Please read, many birds dead at rehab

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Re: Please read, many birds dead at rehab, food to blame?

That is an important piece of information. Someone might have deliberately put something into the food before donating it to the rescue.
Re: Please read, many birds dead at rehab, food to blame?

My understanding is the rescue was not the only place that had birds get sick so it wouldn't have been donated food.
Re: Please read, many birds dead at rehab, food to blame?

Thankfully no issues for the breeder and he has a LOT of birds, maybe more than 50.
Re: Please read, many birds dead at rehab, food to blame?

My understanding is the rescue was not the only place that had birds get sick so it wouldn't have been donated food.

I have read in this thread that there have been mysterious deaths "all over the country" but nothing "concrete".
Perhaps it's only being reported on Facebook ( which I don't use).

I do hope someone can get to the bottom of this, and soon.

Re: Please read, many birds dead at rehab, food to blame?

Are there any new updates? Or are there expected to be anymore updates? Anybody else still stuck in limbo?
Re: Please read, many birds dead at rehab, food to blame?

This was posted last week from Bird’s and Beaks, it’s lenghthy.

These are the results we have in thus far:

Food has been cleared of any metal/fungal/additive toxins. Waiting for Dept of Ag to give us what else to test for in the food.

Cause of death is consistent with acute intoxication.

More testing on food and environment will be done as soon as we have direction from the dept of Ag.


Well, someone has gotten her hands on all of our information and is spreading it. So, I too shall publish it. This was not her information to share, and we don't have all the testing complete. She's kind of an awful human being, in my opinion, but who am I to judge?

I STILL BELIEVE IT IS THE FOOD. The testing done has only tested for one thing. Metal toxicity, Fungal Toxicity and Additive Toxicity.

If you want to see all the deaths racking up across the country with unsolved parrot deaths see:

If you have a way with what is detailed below to be an indoor toxin - please let me know.

Judith is so hellbent on being "right" she's lost touch with what this is about. There are deaths. A lot of them. Without answers. She wants you to draw conclusions on partial information, which is what this is.

I wanted to let the scientists figure this out. But she and her merry band of thugs from Parrot Poop and Parrot Posse are bent on making sure you have partial information and try to draw conclusions. Share them with me if you have them. Maybe this is the best thing that could've happened. We'll just pound them out until we get answers right? If you're going to read this - read it all.

This is what we have so far. What you'll see below are all of the answers we have, a full detailed checklist of events from that night, a short 2 minute video showing location of where birds were who lived and died, histology and food results.

Updated to add:

Nothing has changed. Nothing. The facts still remain the same. I have one objective, and one objective only. To figure out what happened that night. A bunch of people on the internet without degrees isn't going to change that.

All that has been tested thus far on that food is a broad spectrum metal, fungal and additive toxicity. That's it. That is not conclusive. Which is why this wasn't published to begin with. We need results. And that's what I'm after. Everyone can get on board, or get out of my way. We will do everything in our power to figure this out - for our own ability to protect these birds, and yours.

We will use the funds we've raised to test every conceivable option available to us.

Thanks for your support.


Attached is a histo and a video [ame=""]Walkthrough For MSU - YouTube[/ame] to support my case that the deaths of 11 birds (10 in under an hour, an 11th five hours later.) is not an aerosolized toxin. We are looking for more avenues to pursue to discover what happened that night. We do have an additional bird preserved in formalin with Dr. Derek Nolan at Cedar Creek Veterinary to run another histo on. If there is something we can test in the home to swab for toxins, sort of like the food broad spectrum tests – please advise.


We run a parrot rescue in our home. On the evening of Jan 1, 2018 we fed a mix of zupreem fruit flavored pellets, lefeber’s nutriberries and Higgin’s Vitaseed Parrot to all birds in the rescue with the exception of 5 birds. Oki (Hyacinth Macaw) eats Macadamia Nuts, Flipp (Rainbow Lorikeet) eats nectar mixed with water, Chicken (Moluccan Cockatoo) and Sweetie (Military Macaw) got last batch food. All 4 of those birds survived.

