Right now Salty is.....

138 baggies of chop made.
Baby Spinach
Red Beet greens
Quinoa, mixed
3 Ingredient pasta
Red peppers

Yum Yum!
I didn’t know the beet greens are okay. I’ve been throwing them out.

And how come you say greens and not the actual beet, Archie’s favorite?
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Ira, just a preference. Beets make the whole batch look redish purple, Salty's poops too.
This birds gonna be the life of me yet. Saturday, the 28" stainless bowl thats suspended under his daytime boing/perch just cut loose and fell to the floor. I didnt see it, Geri just caught it out of her eye. But Salty wound up on the floor. He seemed OK physically, but was very subdued the rest of the day and Sunday/Monday. No playing with toys, and more important he didn;t eat much if anything. and of course wanted no part of nightly training. So it was off to Dr Hoefer, again. They couldn't find anything wrong either, except they felt his grip was a bit weak. SO the gravage feed him a meal of Exact parrot formula and a small dose of pain meds ( Metacalm). Tues day he seemed more like him self, and he eagerly ran thru a lot of new tricks and some oldies. I had some more meds I could have given him, but I didn;t think he was hurting anymore. Today, pretty much back to normal. LOL, I run this guy to the Dr. more than I did with my KIDS!

Upside, I think we have passed thru the worst of his hormone season ( watch, tomorrow he will nail me good).
Oh I’m glad to read Salty is good. Yep these fids keep us on our toes. Go Salty!

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Hey, I just noticed Salty's thread hit the 100K mark in views! Who'd a thunk it! Four years and 119 pages later. And he keeps surprising us almost daily. Yesterday he went on a talking jag, but only focused on teasing our dog. "Here Tinker. Here, puppy. Tinker! (wheeet) Tinker, come on puppy! Tinker. Good dog!" Geri and I were cracking up, and Tinker is at least smart enough to ignore him now.
Our oldest Amazon was 48 when she past. Her last newly learned word (that she stated) was earlier that year! May the good times continue to roll good friend!

FYI: Congratulations of the ever growing numbers!!!
Speaking of new stuff (pun intended) being spoken, We often ask Salty "How are ya doing?" and he asks us back the same question. Yesterday when I asked him "How are ya doing?" Salty answered back "I'm fine". NOT a taught response at all. Amazin' Amazons!
Sorry to reply to you on this thread, but you sent me a a PM about my bird Sugar, and it will not let me reply to your message because I have not been on the forum long enough. You sent the message about the popsicle sticks. I'm so sorry, I didn't want you to think I was rude for not responding. I appreciate the advice. Sugar is doing much better. Her legs have healed up. Anyway, sorry to reply on here, but I didn't know how else to contact you and thank you for the advice about popsicle sticks. I am going to the craft store later this week and will get some. She does have a few things in her cage she likes to play with that keep her occupied, but have not tried those. Thanks again for the advice.

Lee Ann
Sorry to reply to you on this thread, but you sent me a a PM about my bird Sugar, and it will not let me reply to your message because I have not been on the forum long enough. You sent the message about the popsicle sticks. I'm so sorry, I didn't want you to think I was rude for not responding. I appreciate the advice. Sugar is doing much better. Her legs have healed up. Anyway, sorry to reply on here, but I didn't know how else to contact you and thank you for the advice about popsicle sticks. I am going to the craft store later this week and will get some. She does have a few things in her cage she likes to play with that keep her occupied, but have not tried those. Thanks again for the advice.

Lee Ann

Yup, that does happen. It's part of the security system to keep individuals from spamming the members. You can PM any of our Moderators (their the ones in Purple) and they will forward your PM to a member. Hope that this helps.
I am getting a few new tricks for Salty; A basketball type hoop, and a dart board.
I thought it might be cool for folks to see how we approach a completely new trick from soup to nuts, and how we work together. I am going to do a stand alone video on just one trick, the basket ball hoop and see how it goes. I'm just waiting for a stand for my tablet to hold it in the right position, so you will be able to see everything that goes on.

