Right now Salty is.....

Except beer, right Jim? Beer is meant for excess! Isn't it??

Aussies have always thought so, Master Wrench. In our part of the world it's beer o'clock pretty much most of the time - except of course for when it's wine o'clock. Gotta have something extra in the bloodstream to deal with all our venomous wildlife after all!! ;)
You must never ever give a chicken bone to a parrot. You risk their life each time you do. First they splinter and can kill your bird in a moment. Secondly they should NEVER EVER ALLOW THEM TO EAT 100% SATURATED FAT WHICH IS THE MARROW... Unless of course you want them to have arteriosclerosis ... which is on the upswing with parrots. Just because he likes it means nothing. His life is far more valuable that some horrifically dangerous bone with fat. SATURATED FAT at that.
(sigh), Alas that is all too true, 'Boats. And a dearth of the funny bone is all too pervasive. BTW, Salty wishes all members a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. He excited because he is getting a special treat tonight. A nice, big, juicy CHINKEN BONE, from our traditional Chinese food X-mas Eve dinner ( because no one wants to cook on X-mas Eve).

{{{{Warning}}}} - humor is evident. And in poor taste, as opposed to said Chinese food.
Back a few months ago, prior to our loosing our CAV to family on the central East Coast. We had been talking about Parrot Diet and the lack of application of Historical Knowledge based in studies completed in the natural ranges of Parrots. Her history of working for one of the Parrot Food companies and participating in several of those had provided her a wealth of knowledge regarding Pellet Food and other critical segments of a Companion Parrot's diet.

One of her great concerns was the exposure of questionable information now commonly available on the Internet. Especially from those self pro ported experts who's knowledge base is little more than copying in their books, articles, etc., what they have stolen from others, but failed to include the: However's and Precautions commonly not found in their rigid pro claimants.

One of the common pro claimants is that Parrots must never eat seed, and such statements rarely, if ever, include which specific seed that it applies too! As an example, Amazons should be vastly limited in their intake of Sunflower Seed, but that Macaws should have a segment included in their diet. The important is that both Parrot Species share much of the same native regions.

Another is the vast and rapid onset of Heart Failure and it related illnesses in Companion Parrots. The reports in the self pro ported experts writings commonly blame it on specific fatty foods, but rarely define, which species and the other far more contributing factors.

Anyway, we have an evening to prepare for Good Friends! A Very Merry Christmas from the Boat's Household to each of yours!!!
Got Salty a heating block, its just to dam cold in this house. SHould be here tomorrow. Hope he likes it. Has to be better then the heating pad laid over the cage. Its one of those K&H ones the 5 x 7 12 watt. Poor guy its been so cold I cant really take to my usual place for giving scratchies.
Bingo likes his K&H heater.
he doesn’t always sit real close but kind of leans towards it.
want to order a couple more soon.
Supplemental heat this year is a reality as January has just been down-right Cold!! We have clearly tested all the New Home technology that we include during the build. That all said, the vast majority comes down to Craftsmanship of the workers. I elected to be a Pain in The Butt during construction and we sill have areas that was missed. Sorry for the venting, but ..

Back to Salty and his friends. We move Julios perches deeper into the rooms and if along a wall, we targeting inside walls and away from windows /Doors.

Julio likes the heat panels as well.
Got Salty a heating block, its just to dam cold in this house. SHould be here tomorrow. Hope he likes it. Has to be better then the heating pad laid over the cage. Its one of those K&H ones the 5 x 7 12 watt. Poor guy its been so cold I cant really take to my usual place for giving scratchies.
Even tho the heat register (hot water radiator) is right behind Amy and BB's houses and the temp is at 68 degrees,ya it's been friggin cold here too. The cable tv"box"sits near BB's T perch in my bedroom and I find him snuggling next to it from time to time (it gives off heat).
Where did you get the heaters from Al?? I think the boys would benefit from them.
Just ordered one off Amazon should be here Tuesday :)

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Bertie chews anything on her cage, so heating was a challenge. I actually got a Snuggle Safe disc that we used to use for orphan kittens. It heats in the microwave and stays warm for 10 hours without getting too warm. I slide it under the grate of her cage and heat slowly radiates up. She loves it and I don’t worry about her getting burned or chewing on the disc.

I was wrapped up in a big fuzzy blanket last night, and when I got up to give Salty his prebedtime scratchie, I gave him a substantial static electricity shock. He was so frightened he flew into the kitchen (even tho we just had his wings trimmed a bit). Whats worse when it came time to bring him over to his cage for bedtime, he was in full defensive mode, tail spread wide, eyes pinned and mouth open ready to bite. I did succeed in calming him down, but I dont blame him for being upset - it was a real shocker w/loud spark and even a visible spark arc. Have to be careful in the future to ground myself out before handling him!!

I was wrapped up in a big fuzzy blanket last night, and when I got up to give Salty his prebedtime scratchie, I gave him a substantial static electricity shock. He was so frightened he flew into the kitchen (even tho we just had his wings trimmed a bit). Whats worse when it came time to bring him over to his cage for bedtime, he was in full defensive mode, tail spread wide, eyes pinned and mouth open ready to bite. I did succeed in calming him down, but I dont blame him for being upset - it was a real shocker w/loud spark and even a visible spark arc. Have to be careful in the future to ground myself out before handling him!!
Poke Geri before skritchin' the Saltmiester! :D

Yesterday was my birthday (68) and Geri gave me a present wrapped in some left over Christmas wrapping paper, black with small metallic gold trees on it. Salty for some reason was deathly afraid if it and kept flying off my shoulder when we sat close to it. I only figured it out when later on in the evening when it came time for training, he ran over to the far corner of our little training area (our coffee table w/a towel ever it), and kept looking askance (love that word, which can be best typified by that look that parrots give something scary) at the crumpled up wad of wrapping paper. He was unusually uncooperative in the session, even to the point of running up my arm and hiding behind my head, away from the said scary paper. We promptly threw the wad out, letting Salty see the monster disposed of! So silly sometimes , these birds!
Happy birthday wrench.
My 62 is coming up a little later this month.
I just hope my other 1/2 doesn't get too angry after she sees
what I ordered from Amazon.

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