RIP Cheddar :(

A worthy quote from Washington Irving, introduced to me by a dear friend when I was grieving a passed bird:

“There is a sacredness in tears. They are not a mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition and of unspeakable love.”
Thanks that was beautiful. I found another cute video of her I'd like to share. The title says "he" but it must have been before we knew, or I just screwed up lol.
I want another nanday now so bad. She was special though.

Seems a quite unusual behaviour to me... just like she'd like to relieve some head-pain, by grabbing her head with her foot...
And I'm not surprised you want another nanday badly. This species is also high ony my "most wanted" list.
Oh how all of this really hits home for me personally with my Nanday whom is also not quite right. Even so I do believe the Nanday Conure are a special type of bird. I am a member of a group on facebook for Nandays and I hear conflicting reports of their demeanor and behavior. Some say they are the sweetest birds alive while a majority said their bird is mean (matter of opinion) and tough as nails and not cuddly at all. I have experienced both sides of said beautiful creature and I have to say my journey with Finley has been very rewarding so far. I also think the Nanday Conure demands A LOT more attention than most conures if you want then to stay socialized, personable and happy. If have learned one thing about them that would be it. I honestly HAVE to spend SOOOOOOOO much time with Finley or he takes it really hard and it will trigger his mental issues so I have to be super on top of it. I would say for those out there who are getting or want a Nanday please make sure you have enough time for them nor it will not turn out well. I know Chaddar's favorite time spent was cuddling up to your neck and I know you gave her the love and attention she craved. I would however caution you to not get another Nanday just yet because this Nanday maybe a wired of hell cat who may never want to cuddle and remind you nothing of Cheddar and that could be really really tough. I know people who put in the time and effort and see little to no results with their Nanday. I personally put in double time and tripled my efforts and I think that is the reason I have been mostly successful with Finley and it was in no way easy and still isn't.

thanks, I haven't come across another nanday so I have no idea what they are typically like. I know that cheddar was a special case, and I was lucky to find someone on here that had a nanday with similar issues. I was willing and ready to spend 20 years with cheddar. I liked that she was slightly larger than the rest of my flock, almost like a mini macaw lol. I've decided no more birds unless I come across one that needs a home but as far as pet store birds, I am out for now. I think if I were to get another, I would want an AG, or a TOO. I love galahs I would love to find one of those too. Maybe someday. I'm happy with my small flock now, 2 tiels and 2 conures and a couple budgies. I miss my cheddar cuddles though, I miss them so much.
Awwwwwww. Yeah. I feel you in the "mini macaw" thing. Honestly, sometimes Finn feels like an actual macaw because his personality takes up the whole room. All he really has to do it sit there and put his foot up and stare at me and i can't help but talk to him and interact with him. I bet Cheddar was like that too... perhaps a common trait among Nandays. For now just enjoy your current birdies and perhaps you'll discover something new about all of them now that you will have more time.
I got the results back from Cheddar's untimely death. She has PBD... or PDB.... or PVB I can't remember the acronym. I have called them 3 times asking for the results on paper, they sent one the first time with a blank attachment, so I called and they said they would call me back. a day went by and they said they would get back to me. Another day went by and they said they'd get back to me. Did they get back to me you ask? NOPE. I'm pretty pissed at them. I almost feel like there is a cover up going on!?!?!

So whatever the virus was, it is airborne and all my birds probably have it now. They said it creates issues with their stomach lining that causes them to regurgitate, he said by the time I brought her in, she had aspirated and contracted pneumonia. Probably why her voice seemed weak towards the end maybe?

He said they can't test for it so eventually my birds will just die one by one.
I'm not knowledgeable with all the viruses, but I know young birds are more susceptible. I believe the older ones can deal with some of them better as long as they don't becomes stressed and eat healthy. At least you almost got the answer, and know he was very sick. I'm hopeful for the rest of your flock. Some other members might have better info on the viruses..
They CAN test for it. It often produces false negatives unless the bird is shedding it at the time. That having been said, some birds have it and remain asymptomatic for a lifetime...others take 10 years to show symptoms (post exposure) and other become ill within weeks. Yes, it is airborne, which means you should not board any of yur birds. This does not mean they will all die, but they could easily transmit the disease as carriers. I am constantly harping on this disease because so many healthy birds spread it without symptoms and it can kill one bird and not another....just be VERY VERY careful. f10 sc is the best disinfectant for it, but with possible carriers, I wouldn't bring new birds in.
I am so so sorry. That is heartbreaking..Thank God you cared for her so much! She wouldn't have been so lucky in many homes. What a precious bird. :(
Also, there was already something very wrong. I remember your last post. If you hadn't taken her, I have a feeling this would have happened anyway. Don't beat yourself up for being a responsible parront....again, she was very sick already (that is why you were taking her in). The symptoms you described sound very much like a long-term/serious illness....I know that may not make it easier, but I am certain.