The fire department came immediately and tested the air – no carbon monoxide or air toxins were determined. All birds were offered the same water, including the Lorikeet who’s food was mixed with the water.

We were not running any new heating, no new lightbulbs, no cleaning agents – the only thing we clean with and only if necessary is white vinegar. Otherwise we use water only and steam to clean. There were no new devices or machinery to emit toxic fumes. We have a radiant heat system that does not include vents throughout the entire house – read – there’s no air being pushed from one room to another. A new boiler system with a new ventilation system was installed over one month prior with no issues. Water runs through the radiators. We keep the home at a solid 70 degrees. We run Austin Air Pet model Air Purifiers.

The Zupreem and Nutriberries were purchased as two 12lb bags from Pet Supplies Plus in Kalamazoo on Friday. I removed the remaining food in our plastic, Rubbermaid bin and set it aside for use in quarantine. I do not mix batches of food. I added the Zupreem and Nutriberries on Friday and that was fed Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

On Sunday, my Amazon order of Higgins Vitaseed Parrot arrived, and I dumped that on top of the food in the bin. It was NOT mixed well, and I fed off the top of the seed Sunday.

On Monday, just before feeding, my husband picked the bin up and mixed it very well for me (it’s too heavy for me to pick up) and then we transferred the days ration to a large stainless steel bowl for distribution.

Due to a busy holiday schedule, no fresh fruits or vegetables had been given from Christmas Day to New Years Day.

We fed between 5-6pm on the evening of the 1st. Each bird got the above listed mix of food. We had mixed it really well prior to feeding.

Symptoms were birds looked drunk, were wobbling, vomiting, seizures and then death. The surviving Nanday conure, Male eclectus from the aviary, and Blue Front Amazon from the aviary took about 48 hours to recover from the symptoms.

Birds fed between 5-6, first bird dies at approximately 10:10pm. Nine more pass by 11pm. The final, the nanday conure passed around 3:50am.

No.: G18-0045 Obtained: NA, rec'd 01/04/18
Reported: 01/09/18

Dr. Derek Nolan Patient ID: Umbrella Cockatoo
(“Rosie” Birds & Beak Rescue & Rehab)
Cedar Creek Veterinary Clinic Account #: MI 422G

HISTORY: This male umbrella cockatoo is from a bird rescue facility. Approximately five hours after evening feeding, birds became ill, and eleven birds died within an 11-hour timeframe. Not all of the birds were housed together. Air and water quality testing was within normal limits. Food was new, some of which was donated.


GROSS: Received in formalin are 19 tissues to 8 cm. in greatest dimension that are processed in seven blocks.

MICROSCOPIC: Lung: The parenchyma has congestion, marked hemorrhage, some edema, and varying degrees of atelectasis. Hemorrhage extends into the air sacs and between the fascial planes of the syringeal muscles. Blood vessels: Mural vessels of the heart have mild arteriosclerosis. Heart: The heart has numerous petechiae throughout the myocardium. Kidney: Mild tubular necrosis is noted. Brain: The white matter tracts of the cerebellum have mild perivascular hemorrhage and myelinic edema. Skeletal muscle: Acute moderate rhabdomyolysis is noted. The following tissues are histologically within normal limits: intestine, pancreas, liver, proventriculus, ventriculus, ganglia, great vessels, and adipose.

HISTOPATHOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS: 1. Acute pulmonary congestion, hemorrhage, edema, and atelectasis.
2. Petechiae, heart.
3. Acute renal tubular necrosis.
4. Acute rhabdomyolysis.
5. Mild perivascular hemorrhage and myelinic edema, white matter tracts of cerebellum.

