guess this is the best way and you don't need to keep the phone in hand all the time.
Picture in Picture
I didn't add picture-in-picture as I wanted app to be as simple as possible, but yea, some birds were outside the frame.
Not sure though if picture-in-picture feature will help birds to center themselves.
I think the session is over as all the birds have disconnected.
Thank you all for your participation! I'm going to sleep now and think about how to improve the chat. The biggest problem now is that when a pair of birds are connected, the next odd bird have no party to talk to.

But I don't like the idea of connecting three birds at once. it will be a bit crowded, isn't it?
We saw your beautiful Blue just now! Kabuki pecked at the screen a few times, so he knew what he was looking at.

Improvement idea: We need a Picture in Picture like on FaceTime so we can see what our birds look like to others. I was using my iPhone. I have no idea if my bird was even in the frame. 🥴

Sound is an issue, but we heard Blue making little parrot sounds. Thanks for sharing!
Blue met a beautiful B&G macaw I’m assuming is yours. I had just put treats in Blue’s toys so he was a little distracted. Nico joined in but he just ate the whole time. I was just curious if he’d get interested in another parrot. I left their overnight room, and started cleaning otherwise they’d just pay attention to me.

It would be nice if they can just sit in a virtual waiting room until another parrot arrives, and they automatically connect. That way their human companions can leave the room.
We saw Nico the eclectus! He was snacking. My bird got a bit wound up when he heard the sounds. Memories of his days growing up with an eclectus!
Oh, lawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwd...
I have tried to vidchat a few times with the Rb. My fave was hisnotable contribution to Salty's (Wrench13's little dude) birthday party. As usual, the Rb screamed the air out of the rooms.
I may try again. If I can have a stiff drink first. If only the Rb could.
Oh, lawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwd...
I have tried to vidchat a few times with the Rb. My fave was hisnotable contribution to Salty's (Wrench13's little dude) birthday party. As usual, the Rb screamed the air out of the rooms.
I may try again. If I can have a stiff drink first. If only the Rb could.
I have some 150 over proof rum if you come by I'll make you a hot toddy. It takes about a TBSP to make your legs wobble. And it's medicinal!
As the late great Jimmy Buffett sang "I ran into a chum with a bottle of rum and wound up drinking all night"!
Blue, and Nico will video chat if anyone wants to set up times. Nico is probably just going to eat the entire time. I still try with him just encase he may benefit too. I used the bird chat as an opportunity to get some cleaning done. Usually I don’t have time to do it during the day because I get feathered helpers who aren’t very helpful.

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