Ona’s Thread

"We’ve been making some big harness training progress! She will now put her head through the head loop willingly! Just gotta work on duration soon."

SO what I did was when Salty put his head thru the loop, I had a ready supply of his treats handy, and just shoveled them into his beak as long as he had his head in there. THen , gradually started stretching out the intervals between treats.

That is what I was doing before but it didn't work for me and unfortunately caused some setbacks for us. With that approach I was more luring her to stay in with treats vs making her understand the behavior I wanted. She was also learning to jerk her head out as soon as the treats were taken away. Since I've started only giving her treats when her head is outside of the harness, I've seen a huge improvement in her willingness to train with the harness and in her understanding. Instead of seeing the harness as a "thing to reach around to get treats" she sees it as something I want her to put her head through.

However, I have found something that is working for the duration! I count! Just to two right now. But I have gone back to the wing loop just for teaching duration and once her head is in I count "1...2". She gets the treat when I get to 2. It's already starting to work and she is starting to do a very slight pause before jerking her head out!
I can’t believe it but Ona really is telling us when it’s time to feed the dogs! Before the dogs even ask! Today she made it very obvious. She started screeching out of the blue and said very clearly “go outside”. We always tell the dogs “go outside!” before we start making their bowls. Thank God the dogs can’t understand her. Can you even imagine that level of chaos?! 😂 She will not stop screeching until we feed them and then she watches us make their food as we do it. She’s like “Hey! Feed them now! Do it or I’ll scream!” I never imagined when I got a bird that she’d run the whole household.

On an unrelated note, she has been completely obsessed with these little Animal Crossing grips I got for my Switch controller. I could not keep her away from them and she desperately would try, and often succeed, at ripping them off. The set I bought came with two extras so I thought fine I will let you have one. Here she is happy as a clam with it. And she has been leaving my controller alone more! But it sure is an expensive foot toy….

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She also learned how to use her new puzzle toy today!

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It’s made for cats but it works great for birds. She was kinda unsure at first but caught on pretty quick. Now she won’t let us touch it 🙄

I found this toy, and I wanted to let you know I am getting one for Broccoli!! He really likes banana chips, so I am thinking those will work, although I should probably get some spray millet and other treats as well.
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I found this toy, and I wanted to let you know I am getting one for Broccoli!! He really likes banana chips, so I am thinking those will work, although I should probably get some spray millet and other treats as well.
Oh, yay! It’s been a great toy for her. Such a good way to keep her distracted and she likes it a lot. I’ve been looking at other cat puzzle toys but haven’t found any I like as much as this one. I’m sure Broccoli will love it! Ona was scared of it for maybe 20 mins or so at first.
I was out of town this weekend and Ona's reaction upon my homecoming was a bit funny 🤣 She immediately flew to me and landed on my shirt as soon as she heard my voice. Then she stepped up and had MAJOR angry-puff going on. She would give me kisses but refused to let me scritch or cuddle her. She just sat on my finger, angry-puffed and glaring at me, giving kisses but no touchy for about 5 mins. Then she decided to forgive me and ask for a scritch.
What a spoiled bird I've raised 🤣

So yesterday Ona starts throwing what I can only describe as a screaming fit. Not a chirp or a call, a scream. Just like a toddler, she typically uses this particular scream when she is quite literally throwing a tantrum 😅 So we kept asking her what she wanted and she just kept screaming. She said "daddy" a couple of times and he would pick her up and then she'd just scream again. Then she started saying "outside" and bobbing toward the sunroom. So like a good servant I took her out to the sunroom and she got all happy and excited. I sat with her for a few mins out there and the little Queen was satisfied.

PS - I forget I mentioned it before but she is starting to say "daddy" and sometimes "mommy"!
That is so cute!! Ona is so clever and inspiring! I really need to set myself some kind of schedule to work with Broccoli. How long are your training sessions with her? Do you do them every day?
That is so cute!! Ona is so clever and inspiring! I really need to set myself some kind of schedule to work with Broccoli. How long are your training sessions with her? Do you do them every day?

