Scratched cornea, thanks Bingo


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
It was an accident but it doesn’t make it feel better.

Bingo was sitting next to me , his wing resting against my cheek.
Suddenly had an itch and whipped his head around and hit my left eye with his beak.

I don’t know how I am going to get him to keep more distance.
He sits like that when he’s not feeling good.
We comfort each other..
Oh Wes I'm sorry that happened to you. I've been flicked in the eye by a wing any number of times but have been lucky so far not to have been injured. Of course now that I've actually gone and said it ... :eek:
Been there, but not with the birds. My daughter was a toddler and I was holding her. She saw something out the window and pointed and said "Look!" Caught my eye with those razor sharp baby finger nails and removed a 1x4 mm chunk off the cornea. One of the most painful things I've ever experienced. How I managed to not scream four letter expletives and drop her, I do not know. 🤷 I feel for you, Wes.
Bingo made his apology today.

He very delicately groomed my right (un injured eye)..

When the twins have a squabble it usually ends with mutual grooming. I think it’s how they say sorry.

It’s feeling a bit better today but still sore and light sensitive.
Bingo made his apology today.

He very delicately groomed my right (un injured eye)..

When the twins have a squabble it usually ends with mutual grooming. I think it’s how they say sorry.

It’s feeling a bit better today but still sore and light sensitive.

I'd be getting that apology in writing if i was you, Wes! Glad to hear you're doing a little better :)
Ouch! So sorry this happened, but so glad it wasn’t worse! I had an incident with a chicken that resulted in a lacerated cornea and seven stitches. The pain from eye injuries is awful. Happy it’s feeling a little better and that you and Bingo are making up; after all it was an accident. Prayers that you are all healed up soon ❤️
Primor scratched my eyelid a couple of weeks ago.
I was like what the heck??

That was bad enough.

I know, everyone is talking detached corneas, and I am whining about my eyelid.
This was the first time I ever needed medical care (official) directly because of my birds since 1984.

I did go to ER for stitches due to an indirect injury.
Was cutting up corn on the cob for my birds and my thumb got in the way.
This was the first time I ever needed medical care (official) directly because of my birds since 1984.

I did go to ER for stitches due to an indirect injury.
Was cutting up corn on the cob for my birds and my thumb got in the way.
Corn on the cob is such a favorite but it's so hard to cut a cob into 1 or 2 inch pieces without taking off a thumb or finger. How do you cut it?
Corn on the cob is such a favorite but it's so hard to cut a cob into 1 or 2 inch pieces without taking off a thumb or finger. How do you cut it?
After nearly cutting off the end of my thumb…… I don’t, not anymore.
It took me months before I could even pick up the knife that did it (that I used to do it)

They get a mix of (warmed up) frozen veggies and it has corn in it.
My budgies have a bad habit of flying around with food items in their beaks, like corn kernels, and dropping them everywhere. Cob corn doesn't transport as easily.

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