BTW, look for these kinds of props on either Amazon or Ebay, much much cheaper. Bird Tricks wanted $24 for the dart board, which cost me $2 on Amazon. Same deal of the basket ball hoop thing.
Looking forward to seeing Salty learn from scratch, although I think we all know it will be about a 15 second video!!

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Inger, I put it up in a separate thread, but I added it here, just to keep his record complete. He learned this trick in 2 minutes.

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Took Salty with me to the petshop for a toy replacement run and to get Tinker some doggie treats too. THe staff all came over to say Hi to him. Then we went to get my car washed. Its the kind where you stay in the car, and Salty was fine throughout the whole 'ride'. Nothing fazes him when he is with me on my shoulder in his harness. Loud trucks and motorcycles, bridges and overpasses, nada! At night - different story, he hates being in the car at night, understandable with parrots poor night vision. All the lights whizzing by really upset him.
Forgot to add this video to his thread, so here it is.

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Took Salty with me to the petshop for a toy replacement run and to get Tinker some doggie treats too. THe staff all came over to say Hi to him. Then we went to get my car washed. Its the kind where you stay in the car, and Salty was fine throughout the whole 'ride'. Nothing fazes him when he is with me on my shoulder in his harness. Loud trucks and motorcycles, bridges and overpasses, nada! At night - different story, he hates being in the car at night, understandable with parrots poor night vision. All the lights whizzing by really upset him.

Only time that our Amazons, over the years, have been semi-comfortable with night rides was when the travels extended into the night. The combination of the slow change to darkness and the length of the trip had them sleeping with beak between ear and head.

Hmmm, looks like Salty is about to sneak past 1200 permalinks, Congratulations!
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Salty has been singing a lot more than usual lately. You know Amazons are noted for thier singing abilities, even doing operatic like phrases (which he has been doing for a few years already). But now he does it in a high clear soprano with lots of vibrato in his voice. It varies with regard to the actual notes, and doesn't sound like anything we have been listening to. It's just amazing to listen to, knowing he is probably making it up in his head and giving life to tune ! And he repeats some of the tunes at different times, so he knows what he is singing, sort of. As a musician what really gets me is that his intervals, the spacing between the notes, the pitch, the do-rei-me-fa-so-la-te-do if you will, sound correct to me! All in major intervals, not minors. Correct Western intervals. Not like some Eastern music, with 1/4 tone intervals ( Chinese and some Indian music is like that). If I had perfect pitch, I'd be willing to bet that the notes he is singing are in perfect ptch too! How could this ability be attributable to a survival trait??
The music Salty gets exposed to is mostly Celtic and Scottish, classic rock and what ever sound tracks there are to movies.

I'm mostly wondering not so much at what he is singing, but the WHY of it. Why can they do this and why are Amazons so much better at it?
It all sits in that survival thing and connecting with other members of his family and more importantly his species, i.e. avoiding other species and targeting his species. His abilities pick up on the slight differences within his species, but not his specify family, allows him to say hi to the neighbors, but avoid the Blue Fronts down the road...

Back in the good-old-days, when they brought adult Amazons into the US. It always amazed me the extent of their Amazon vocabulary. Even an active, interactive Amazon today has nothing on a Wild Caught Amazon.

In the Wild, Salty would still be with his parents, and his older and younger siblings with the older ones beginning to vary their communications as they are developing an interest in that 'special' one in the family across the stream. Picking-up on Amazon vocalizations a bit more common to that family. If they pair-up, they will add to the collection, their own sounds, calls and sweet nothings.

My very first Amazon was a LC and that Sweet Lady filled our home with hours of Amazon speech rarely repeating more than a couple of calls.

Their ability implies what had sounded to me, to be prefect pitch...
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Much like Salty, my old YCA George used to make up his own operatic arias, often singing words that he knew. One of his favorites was "Pretty bird, bird, bird... " with variations in pitch and voulme. Even Enrico Caruso singing something by Giuseppe Verdi would find it hard to compete with Amazons' operatic inventions. :D

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