When she was a baby we’d do 30 min sessions or so. Now I try not to go over 20 mins. It’s hard because I get excited 😊 As for how often, usually at least four times a week. Sometimes I do them daily but average I’d say 4 or 5 days per week. We’ve been doing daily lately to keep working on this damn harness. We don’t do the same tricks every day with the exception of the harness.
I decided to make one thread to share Ona updates so it’s all consolidated in one place. I’ve see a few others on the forum do this and think it’s a great idea! I have always have so many updates to share since she’s a new baby discovering everything for the first time ❤️ And she’s just too cute not to share.

Today was her second day home. So far everything has been going SO well. Even better than I anticipated. We had a lot of firsts today:

First blackberry and first carrot:
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When I first showed her the blackberry she was afraid of it. Then I ate one in front of her and she was astonished and amazed. Then she began eating hers. She made quite the mess 😂 Later she ate the carrot with no hesitation.

We also walked her around for a house tour today and had her FIRST BATH! I didn’t know how she would react to the water. I just made a small trickle in the sink and first I let the water bounce from my hand onto her gently. She quickly was chirping with excitement and fully bathing on her own. This was the aftermath 😂❤️

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We’ve been working a lot on step up and step off. Step up she’s pretty good at most of the time. She’s slowly becoming interested in the toys in her cage.

My dogs have been separated from her so far but when they have seen her they have shown no interest in her at all. Not even barking.

We’re working on a balance of in and out of cage time to get her acclimated to everything. She’s taking it all in like a champ.
She's so adorable! protect her all cost!
For your listening pleasure, Ona chatting on the washing machine:

Oh that is just the cutest thing😍, and I LOVE those gravelly little GCC voices. Ona sure does love vibin' with that washing machine!!
What a spoiled bird I've raised 🤣

So yesterday Ona starts throwing what I can only describe as a screaming fit. Not a chirp or a call, a scream. Just like a toddler, she typically uses this particular scream when she is quite literally throwing a tantrum 😅 So we kept asking her what she wanted and she just kept screaming. She said "daddy" a couple of times and he would pick her up and then she'd just scream again. Then she started saying "outside" and bobbing toward the sunroom. So like a good servant I took her out to the sunroom and she got all happy and excited. I sat with her for a few mins out there and the little Queen was satisfied.

PS - I forget I mentioned it before but she is starting to say "daddy" and sometimes "mommy"!
Ona is amazing I can't believe her context of speech how many words does she say and what age did she start talking Diva my quaker is four months exactly and although she shows signs of understanding meanings of words she's only said hello so I think she's going to be more of a observer than a talker
Ona is amazing I can't believe her context of speech how many words does she say and what age did she start talking Diva my quaker is four months exactly and although she shows signs of understanding meanings of words she's only said hello so I think she's going to be more of a observer than a talker

Oh, four months is young still for talking! I know a lot of birds don't talk much until they are over a year old. I think Ona started saying "step up" around four months. And over time has added words here and there. She doesn't speak very clearly so if you were not used to her voice you might not even realize she was talking.

Let's see, things she says:
  • "step up" - her trademark phrase, haha. By far what she says the most often and the first thing she ever said
  • "outside" - she started that one a couple months ago. and sometimes "go outside"
  • "good bird"
  • "Ona"
  • "Ona bird"
  • Zach" - my husband's name
  • "gimme kiss" - has only said it twice
  • "I love you" - has only said it once
  • "daddy" she says often now.
  • "mommy" sometimes says it when she wants my attention. it sounds a lot like "yahtzee" when she says it lol.
  • "goodnight" when she wants to go to bed
  • "yeah"
  • "what" - sounds extremely similar to her "yeah" but I can tell the difference in context
+ stuff I have no idea what she is trying to say. I love it when she learns a new word!

