Please Welcome Our New Baby Greenwing

Ok, its 3:20 AM eastern time, Since I was not able to finish the Video editing in time :( I will make a consolation POST :)

Baby has Prison Release Date :D
THURSDAY July 24th


YAY, We Are All SO HAPPY, Short Story:
He told us baby is completely weaned
He said just to be safe we can pick baby up next week

I jokingly said "well technically tomorrow (sunday) IS next week" LOL
He laughed and said "then I meant next weekend"

I countered "How about I make a 'Dentist appointment' for Thursday"
He laughed even harder and said it was OK!!

The video of him this visit is different, he was showing tons of personality

By the difference between the way he responds to me and the way he responds to Rissa I think he IS Male !! He was holding Rissa by the wrist (with his full beak around her tiny wrist) and would not let go, not even a bit too much pressure, Not even marking her in the slightest, BUT he didn't want her to move !! She was not scared, but she told me he didn't want to let her go, I reached over and said "Let Go" and he made his "little Puppy" noise "Roo roo roo" and released her, then he did it again to her index finger, she looked at him up close in his face and said "Let Go" and he did :)

I notice he listens to her voice with a "blank" look in his face
(like he is intently focusing on her voice)

He treats me and the boys completely different (not in a bad way at all)

We see an ever so slight similarity with the way our male Zon was with Rissa

So who knows though Right? (going out on a limb here LOL)

I already sent for the DNA kit :) I want some of our local Mac experts to see a short clip of his interaction with Rissa and see if they can get a feel for "his" gender

Marybeth is getting her HH on the SAME DAY Thursday the 24th!!

Baby has Prison Release Date :D
THURSDAY July 24th


Oh great news Joe!! Yay, finally huh?! :D can't wait to see/hear about him at home!!
I'm not a big believer in that male birds prefer/are nicer to females and vice versa. If I make a guess to gender with macs it's based on size. We were thinking Zoe was a girl because she's petite for a BTM. Does your guy have a name yet? How big is he, meaning how much does he weigh?
I'm not a big believer in that male birds prefer/are nicer to females and vice versa. If I make a guess to gender with macs it's based on size. We were thinking Zoe was a girl because she's petite for a BTM. Does your guy have a name yet? How big is he, meaning how much does he weigh?

Nah! With macaws it's all about the quality of the interaction (and whether or not they sense fear and can bully you), not the gender.

Check out the HAPPY FLAPPY treatment your daughter is getting... so, I take it your bird was just a tiny bit excited to see you guys again...

Y'think?! Was there a clue in there somewhere?
Uncky Gw joe! Oh how cool!!!

Yes, you are correct. Thursday is the tentative day for his arrival! As long as everything lines up this time! :)

It's so hard to wait, isn't it!?

My little guy is not much older than yours! His hatch date is 3-14-14!

Gosh your greenwing makes me want a macaw someday, too! He is so beautiful! So excited for you all!
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Oh great news Joe!! Yay, finally huh?! :D can't wait to see/hear about him at home!!

Thanks Julie, been so hectic getting ready, have not been able to get the video done :( I will just be skipping the last update video and jump to the "Pickup" Video :)

I bought a collapsible dog crate from Petsmart, so because it is collapsible I can "unfold" it onto the back seat of my car (it just fits)

I am using it "vertically" (like a real bird cage) We got some Dowels from Home Depot and will be setting it up with a perch and food, water bowls, I'll video the bird in it so you guys will see the Pickup !!

I'm not a big believer in that male birds prefer/are nicer to females and vice versa. If I make a guess to gender with macs it's based on size. We were thinking Zoe was a girl because she's petite for a BTM. Does your guy have a name yet? How big is he, meaning how much does he weigh?

Hi Karen, No name yet (till we DNA the bird) I will weigh "him" as soon as we get home (we need a baseline weight to start our log anyway)

I did say I was going out on a limb here about the sex :D

To be honest it makes no difference to me really, we just need to know so my daughter can have some fun torturing me with a silly name from the Sumerian race LOL

With macaws it's all about the quality of the interaction (and whether or not they sense fear and can bully you), not the gender.