COMMENT: Histologic findings are consistent with acute intoxication but are otherwise not particularly specific. Principal differentials include exposure to an aerosolized toxin or possible exposure to an ingested toxin, such as an organophosphate or organochlorine. Some mild arteriosclerosis was the only underlying chronic lesion and was considered incidental. This bird was in excellent nutritional status at the time of death.
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Re: Please read, many birds dead at rehab, food to blame?

Thanks @ Taprock for the update and long version of the findings so far. I, and I'm sure many other concerned bird owners, are still closely following this and as someone who doesn't have Facebook, I appreciate the updates here.
Re: Please read, many birds dead at rehab, food to blame?

This was posted on the Higgins FB page:

We are pleased to report the independent laboratory results for 04/05/19 batch of Vita Seed Parrot, the same sample that was brought into question by Birds and Beaks Rescue and Rehab. The results found no mycotoxins, toxins, fungus, molds or metals detected. The results of Michigan State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, where the rescue submitted their food sample of the actual food (out of the feeding bowls) fed the evening of the tragic incident, were also conclusive that no toxic organic compounds, drug, pesticides, industrial compound residues or heavy metals were present and nothing that would account for the acute death loss. The mineral analysis was considered typical for a complete avian diet. Further, the histological findings of the bird necropsy determined the cause of death as acute intoxication by either exposure to an aerosolized toxin or possible exposure to an ingested toxin, like an organophosphate or organochlorine pesticide. There were no pesticides or toxins found in the food in either lab report. Given the two separate independent labs yielding similar results, there is no scientific evidence that the Vita Seed Parrot was responsible for the bird deaths.

We again express our deepest sorrow to Shannon for the tragic loss she has gone through. Rescues play such an important role and the people that operate and work them are truly angels to the birds in need.

They were also asked if this includes the other 2 foods as well, and this is their response:
The food sample that was submitted by the rescue to MSU was a blend of the three foods she fed that night. By her account, she had thoroughly mixed all three together before feeding.

I'd also like to add that the rescue she posted about that is also in Michigan who had lost 3 conures now believes it was the Romaine she fed, and not the other food.
Re: Please read, many birds dead at rehab, food to blame?

New FB post from Bird’s and Beaks the other day - pasting it here since many of you don’t do FB.

I feel like I need to remind you guys that birds are still dying. The common denominator we have been able to figure out is Zupreem Fruit Blend, OR Other Zupreem Products that CONTAIN the fruit blend pellets with the affected batch numbers (Such as the Pure Fun mix - see below for the batch numbers).

The Department of Ag and FDA are actively investigating the deaths here. The FDA is in possession of the last set of tissues we have, and the Department of Ag is in the possession of food.

Diseases, Contagion, Environmental concerns, Air issues - that's all been ruled out here as far as what can be responsible for the 11 deaths and additional sicknesses here at the rescue.

In the past 72 hours, I have personally had reports of one bird vomiting profusely after eating the Pure Fun Mix (which interestingly enough had the same batch number), a death out on the west coast after opening a new bag of Zupreem Fruit, and now I'm getting reports today of more birds with the same symptoms getting sick and dying.

If this is happening to you, and you're feeding Zupreem fruit - PLEASE CALL YOUR DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Ask them to call the Feed Manager at the Department of Ag in Michigan. And ask that your case be added to the FDA investigation.

Get a necropsy, ask for stomach contents to be tested, and as for a histopathology, and release those findings to the Department of Ag.

SOMETHING is happening here. Birds are still dying. Don't listen to people who hashtag #notthefood that aren't scientists. That aren't doctors. That don't know you or care about your birds.

Please. Wait for final findings from the FDA/Dept of Ag before you feed - specifically from these batches: (and based on similarities in deaths, we believe it to be the 3/31/19 batch that's the issue.)

