Right now Salty is.....

I'm sure the Saltmiester will happily contribute to a great video Al..after all,we know he is such a ham! Amy says HI to his buddy,but is sad because we missed play date time this year coz of the Virus :o

Technology has its fragilities and for whatever reasons, they show themselves when we choose to count on them. Regardless of the cold technology and its disregard for working or not. It is not true for our feathered love balls that enjoy our comforting reward for their efforts.

Salty has once again, proven that at the end of the day, regardless of the abilities of the technologies, its the warm living thing that true joy flows from... Tons of rewards, toward Salty!!!
Dear friends, it has been pointed out to me , rightly so, that I often do not click the THANKS button on replies in this and most other threads, not because I am not thankful for the many replies in this an other threads. Quite the opposite, I read every one and really am thankful that anyone would take the time to add comments or anything to this and other threads I respond to. SO I will take this opportunity to thank every single person who ever commented or asked questions in this or any other thread I am involved with. This very unique on-line forum is very dear to me , as are the members new and old, and I offer my apologies and most importantly my thanks to you all. I will try to do better in the future!
Yeah! I got the video record thingy to work better. So here is the latest video of Salty and a lot of his newest tricks, but not all; I still can't get it to record for the full length of the training session, so some of the tricks didn't make it into this recording. lighting and camera angle are prtty good, as I think you'll agree. Salty opens up the session with a really hearty one of his signature laughs, a very auspicious start! Enjoy !

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I was going thru some of my older posts from 2017 (to thank people ) and I realized that some of Saltys videos were in separate threads and not included here, so I reposting them. 2 things are apparent. One - the video quality is so much better now! And two, Salty has progressed so far from those days!

Here they are:
Peek A Boo

Playing xylophone

Pole dancing

Doing the original 8 cup trick

And here he is when he first learned to do the ring trick, which he figured out all by himself!

He sure has come a long way!!
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Saltys' latest video was awesome. Yes you can see that he knows he is doing the tricks well, too. As far as your short comings; lord know's, we have enough of our own to not worry about yours. lol jh
Thanks! Salty tries so hard and he has learned so much.
While on a recent trip to the cottage, Julio surprised us with a long string of "Hi's." Near, or about twenty in a roll. He is commonly more an Amazon of few words, but very specific in their use. It was clear he was making a point and enjoyed it...

It's a point that the vast majority of our Amazons, over the years, have each made, in different ways, but clearly they wanted us to know that they noticed our efforts...

Salty's joy in his 'works' remind me just how much they enjoy different ways of expressing joy in what we do for them, i.e. they notice...
An update on Salty.

Over the past weekend, Salty must have, again, bruised muscles for his beak, because he spent 1/2 of Sat and pretty much all Sunday, sitting quietly on his perches, not playing and really hesitant Sat night in our training session. Hesitant with tricks involving his beak, specifically. We went to my vets refered 24/7 emergency clinic Sun afternoon, however they were rubbish as far as a diagnosis, not having their bird expert on call. Sent home with some pain meds, however they did send the report direcct to my regular vet, and Salty has a follow up visit on Monday, and instructions to monitor his behavior closely til then. He is much improved, but will go to his appointment.

As far as tricks go, well he gets bored with tricks if he does them every night, so I have been expanding his range of tricks and what we do with them. SO for example, his set of 8 multicolored stacking cup, I will lay them all out, and he has to sort a group of multicolored mini wiffleballs into they propriate colored cups. He has been making progress on several complicated tricks, like riding his bird bicycle and his A.B, C's.

I also have some new tricks and props to introduce; a small plastic telephone for him to pick up the receiver and say Hello; A ramp for his little skate board; a wooden grist mill type of toy, and a few others. Of all of them, the telephone will be the hardest; its such a different type of trick for him and the phone is larger that I expected. We shall see!
I hope he’s feeling better soon. Let him know Auntie Inger is thinking of him.