If yours is talking at 4 months now she will likely say more later on!
Oh, four months is young still for talking! I know a lot of birds don't talk much until they are over a year old. I think Ona started saying "step up" around four months. And over time has added words here and there. She doesn't speak very clearly so if you were not used to her voice you might not even realize she was talking.

Let's see, things she says:
  • "step up" - her trademark phrase, haha. By far what she says the most often and the first thing she ever said
  • "outside" - she started that one a couple months ago. and sometimes "go outside"
  • "good bird"
  • "Ona"
  • "Ona bird"
  • Zach" - my husband's name
  • "gimme kiss" - has only said it twice
  • "I love you" - has only said it once
  • "daddy" she says often now.
  • "mommy" sometimes says it when she wants my attention. it sounds a lot like "yahtzee" when she says it lol.
  • "goodnight" when she wants to go to bed
  • "yeah"
  • "what" - sounds extremely similar to her "yeah" but I can tell the difference in context
+ stuff I have no idea what she is trying to say. I love it when she learns a new word!

If yours is talking at 4 months now she will likely say more later on!
That's amazing how did you teach her to talk in context like calling you mummy etc and asking to go outside. I usually always have Diva on my shoulder or perched near by I talk and explain everything to her like let's go make breakfast, do you want apple seed food type etc. I tell her good morning and goodnight name her toys, bathtime etc is that how Ona picked up you just talking to her
That's amazing how did you teach her to talk in context like calling you mummy etc and asking to go outside. I usually always have Diva on my shoulder or perched near by I talk and explain everything to her like let's go make breakfast, do you want apple seed food type etc. I tell her good morning and goodnight name her toys, bathtime etc is that how Ona picked up you just talking to her
Yep! Just keep doing what you’re doing and she may pick it up one day.
When she was a baby we’d do 30 min sessions or so. Now I try not to go over 20 mins. It’s hard because I get excited 😊 As for how often, usually at least four times a week. Sometimes I do them daily but average I’d say 4 or 5 days per week. We’ve been doing daily lately to keep working on this damn harness. We don’t do the same tricks every day with the exception of the harness.

Whoa!! I’m behind! I haven’t started yet with Broccoli - I am ADHD and the kids are often with us when we have his out of cage time, so it’s a little chaotic. That’s really inspiring to hear though, and I will try to do better and get some time in with him, conures are so clever!

I still haven’t gotten him to try out that cat toy though.
What a spoiled bird I've raised 🤣

So yesterday Ona starts throwing what I can only describe as a screaming fit. Not a chirp or a call, a scream. Just like a toddler, she typically uses this particular scream when she is quite literally throwing a tantrum 😅 So we kept asking her what she wanted and she just kept screaming. She said "daddy" a couple of times and he would pick her up and then she'd just scream again. Then she started saying "outside" and bobbing toward the sunroom. So like a good servant I took her out to the sunroom and she got all happy and excited. I sat with her for a few mins out there and the little Queen was satisfied.

PS - I forget I mentioned it before but she is starting to say "daddy" and sometimes "mommy"!
Are you sure Ona is a bird?
Whoa!! I’m behind! I haven’t started yet with Broccoli - I am ADHD and the kids are often with us when we have his out of cage time, so it’s a little chaotic. That’s really inspiring to hear though, and I will try to do better and get some time in with him, conures are so clever!

I still haven’t gotten him to try out that cat toy though.
Awe I hope he likes the toy soon. Have you tried playing with the toy yourself where he can see? That usually works well for Ona. Anything she sees me doing she thinks "oh that must be fun". I'd also put some treats on/in it if you haven't tried that yet. Another thing that has helped me before is using a target stick. Once Broc is target trained you can hold the target stick near a new object to encourage them to get close to it. I've done that before to help Ona get over her fear of new objects and it helps too. I have the cat toy sitting on the back of the couch and whenever she starts getting annoying or too interested in something I don't want her doing sometimes I can get her to play with the toy instead.

And thank you! I agree, Conures are clever!! I so wish I could just visit other birds and other Conures to hang out with them and train them. I would LOVE that. But of course Ona would always be my favorite to train.

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