10287 865309107 Use By: 3/31/19

09137 862908047 Use by: 2/28/19

I'd rather you were mildly inconvenienced until this is over with rather than heartbroken. Make your own decisions for your birds. Do that. But SOMETHING killed 11 birds here. 8 South of us. 3 East of us. Another 2 North East of us. 3 more in our town. 2 in Florida. 2 in California. 1 in Washington. 1 in Oregon. And all the others not being reported.

Edited to add:

We just received our 5th report of sickness or death since yesterday (Saturday, March 3) for birds, after opening fresh bags of Zupreem Fruit Blend, Smart Selects, Fun mix.

Washington - Sick
Oregon - Dead
Tennessee - Sick
Iowa - Dead
Michigan - Dead

There seems to be a new wave happening right now. If 5 have been reported to us - there's a lot more not being reported because they don't know about this, they're not on Facebook, or they just don't want to post.

All have the batch numbers in common, Wobbly, Sick, Vomiting, Seizures, and then death. Batch numbers can vary by one or two numbers, it seems. Use by dates are the same. Both sets of batch numbers have been reported this weekend. All of them are having necropsies, all of them are contacting their Deparment of Agriculture and having theirs call ours to add to the FDA case.
Re: Please read, many birds dead at rehab, food to blame?

I'm going to say what I said everywhere else (other forums, google+, youtube, other social media)

"It's been months, there is little to no progress and more birds have died. I personally continue to feed Zupreem to my birds (fruit*and natural until I can get them converted to complete natural) as I believe it's not the food. Maybe it*could be the packaging*the food was in, maybe the air around the birds."

I'll also add that it could be a toxic that we can't detect, maybe it's one we haven't dealt with before. Either way, I believe we'll never find out what is causing these deaths.

Sent from my Galaxy s8
Re: Please read, many birds dead at rehab, food to blame?

New FB post from Bird’s and Beaks the other day - pasting it here since many of you don’t do FB.

I feel like I need to remind you guys that birds are still dying. The common denominator we have been able to figure out is Zupreem Fruit Blend, OR Other Zupreem Products that CONTAIN the fruit blend pellets with the affected batch numbers (Such as the Pure Fun mix - see below for the batch numbers).

I believe it is helpful to consider the following from the referenced news article. Until testing is complete, theorizing a "common denominator" is unhelpful and unwarranted.

"Sharman Hoppes, a professor at Texas A&M University and its Schubot Exotic Bird Health Center, is one of them, though she doesn't have a diagnosis to make.

"We can’t make a judgement until all of the tests are back," Hoppes said. "It’s just inconclusive until then."

Kramer doesn’t want people jumping to conclusions and throwing around blame before the testing has been completed.

“I would like people not to make snap conclusions on partial information,” she said. “There are birds still dying across the country. Unexplained deaths. Avian deaths. We have the food in common. They’re not breathing my air, drinking my water. All we have in common is the food, so making conclusions based on tests that haven’t even been run yet threatens the safety of birds everywhere.”
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Re: Please read, many birds dead at rehab, food to blame?

It would be nice if the owner of the rescue followed her own advice.
Re: Please read, many birds dead at rehab, food to blame?

Does anybody know how many birds have died in total in the US and if they all have been eating the ZuPreem? Could it be the same batch fed among all these birds? This is so strange and I’m relieved that my birds don’t eat ZuPreem.
Re: Please read, many birds dead at rehab, food to blame?

Does anybody know how many birds have died in total in the US and if they all have been eating the ZuPreem? Could it be the same batch fed among all these birds? This is so strange and I’m relieved that my birds don’t eat ZuPreem.
33+ birds have died in the US. 33 have been reported, they believe others are going unreported. They say the common denominator is Zupreem, but my bag is the same batch number and my birds are fine.

Sent from my Galaxy s8
Re: Please read, many birds dead at rehab, food to blame?

The rescue is the one who is claiming these deaths are because of ZuPreem, with zero scientific data to back it up. After watching her story change multiple times, I only have faith in science.
Re: Please read, many birds dead at rehab, food to blame?

