I can’t believe it but Ona really is telling us when it’s time to feed the dogs! Before the dogs even ask! Today she made it very obvious. She started screeching out of the blue and said very clearly “go outside”. We always tell the dogs “go outside!” before we start making their bowls. Thank God the dogs can’t understand her. Can you even imagine that level of chaos?!

She will not stop screeching until we feed them and then she watches us make their food as we do it. She’s like “Hey! Feed them now! Do it or I’ll scream!” I never imagined when I got a bird that she’d run the whole household.
On an unrelated note, she has been completely obsessed with these little Animal Crossing grips I got for my Switch controller. I could not keep her away from them and she desperately would try, and often succeed, at ripping them off. The set I bought came with two extras so I thought
fine I will let you have one. Here she is happy as a clam with it. And she has been leaving my controller alone more! But it sure is an expensive foot toy….
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She also learned how to use her new puzzle toy today!
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It’s made for cats but it works great for birds. She was kinda unsure at first but caught on pretty quick. Now she won’t let us touch it