Right now Salty is.....

Happy Hatch ... erm ... Birthday

Master Wrench!!


With Love And Best Wishes For Many, Many More!!

Me and Pascal wish you a very happy (belated) Birthday!!!

Also poor Salty, the evil paper!!! It must've been such a relief to him when he say you disposed the dangerous thing.
Another thanks for the birthday wishes! It was 52deg F on 2/11. Growing up, my birthday was always absolutely frigid and snow covered, with many parties cancelled due to that. Where was global warming when I needed it!

Just noticed today that this thread, Salty's life story, has hit 200,000 views! Not even close to the famous RickeyBird thread ( w/over 1/2 million!). I'm going to note that it's Valentines Day, Feb 14th, not that Salty is MY valentine ( that privilege goes to his Mommy, Geri).
You'll always be two years older than me buddy! I'll be 66 in two weeks :oops:

This year we GOTTA do a playdate with the boys...come heck or high water!

For my birthday, my son gave ME some new tricks for Salty ( and just how that is a birthday gift for me I'm still trying to figure out). And the Salty-bird picked them up, down cold, in his first training session with them. Gotta do a marathon session with him soon, doing every one of his tricks. He has been loving the special bird heating pad I bought on recommendations from the members here. He is always snuggled up close to it when I open the cage up in the mornings.

I've been going to a jam session on Tues nights, and I dont get home til 10:30 or so, too late to do any training, and at first Salty was mega pissed at me, even giving me a good nip when I tried to get him back in his cage for the night. Figured it out though; give him his treaties he would have gotten during training (well almost as much), let him chill and roost a bit in the darkened room, and suddenly I am back to being his pal and no bites going to bed. Parrots - you just gotta figure them out and out smart them.
Happy Birthday, again and always, Wrenchie, Al, my friend.
Apropos of nuthin'. I will never forget the Rickeybird's and Salty's Skype session years ago. Nobody laughed longer and harder than our Jim.
Could Salty sing a quick "Little Brown Jug" in Jim's memory?
Yeah i used to kid him all the time about what a luddite he was, I'd give him a spoon and ask if he knew how to work THAT, got no moving parts, bud!

THese days Salty only sings in the afternoon, when Geri gives him his "lunch", usually a small bit of fruit or some of his fav veggies, like corn or frozen peas(???). Got to see if can coax a "Lil Brown Jug" out of him, he usually free styles!
Yep here it is, 4:30PM on the dot and Salty is singing his fool head off, and jabbering away. You'd think for St. Patricks Day, he would at least talk with a Irish accent or sing "Danny Boy"!
Oh ho hohhhhhhhhhhh, ee hee heeeeeeeeeeeeee, little brown jug don't I love theeeeeee?
LOL, yes, Gail, and his little 'opera' snippet. We always give him a hand when he sings that.
Yesterday was Salty's first outing for 2022. Went shopping for some new toys, and enjoyed an adult beverage at the local tavern, where Salty was particularly vocal and polite. Practicing putting the harness all the time really pays off, he put it right on, no quibbles.
Yesterday was Salty's first outing for 2022. Went shopping for some new toys, and enjoyed an adult beverage at the local tavern, where Salty was particularly vocal and polite. Practicing putting the harness all the time really pays off, he put it right on, no quibbles.
So…you give all the treats he would earn, and in return he goes to bed without biting you? Yep, sounds like someone has certainly figured out how to do the outsmarting!
Much like BIRDIGIRL keeps a running thread on Mr. Biggles,
who I am his biggest fan, I am going to so the same for Salty,
so I don't clog up the board with endless posts.

Right now he is in the bedroom with Geri and I chewing up today's bills. GOOD BOY! Before, he enjoyed his Friday night pizza crust and his favorite .. a chicken bone. He loves marrow.
I keep seeing the post about a yellow shouldered Amazon. I have one named Tillie. She is to the left. I did not even realize shews on the page. I guess I put her there in2017.
Not sure but I was looking for one. I have three Amazons, Felix, a 39 year old Red Lord., Tillie a yellow shouldered, and Pokey a yellow fronted amazon. Both of them are in their late teens early to mid twenties.
Hey! Great another yellow shoulder amazon! THey are pretty rare as companion parrots and are really threatened in the wild. How is Tillie as a parrot? We love Salty to bits, he is such a good parrot, smart, well tempered and pretty predictable (unless its mating season).

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