I am acquainted with a Police Chief whose pet peeve is hearing one of his officers saying "I know he did it but I can't prove it." The Chief always retorts: "If you can't PROVE it, you don't KNOW it!"
Re: Please read, many birds dead at rehab, food to blame?

I’ve been reading the thousands of posts since the beginning. It is confusing to jump in the middle, because some of the supporters are less reserved, and there are lots of posters that should be off under a bridge somewhere scaring small animals. Shannon’s position has not changed since day one. They lost 11 birds suddenly, can you imagine the shock and pain? So of course they are trying to find the cause. Part of that was getting necropsies, then they started going through the possibilities. Birds died in the same room with birds that were FINE, they all drank the same water so it probably wasn’t that... there is no forced air heat or ventilation, and birds that lived shared the same air with birds that didn’t....the only thing that was common to the birds that died - and was absent from the birds that lived - was the pellets. So all the remaining food was tested. Nothing has been found yet, but that doesn’t mean nothing is there. Just that they haven’t found specific, expected things that were tested for.

Shannon states many times that she doesn’t want to slander anyone’s reputation. The point is that there are unexplained avian deaths. If it ISN’T the food, then no harm will come to a bird if that food is withheld. If it IS the food, then more birds could die. Why take a chance? If multiple cases had come back of people reporting avian deaths on one of the other foods, then she would say to avoid that one. Right now it’s only the one pellet that is circumstantially linked.

On the - we’ll, I won’t say bright side, let’s say less dark side - more recent deaths have resulted in more birds going for necropsy that might otherwise have been chalked up to random tragedy. This is because of the word getting around. Hopefully something can be identified that’s common to all the deaths, because the problem can’t be fixed until it’s known. Too many people are reporting avian deaths with similar symptoms, and they happen to be feeding the same type of one brand of food. It might turn out that there is a new kind of avian virus or some other explanation.

If anybody has any good ideas, you should chime in. Birds and Beaks isn’t out to prove any point or hurt any company’s reputation as far as I have seen. They just want to solve the mystery, and will gladly accept any help sussing it out.
Re: Please read, many birds dead at rehab, food to blame?

This is a statement put out this evening by Zupreem.

I will say the following as succinctly as I can:

1) I stand behind the belief that it was the food causing this.
2) The Department of Agriculture and FDA have NOT cleared the food in this case. They are continuing their investigation.
3) In my communication with the DoA (who opened the FDA case, not me), he said just yesterday that this could take weeks if not months to get to the bottom of it.
4) I am still getting reports of deaths. 3 just over the weekend with an additional 2 sick. The DoA just picked up the body and food from one instance here in Michigan TODAY.

The whole point of going public with any of this was to give you the information to make the right choices for your birds. If you want to feed Zupreem - do so.

Zupreem, as far as I'm aware did not re-test their batches after this occurred. From what I understand, they looked at their files from the previous testing.

It has NOT been ruled that it was an aerosolized toxin here. The histo clearly states "Acute toxicity" Ingested OR Inhaled, otherwise non-specific.

There was nothing in the air here that night. Nothing. The fire department was here within minutes and wasn't able to find anything or smell anything. It's in their report.

Only the birds that ate pellet died.

Other die offs happened at the same time. They didn't share our air. They didn't share our water. The only thing we had in common was the food.

So. I'll wait for the FDA and DoA to complete their investigations.

You do what's right for your birds. Not for me. Not for Zupreem. For you, and for them.

Negativity will be banned. And trust me when I say, I already know people are talking crap. I don't care about them. I care about birds. Mine. Yours. All of them.



Please don't go to that thread and engage in negativity. Pretty please. The FDA will sort this out. Not Facebook. If you don't agree with how they're handling it, don't buy their products. But, no need to get involved in name calling and all that over there. It's not worth it.

And for what its worth - if I'm wrong, I'll say so. But we'll cross that bridge if we get to it.