Check out the HAPPY FLAPPY treatment your daughter is getting... so, I take it your bird was just a tiny bit excited to see you guys again...

Y'think?! Was there a clue in there somewhere?

Thanks Mark, Always value your thoughts, will have a video for you to please check out the birds personality SOON !!

Uncky Gw joe! Oh how cool!!!

Yes, you are correct. Thursday is the tentative day for his arrival! As long as everything lines up this time! :)

It's so hard to wait, isn't it!?

My little guy is not much older than yours! His hatch date is 3-14-14!

Gosh your greenwing makes me want a macaw someday, too! He is so beautiful! So excited for you all!

Aww Thanks Marybeth, he is a sweet bird, we are Very Lucky !!

It was hard waiting, I think visiting the bird made it feel like we had even more anxiety, it is such a LONG drive and you start to feel like you are in the "Twilight Zone" LOL Very Glad it is OVER !!

Two Things:

1) PLEASE video your pickup from the airport, we will all LOVE it !!!
2) You realize this makes you Aun-ty Mar-beth :D

About that whole dog crate thing?!

Sweepea rode home from the breeders on my shoulder, with the side of her body pressed against the side of my head. She's been that way ever since.

I'm pretty sure this bird would be content to sit on your daughter's lap going home.

But that's up to you... everyone has their own opinions. And if s/he isn't clipped yet, then perhaps the dog crate would be prudent at least until you got in the car.
About that whole dog crate thing?!

Sweepea rode home from the breeders on my shoulder, with the side of her body pressed against the side of my head. She's been that way ever since.

I'm pretty sure this bird would be content to sit on your daughter's lap going home.

But that's up to you... everyone has their own opinions. And if s/he isn't clipped yet, then perhaps the dog crate would be prudent at least until you got in the car.

Yeah, I have 100 % cotton beach towels to use as cuddle blankies / poo catchers for my daughters lap, its just that being a 2 hour (220 mile) drive I'm worried the bird may want to "explore" the leather seats in my 94 Impala SS, it is my "road trip" car, Ive owned it for 15 years do you think he will sit still on my daughters lap for 2 hours?

(now I get to brag on my car :D )



I'd no more let my pet ride free in the car then I'd let my kids ride without a seatbelt. You might be a great driver, but there's always an idiot on the road. My pets go in a carrier and that carrier gets strapped in.
I'm worried the bird may want to "explore" the leather seats in my 94 Impala SS, it is my "road trip" car, Ive owned it for 15 years do you think he will sit still on my daughters lap for 2 hours?

If he's a normal macaw, he'd probably be content to sit on your daughter's lap for the next 20 years.

Your daughter's job is to make sure she doesn't explore your leather seats. She's got to pay attention to that stuff. Training begins NOW. This is what we can chew on, this is what we can't. Just distract the bird BEFORE he s/he latches onto anything...

And as an added precaution, when I went across country with my five, I just threw a blanket over all the seats as a poop catcher/chew preventer. The chewing never ended up being an issue...
I'd no more let my pet ride free in the car then I'd let my kids ride without a seatbelt. You might be a great driver, but there's always an idiot on the road. My pets go in a carrier and that carrier gets strapped in.

OK, counting Stephen's "like" that's two votes for the Cage LOL

I was thinking about it a lot and even though the cage is attached to the seat belt the BIRD is not and would be slammed against the metal bars of the cage, not sure that is better than my daughters arms, not sure it would make a difference from a physics point of view
OK, counting Stephen's "like" that's two votes for the Cage LOL

I was thinking about it a lot and even though the cage is attached to the seat belt the BIRD is not and would be slammed against the metal bars of the cage, not sure that is better than my daughters arms, not sure it would make a difference from a physics point of view

That's actually always been my argument. That's always the risk of having a bird out, whether in a carrier or outside of it, they fair worse than you would in the event of an accident.

I can see both sides on this one. I generally never use a carrier unless the bird is injured and is being transported to the vet. But that's just me...