His trick learning ability never ceases to amaze me. I can’t wait to see him answer the telephone!

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He'll be answering the house phone in no time :D

I can remember Smokey saying hello as my mom picked up the phone.
Amy hopes (as the rest of us do) that his pal recovers quickly,Al.

I would say he's 97% back to normal. I am still taking him to see his regualr vet Monday. One take away point for everyone - even if your regualr vet has a assigned 24/7 clinic for after hours and weekends, doesn;t mean they have the same expertise your CAV has. While well meaning, the clinic i went to was pretty clueless about parrots.
I would say he's 97% back to normal. I am still taking him to see his regualr vet Monday. One take away point for everyone - even if your regualr vet has a assigned 24/7 clinic for after hours and weekends, doesn;t mean they have the same expertise your CAV has. While well meaning, the clinic i went to was pretty clueless about parrots.

Happy to read he is well on the mend buddy. I remember years ago I took Amy to the vet my mom used to take her kitties to. I don't recall why I went there instead of KBAH where I've been taking the fid's for 30+ years. Amy was just going for a grooming.When the receptionist wrote down "green parrot" I said NO THANKS I'll make an appointment with my regular vet. :rolleyes:

Sounds like Salty maybe 'snapping' his Beak as he is scraping it on a set of bars. This can cause a twisting action with a build-up of torque. The sudden release results in an over-extension in the opposite direction. The result is a combination of both muscle and nerve pain. Depending on the force of the release, it can be several days before the pain backs away.

Happy to hear that he is recovering... And, fully agree with keeping your appointment with his Avian Medical Professional.

Why do they do that? I haven't a clue... With time, (age) they link the loading with the snap and stop doing it.
'Boats, the attending vet at the clinic was familiar with parrots enough to notice bruises at the corners of his beak, which I didn't see at all. His CAV has a copy of the report, and I'll make sure to mention this to her. THanks!
Good to hear that Salty is recovering-- hope he'll be his usual self soon.

I remember taking George the YCA to a different vet for a pedicure once when his usual excellent avian vet was on vacation. The new vet sent his assistant in to do the nail trim, and she'd never even seen a real live parrot before. She did a terrible job with the nail trim and complained that George bit her. Three of George's nails were bleeding when she brought him out and I insisted on talking to the vet. I told him how badly the nail trim went and he said there would be no charge. Small compensation, but better than nothing, I suppose. Of course, I never went back there again.
Good to hear that Salty is recovering-- hope he'll be his usual self soon.

I remember taking George the YCA to a different vet for a pedicure once when his usual excellent avian vet was on vacation. The new vet sent his assistant in to do the nail trim, and she'd never even seen a real live parrot before. She did a terrible job with the nail trim and complained that George bit her. Three of George's nails were bleeding when she brought him out and I insisted on talking to the vet. I told him how badly the nail trim went and he said there would be no charge. Small compensation, but better than nothing, I suppose. Of course, I never went back there again.

I use to take Amy to the local pet shop for his nails, a lot closer to home,no appointment needed and free coz I was a "valued"costomer. The regular girl wasn't in that day (she has her own fids for ten years and did their nails) The young girl who held Amy in a towel was very nervous,Amy was squirming and the :mad::mad::mad: idiot doing the trimming cut three nails too short. On the way home we stopped at the coffee shop and Amy was holding his foot up and wimpering (crying in my eyes) We went back to the shop and I ripped that kid a new one and told management I won't ever be back. I still get sad thinking on how my poor green dino suffered just because I wanted to save some time and a couple bucks. :o

New batch of chop:
Green beans
Habanero peppers
Jalapeno peppers
Chilie peppers
2 red bell peppers
Small amount of baby spinach

75 baggies, so enough to go into 2021. It took maybe 2 hours to chop, blend and bag. I have been mixing a small amount of the Texas freeze dried veggies, and a crushed up nutriberry or piece of Avicake.
Glad to hear Salty is improving! That batch of chop will give him extra fortification!!

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