OMG Mishka for sale !!!!!! NEVER

It takes very little to find a person if someone wants to find you. The world is scary, but hey if you put stuff out there that is the risk. Sorry about the creepy call.

I appreciate your videos and they bring a smile to my face in a non- creepy way. Thanks for sharing.

Glad to bring a smile to your face, knowing Mishka is appreciated.

I nevr in my wildest dreams ever thought something like this would happen, BUT it has made me very wary and cautious.
It's always a worry when something like this happens!

If you have the resources and bandwidth, you could probably set up a live stream of Mishka so you can watch him at work. (Just requires webcam and internet) - I did it myself when I was at college and the cleaners kept leaving my door unlocked - when I saw them come into my room and leave the door open, I'd call my room and tell them to close the door behind them. They were rather startled to say the very least!

Glad to hear you have security and people around to keep an eye on Mishka.

Hopefully this guy doesn't try anything drastic!
It's always a worry when something like this happens!

If you have the resources and bandwidth, you could probably set up a live stream of Mishka so you can watch him at work. (Just requires webcam and internet) - I did it myself when I was at college and the cleaners kept leaving my door unlocked - when I saw them come into my room and leave the door open, I'd call my room and tell them to close the door behind them. They were rather startled to say the very least!

Glad to hear you have security and people around to keep an eye on Mishka.

Hopefully this guy doesn't try anything drastic!

LoL I bet they were rather startled.... probably still wondering how you saw it :eek:

We have got the resources, bandwidth, and un-capped internet..... only one problem....... our electricity goes on and off, whenever they please... happens about 4 times week........

I am very happy with our security system, peple watching our apartment etc......
Her has not called again........:)
It is so scary how easily it is to find someone these days and get phone numbers by just paying a website to give you the info.

His offer does seem a little low ...that's like what...3k US dollar? Mishka is worth like ....... 1000000 trillion duhhhhh what was that guy thinking?????

Chloe says "woooooooooooooooooooooooow, turrrrkey buuuuuutttttttt" to him!
It is so scary how easily it is to find someone these days and get phone numbers by just paying a website to give you the info.

His offer does seem a little low ...that's like what...3k US dollar? Mishka is worth like ....... 1000000 trillion duhhhhh what was that guy thinking?????

Chloe says "woooooooooooooooooooooooow, turrrrkey buuuuuutttttttt" to him!

There would never be a price high enough all our fid's .... and I speak on behalf of all our fid's

Thanks Chloe....... love it
Ya I totally agree!!

We have got the resources, bandwidth, and un-capped internet..... only one problem....... our electricity goes on and off, whenever they please... happens about 4 times week........
Just a suggestion, antoinette... You might consider getting a battery backup/uninterruptible power supply (UPS) unit. If you got one of those, it could easily power your computer, your camera and your router all at once. The unit would take over seamlessly during your power lapses, and likewise switch back to utility power once it returns. I have a UPS that will keep my electronics stuff running for over 10 hours.
We have got the resources, bandwidth, and un-capped internet..... only one problem....... our electricity goes on and off, whenever they please... happens about 4 times week........
Just a suggestion, antoinette... You might consider getting a battery backup/uninterruptible power supply (UPS) unit. If you got one of those, it could easily power your computer, your camera and your router all at once. The unit would take over seamlessly during your power lapses, and likewise switch back to utility power once it returns. I have a UPS that will keep my electronics stuff running for over 10 hours.

Thanks for the input plax, appreciate it ;)
Steven my son is looking into it......
At the moment both my laptops are not working....:mad: using Steven's when able to. Must first sort them out before the above mentioned.


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