The vet could do a necroscopy and that would give you more information. I know that is horrible to think about and I am not trying to stress you out further, but my biggest concern is/was that she may have had PBFD...If you plan to get another bird, this illness is shed in feather dust, poop, dander etc etc and remains viable on surfaces for a very long time- AKA all over your carpets etc. Even with focused cleaning, is very hard to "kill"...SO, if there is a way to determine what Cheddar had, it will help you better protect any future birds (as they could contract certain contagious illnesses months later, just from being in the same home).

This is what I said originally, but I didn't mention how weird the disease is....carriers are a huge problems, but this is not death sentence necessarily. PBD/PBFD stands for parrot beak and feather disease.
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Well now I am terribly confused. He said she probably had it from the get go, and never knew it, and I was sure I got a paper that said she DIDN'T have it from the store, so how did she get it?! I thought he said it Wasn't the beak and feather thing, but I will get the exact info ONCE THEY DECIDE TO ACTUALLY STEP UP AND SEND IT TO ME.
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I am truly so sorry for your loss Yum. I just got the strength to post to your thread. Only a "bird person" can truly understand what another bird person feels and goes thru when they loose a fid. yes it sucks when anyones family member passes,be it human,feathery or scaley,or furry. But birds and their parronts at least to me,are just a little higher up than the rest.
Many of us here on this great forum have lost our babies,myself included. how can they NOT be special to us when a lot of our feathered friends can be in our lives for 30+ years??
We all share in your grief,and sorrow,and love,not only for Cheddar,but the rest of your amazing flock!
Just remember,that THEY need you more be strong for them.

I honestly believe these amazing creatures know what is going on and when something is troubling us. At least I sensed it with Amy when Smokey passed.

You will never find a more compassionate,caring,loving bunch of people who honestly know what you are going through,then the awesome folks on this forum.

Again,I am so sorry for your loss,and we can help you make it thru this extremely difficult time.

I have to add to this thread once again! Because I am so sorry for your loss, because overall, you have lost so many loved ones! I share in that, I am blessed with good health, which means I am involved with many funerals and helping loved ones pass! It was a nightmare in the beginning, but! Never gets easier! Sorry! I am also in a bad moment in time, that I also know will pass! It really is like trying to hold on to sand in a raging river!
Just remember, many of us really do love you, and hurt with you!
I am with Terry on this one. Nasty disease, so not a bad idea to get the rest of the flock tested as well. (with every test there are false nagatives and positives possible of course) Bloodtests are the most reliable (and so for me the only) choice.
I am so sorry, again. This must be so sad/frustrating.
Whether PBFD or PDD, both diseases are very contagious and can be spread via feather dust etc. PDD usually starts off as ABV (kind of like HIV and AIDS) but it can be transmitted bird- to-bird or mother-to-egg. PDD is another one that can impact birds differently (one of the main symptoms is chunks of seed/undigested particles in droppings)...I think I said lots of birds were carriers of PBFD (which is true) but ABV is very common in the US-studies estimate 40+% infection rates among captive parrots. In babies, it is usually the worst. In adults, it often progresses to PDD (which is deadly), but it is slower moving. There are many birds who carry this without symptoms and it can easily pass to other adult birds. That having been said, a bird born to a carrier parrot (or a symptomatic one) could have the disease from day 1, and usually, these birds do not make it for very long. It is tricky because even in adult birds, it can take years for symptoms to develop (if ever) but in some healthy adult birds, it can prove fatal within a short period of time. This disease also survives on surfaces etc. I know it is possible to test for this disease, because some boarders require testing (not that it matters, as there are so many false negatives...). Anyway...get your birds tested and test more than one time. I would wait for at least a year before introducing any new flock members and clean everything with f10 SC...assuming your others test negative.
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I forgot to ask or didn't see any reference to this, and I hate to ask it, but did you get a necropsy done? Just for the sake of the rest of your flock...I honestly don't think this was an Avian viral disease such as PDD or PBFD, simply due to the Chedder's obvious neurological issues that wreak of bad-breeding/hand-raising, but you have to be safe with your other birds...And you never, ever know, especially with a young bird who came from a questionable to horrible breeder and then lived in a pet shop like Chedder did...I hope that it's nothing that could/can effect the rest of your birds...
I forgot to ask or didn't see any reference to this, and I hate to ask it, but did you get a necropsy done? Just for the sake of the rest of your flock...I honestly don't think this was an Avian viral disease such as PDD or PBFD, simply due to the Chedder's obvious neurological issues that wreak of bad-breeding/hand-raising, but you have to be safe with your other birds...And you never, ever know, especially with a young bird who came from a questionable to horrible breeder and then lived in a pet shop like Chedder did...I hope that it's nothing that could/can effect the rest of your birds...

Are you kidding? Yes he got one done, see post #65. And then ALL of the following posts which address it.

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I’m so sorry to hear the news of the virus. I really hope that your other birds will be okay. I think you should get them all tested right away. Again, I’m so sorry that you’re going through this.
Here's the report they finally sent
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Once again YUMgrinder my heart goes out to you and your flock - such a horrible disease afflicting a most sweet and beautiful bird like Cheddar and so many others just like her. I can only pray the rest of the flock will stay safe!

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