Re: Please read, many birds dead at rehab, food to blame?
I know it’s been a while since an update, but just saw this on Facebook this morning...
“It is with a heavy heart that I must throw out yet another warning about Zupreem Fruit Flavored Blend Pellets and products containing those pellets such as Smart Selects and Pure Fun mix by Zupreem as well.
Batch Numbers:
10287 865309107 Use By: 3/31/19
09137 862908047 Use by: 2/28/19
We have NOT had any complaints about naturals. So if you must feed Zupreem, I'd recommend the naturals until this is figured out.
***A note about the batches - We are ONLY warning about these particular batch numbers. The ones reported are these and some Pure Fun Mix and Smart Selects with very close batch numbers. See bottom of the post for what to do if you can only feed these foods. If you've already got a bag open, with no ill effects of a batch that doesn't match - it is more than likely ok.
We've noted a trend in the death spikes, Every 2 months from around the 25th-5th of the next month, the deaths start getting reported again. The first one occurred when my birds died. Jan 1. There were a slew of related deaths from Christmas until about the 5th or 6th, and then again around the first of March, and now here we are, right on schedule end of April to early May.
People open the new bag, feed their birds and then a few hours later, they're drunk, wobbly, having seizures and profusely vomiting. Few survive it, but if they do, the symptoms are gone within about 48 hours and the bird basically goes back to normal with no long term effects.
For those having necropsies and histopathologies done, the cause of death is acute toxicity with a lot of pulmonary edema going on inside.
I've been trying like crazy to avoid putting out another one of these warnings because every time I do, the internet goes nuts, and the naysayers (with live birds) drag me through the mud for weeks on end. But, as this all started to begin with - I guess I just can't care what they think. This isn't about me. It's about giving you the information you need to make the right decisions for yourself about your birds.
You may have read that there is no FDA case. That there is no Department of Ag case. There is. There absolutely is. The Department of Ag in Michigan opened the case with the FDA. I do not have a direct line or human at the FDA. I talk to the DoA guys. I'm not sharing documents anymore. That's not going to happen. Because what happens when I do is that a bunch of amateur people who don't have degrees in any sort of science try to translate them and then spread misinformation across the internet.
The last histopathology was done by the FDA. Cause of death - Pulmonary Edema. Pretty much same as the first. This histopathology pointed towards possible mycotoxins, so last I heard from the science teams is that was what the FDA is focusing on for testing right now.
We still don't have an answer. If we remember back when the meniadone thing happened with the dog food, that took months and months to figure out. This is not really different from that.
In the past few days, the death spikes have begun again. One gal opened a new bag of Smart Selects, and only fed that to her to littles. She has several other birds who don't get that food. Gets up the next morning and only the birds that eat that food are dead. Another ended up in the emergency ER with same symptoms. That bird survived. Another passes after opening a new bag. Same symptoms.'s still going. Please avoid these particular batches.
See the attached screenshots for the latest report of death just today.
Also, I've attached an image of just the top part of a document. Showing the FDA is involved. And my name as the owner of the birds.
If you don't agree the food is likely responsible - fine. Do what you want for your birds. But if you actively go around convincing people this food is sound and not compromised, and those people feed that food because they believe you, and their bird dies - that death is on you. We're doing all we can to try to get people educated about the risks. If they discard the information and feed it anyway - we've at least tried. That's all we're trying to do here.
1) Keep the food
2) Refrigerate (but don't freeze) your bird until you can get them to the vet for necropsy/histopathology
3) Ask for a necropsy and histopathology
4) Contact your State's Department of Agriculture - Feed Manager
5) Have your Department of Ag contact the Michigan Department of Ag Feed Manager for information on getting your case connected to the FDA Case the MI Dept of Ag opened
6) Feel free to talk to us about it for support and love to get through this.
If you reply with any drama or crappy comments, you're out. We'll ban you without a second thought.
Other Pellet Recommendations:
Zupreem: Naturals. No reports on those.
Higgins: InTune - my guys LOVE this stuff.
Hari/Hagen: Tropimix - This is my staple pellet
Harrison's Lifetime
Caitec Oven Bites
I'll likely never recommend artificially colored pellets again. So if you'd like to feed those - you'll want to do your own research.
Write down the batch numbers and expiration dates above, stick them in your wallet or purse, and buy it in person. Match the batch number found on the back of the bag to those batch numbers and if you have to reach all the way to the back of the shelf, see if you can find one that doesn't have those expiration dates and batch numbers.”
She also shared a couple of photos: