Ona’s Thread

Ona has been enjoying her backpack walks this spring.


Eye see you 👁️

My "assistant". I'm waiting for her to start demanding payroll any day now...


Funny story: I talk to one of my co-worker friends about Ona a lot. (Let's be honest I talk about her to anyone that will listen. Can you blame me?! Have you seen her?! ) Today my co-worker said "If you had talked to me about her all this time and never told me who she was - I never would have guessed she is a bird." I thought that was so cool and funny.

I ordered from mysafebirdstore.com for the first time and received the package today! Here is the haul:


HUGE bag of these dehydrated peas. These are Ona's absolute favorite.


Some cinnamon apple crisps! She seems to like them a lot already though she has dropped more than she's eaten:

Some seed mix:

Wanted a new small perch for her travel cage:
Wanted to try this ever since @zERo posted about it! Maybe I will put some of the seed mix in it when I make it:

They even sent me this little bag of mahogany slices and foot toys. They also sent a little bag of candy for me and a little bag of dog treats for the pups! ♥️

Wow! She’s gonna be so happy! 😍

I haven’t tried that flavor of the Birdie bread with the flock yet but have tried 3 of them in all. All have been very well received! 😆

Tom loves those peas too! Last order I got some.

I love that they give free stuff! It’s awesome! 😍
Oh I love the pic of her little face peeking over your computer 😍 And it looks like somebirdy's gonna get spoiled today, like she does every day, and she deserves it!
She is so beautiful and cute! And from the thread I can see that you really love her and look after her very well.
She is so beautiful and cute! And from the thread I can see that you really love her and look after her very well.
Thank you so much! I love her very much indeed.
That moment when you hear your bird fly somewhere and you can't find them.... and then after looking you realize they are literally clinging from your butt 😂

Anyway! I made a trick compilation video for Ona! I only did one edit to the video - for some reason she was being weird about doing the ring toss and I cut out about three mins of me just telling her "come on, you can do it..." while she was being stubborn. The pole weave trick is a new one we are still learning. Also threw in some harness work in there so you can see where we are with that. Hope you enjoy!

Great work with Ona! I like that weaving trick, might try that with Salty.
If your using sunflower seeds as the treat, I would remove the seed, and cut them into thirds; trick treats don't need to be substantial and too much of any oily seeds are not good for any parrot. THis way you'll have the treat immediately to give Ona and she can make the connection to the trick better.

I think she is going to come to relish training periods, not just for the tricks. Salty LOVES learning new things and often figures out what I want him to do in 1 or 2 tries.
Great work with Ona! I like that weaving trick, might try that with Salty.
If your using sunflower seeds as the treat, I would remove the seed, and cut them into thirds; trick treats don't need to be substantial and too much of any oily seeds are not good for any parrot. THis way you'll have the treat immediately to give Ona and she can make the connection to the trick better.

I think she is going to come to relish training periods, not just for the tricks. Salty LOVES learning new things and often figures out what I want him to do in 1 or 2 tries.
Thanks! Those are safflower seeds. I’m planning on getting some shelled sunflower to see if she likes those. I haven’t been able to find shelled safflower.

She LOVES her training sessions! I always feel bad on the rare occasion I don’t have time to do them because of how much she looks forward to them. She’s a pretty quick learner too! I’m so proud.

Mmmm gotta taste test Mom’s water.

The other day Ona initiated her first ever wave to me outside of a training session! 👋 It was SO cute! I put her down on my husband’s hand, she turned around and waved at me. I waved back and then she waved back again. 😍
Awwwwwwwwwww, good girl Ona! The waving at you first up is one thing, but the waving back at you when you waved at her bit? TOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!! 😍😍😍
Picture this scene: Ona sitting on my husband and demanding to be on his hand etc.

Husband: “Ona, can I get some personal space?”

Ona comes back to me. Five mins later Ona flies to him, lands in his hair with her tail covering his nose and mouth 😂

Husband, muffled around tail feathers: “Remember that conversation we had about personal space?”

Picture this scene: Ona sitting on my husband and demanding to be on his hand etc.

Husband: “Ona, can I get some personal space?”

Ona comes back to me. Five mins later Ona flies to him, lands in his hair with her tail covering his nose and mouth 😂

Husband, muffled around tail feathers: “Remember that conversation we had about personal space?”

Yeeeaaaaaaah kinda tells you what parrots in general think about that whole "personal space" thing - and good luck with that!! Pretty darned cute though 😍
Yeeeaaaaaaah kinda tells you what parrots in general think about that whole "personal space" thing - and good luck with that!! Pretty darned cute though 😍
Right?! As soon as he said the "can I have some personal space?" to her I scoffed and said "No! She's a bird." 😂
Yeeeaaaaaaah kinda tells you what parrots in general think about that whole "personal space" thing - and good luck with that!! Pretty darned cute though 😍
Kinda like when my budgie wants to not only eat our food but WALK IN IT, too, even when we make a dish just for her! Talk about invading our personal space!
Kinda like when my budgie wants to not only eat our food but WALK IN IT, too, even when we make a dish just for her! Talk about invading our personal space!
Oh yes! I have given up trying to make a dish for her. She will just want mine. The other day she literally landed in my food 🤦‍♀️ I mean look at this!


Not even lids deter her! She’s relentless! She actually tried to drag an entire slice of pizza away off my plate recently. Grabbed the crust and started pulling it away!

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