I do a lot of stuff that folks might object to as unsafe... and everyone is entitled to their opinion on this issue. Stay within your own comfort zone.
I'd no more let my pet ride free in the car then I'd let my kids ride without a seatbelt. You might be a great driver, but there's always an idiot on the road. My pets go in a carrier and that carrier gets strapped in.

OK, counting Stephen's "like" that's two votes for the Cage LOL

I was thinking about it a lot and even though the cage is attached to the seat belt the BIRD is not and would be slammed against the metal bars of the cage, not sure that is better than my daughters arms, not sure it would make a difference from a physics point of view

It actually is better and I'll tell you why. If you're in an accident (God forbid) your daughter is likely to either squeeze the bird and injure it or her or to let go of the bird and then it slams into the window.

The purpose of the cage is to prevent them from going far and gaining momentum. Sure it would likely slam into the cage, but that would be less likely to injure them than to slam into the windshield due to the short distance.

The other scenario is that someone hits you, it's not too serious, but it startles the bird and the bird inures itself, your daughter or maybe it flies into your face causing you to make a bigger crash.

Everyone should do what they feel is best, but to me it's not worth the risk.
Well, I don't want to jinx myself :D but I have been driving 40 years not having an any crashes (yet LOL)

I am a very defensive driver, I feel a lot of people crash cause they don't see it coming, every time we drive on these long trips we see people doing dumb things behind the wheel and almost crashing, never ceases to amaze me, even people drifting and crossing the center line and stuff like that, CRAZY !!

ONE MORE DAY LEFT !!! Hoot Hoot :D
I'm so jealous that you only have a day left! Granted you've been waiting longer than I have :p

I can't wait to see your coming home video so I can live vicariously!
I'd no more let my pet ride free in the car then I'd let my kids ride without a seatbelt. You might be a great driver, but there's always an idiot on the road. My pets go in a carrier and that carrier gets strapped in.

OK, counting Stephen's "like" that's two votes for the Cage LOL

I was thinking about it a lot and even though the cage is attached to the seat belt the BIRD is not and would be slammed against the metal bars of the cage, not sure that is better than my daughters arms, not sure it would make a difference from a physics point of view

It actually is better and I'll tell you why. If you're in an accident (God forbid) your daughter is likely to either squeeze the bird and injure it or her or to let go of the bird and then it slams into the window.

The purpose of the cage is to prevent them from going far and gaining momentum. Sure it would likely slam into the cage, but that would be less likely to injure them than to slam into the windshield due to the short distance.

The other scenario is that someone hits you, it's not too serious, but it startles the bird and the bird inures itself, your daughter or maybe it flies into your face causing you to make a bigger crash.

Everyone should do what they feel is best, but to me it's not worth the risk.

April's reasoning is completely sound in regards to the possibility of unintentionally squeezing the bird in the chaos of a crash, or something spooking him/her and causing a panicked flight into your face, causing the crash. I don't know whether or not there'd be much difference slamming into the cage or the window, but those first two reasons would be compelling enough for me.

And consider this third scenario. The aftermath of a crash. Windows shattered, but your lovely macaw miraculously unharmed... and terribly frightened. Remember that even a clipped parrot can fly quite a distance given a good breeze.

And lastly, Joe, remember that EVERYONE has a perfect accident record... until their first accident. It can happen to anyone. (Well, except me. But that's beside the point. :p)
I'm so jealous that you only have a day left! Granted you've been waiting longer than I have :p

I can't wait to see your coming home video so I can live vicariously!

I guarantee you it will be a GOOD Video!! (Macaw party car ride LOL)

"Happy Dancing" to the Music, Treats, and snuggle Lovins !!
............. its just that being a 2 hour (220 mile) drive
Wow, 110mph average speed? Hope you have a get outta jail free card!! :eek:
A couple of hours in the car, I'd have a carrier ready if needed..
Ok totally jealous of the car... I drive a "mom mobile." When I got my Rav4 I wanted an Rx8. Karen very vociferously told me h e double hockey sticks no.

I only have one last suggestion... Do not wear a button down shirt... I'm sitting here half naked due to Zoe snapping all my buttons in half.

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