Posted 45 minutes ago.
Re: Please read, many birds dead at rehab, food to blame?

Here is the actual post by ZuPreem:

David Morris
ZuPreem CEO/Founder

Good Evening Friends of ZuPreem,

First, let me start by saying that 2018 marks the 50th anniversary of my family’s founding of the ZuPreem® specialty nutrition brand. ZuPreem is part of the pet health and nutrition legacy started by my grandfather some 70 years ago that includes Prescription Diet®, Science Diet®, and the Morris Animal Foundation®. During these 5 decades, ZuPreem has been committed to building special bonds between parrot owners and their beloved birds.

My grandfather, Mark Morris Sr., DVM, and my father, Mark Morris Jr., DVM, PhD, were both veterinarians who loved animals and believed food plays a critical role in improving their health and well-being. I have continued with this belief and that mission as CEO of ZuPreem. And, I can assure you that each employee at our small, family-owned company, feels the exact same way.

That is why it’s been especially painful for me over recent weeks to hear the dedicated team at ZuPreem being called things on social media such as liars, uncaring, greedy, arrogant, rude, and dishonest, just to name a few. The truth is that if you were to visit us at our facility in Shawnee, Kansas, you would find our people to be nothing like they have been described on social media.

The people who work at ZuPreem, such as Gail and Jennifer, who make up our consumer communication team, act and believe nothing like the people being described on Facebook. Bird lovers, bird caregivers, nutrition fanatics, quality improvers, and food safety advocates would be much more accurate descriptions of the people who contribute every day at ZuPreem.

Now, after continued negative posts on social media, I can no longer stand by and allow a series of unsubstantiated accusations degrade the great people and products at ZuPreem.

My family and my company have loved and cared for pets for over 70 years. We know all too well how difficult it is to lose an animal. We have never put sales and profits ahead of the health and well-being of animals. Any suggestion to the contrary is completely misleading and inaccurate.

My grandfather and father taught me always to start any inquiry with facts. Given that, here are a set of facts to provide you with my perspective on ZuPreem and the batches of ZuPreem FruitBlend that are related to the unfortunate event in Michigan:

- Batches called into question: FruitBlend Large Pellets (code dates ending 2/28/19, 3/31/19).

- Both batches, over the course of the manufacturing process, were each cleared by 13 different food safety tests before ever leaving ZuPreem facilities (as a part of what I believe is the most rigorous food safety testing in the bird industry).

- Michigan State University tested pellets from these batches for a series of toxins, and no toxins were found. ZuPreem pellets were not implicated in any way in these findings.

- Pellets from these batches also were not implicated in the findings of the histopathologic (microscopic) analysis of the necropsied bird.

- These same two batches of FruitBlend contained 350,000 pounds of large pellets which equals approximately 1.8 million food servings or meals for birds.

- Pellets from these batches have been fed around the world by professionals in zoos, bird sanctuaries, retail stores, breeding facilities, and in other rescues without any health-related inquiries submitted to ZuPreem.

- Pellets from these batches have been fed by tens of thousands of individual bird owners around the world with only very few health-related inquiries submitted to ZuPreem.

- Thus, the evidence submitted to ZuPreem from customers around the world does not suggest, in my view, and the views of experts we’ve consulted, that these batches have any health-related issues.

At different times throughout this inquiry, we have proactively reached out to scientists who are trying to solve this case including: Birds and Beak’s veterinarian, Michigan State University, Michigan Department of Agriculture, and the FDA, offering our assistance in helping them get to the bottom of this incident. We will continue to do so going forward, as we always remain open minded to the possibility of new information being discovered.

In closing, I would like to express my gratitude to all friends of ZuPreem who have continued to support us and purchase our products in the face of these unsubstantiated accusations. We are humbled to be able to serve you and your birds, and will do everything in our power to continue delivering high quality and safe food products for your pets.

David Morris
ZuPreem CEO/Founder
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