OMG Mishka for sale !!!!!! NEVER

That is so scary!! :( Did he mention how he got your number? I hope thats the only info he has!

My name and surname is on Youtube, not my numbers though.
He then went into facebook, then googled my name and came across my cell number under my business advert.

His is now blocked, on my cell
BUT what stops him from using another cellphone

Oh my gosh! How horribly scary! Mishka sweetie, you just remove a finger off any strangers!

I was thinking about it today at work

Perhaps it's time for me to teach Mishla to bite..... TO KILL:p

Wow Antoinette it IS scary to think where on earth did he get your number? I agree that Mishka should be kept safe, not that anyone won't recognise him if the person tries to show him off, but some folk don't think about things like that. If it was me I'd be so concerned... Mishka is too special to sell, how does one sell a child? Not even for a million bucks!

My name and surname is on Youtube, not my numbers though.
He then went into facebook, then googled my name and came across my cell number under my business advert.

I have blocked his name on my cell........

We have exellent security here.
The caretake has been informed as well.
After work today I went to the complex opposite us, and spoke to a lady, who can has full view of our apartment, and she is home all day. I have given her my cell number, as well as the caretaker's.

Very disturbing, Antoinette! Hopefully this person has given up and you'll never hear from him again!

Thanks....... but he had called again....

Will post a new posting in a few minutes. :grey:
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Thanks Ant, his career is going well, he is auditioning all the time. I gave him his Christmas gift early as it is impossible to hide a Umbrella Cockatoo ! He has begged and researched for years and I felt like he was finally ready to handle one. He simply adores Marshmallow and takes the best care of her. He wants his own animal show on Discovery or animal planet to teach respect of animals to others.

That is great news... wow getting an Umvbrella Cockatoo for Exmas.... You guys are the best parents around.....
Tell him from me.... GO FOR IT... THE SKY'S THE LIMIT
I know you would never sell Mishka... if you are every down and out... you and Mishka have enough friends and internet family that would help you out.

I would make sure the caretaker is aware of the call you received so he/she can keep an extra close watch.

Thanks Mike
So touched by your kind words my friend X X
Only one thing I must add, some friends on the forum, ARE MY FAMILY, NOT JUST FRIENDS.....(you included) x x

I have a few people (including the caretaker) keeping an eye on our apartment.

That would make me so upset and nervous!!!

I don't know why people think they can just get anything for any amount of money, especially Mishka who is a part of your family. :( What a creepy stalker...

I am trying my best to calm down, just focusing on keeping Mishka safe and sound

Another thought can you find out who he is and where he is calling from by the name or phone number:mad:

Cellphone company is working on it.

They reckon he is using different sim cards........
The guy called me again today, whilst I was at work

He asked me if I had a change of mind, about selling Mishka....

I told him no I have not...... asking him would he ever sell one of his children !!!!!

He then said to me angrily... for God's sake, it a bird we are talking about.

I replied that is the difference, to you Mishka is a bird, he is my child

I then turned off my cell phone........

I am now only answering calls, where the number is visable........................ and I know exactly who it is.
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almost tempted to have you forward his calls to me........:11:

I doubt he'd call again. :D
:11: Now I'm freaked out over here, Ant! THIS is SCARY!!!!! I'm so sorry you're having to deal with someone so blatantly ignorant, rude, ...and insert choice of expletives. :(

Have his number ring Wharfrat. The caller may need a diaper by the time Wharf is done with him.
He then said to me angrily... for God's sake, it a bird we are talking about.
The guy is a sociopathic moron! I can't stand people like that :mad:!!! He has faulty mental wiring that precludes him from feeling empathy and causes him to fantasize that he's of an elite species. Few things make me more furious than someone telling me one of my beloved parrot companions is "just a bird" :mad::mad::mad:! They are my dear and cherished family members, just as Mishka is to you, Antoinette! I'm seriously livid about that statement he made...I wish I could use stronger language here!
what country is he calling from if you know? I don't care for a$$holes like this......

curbing my language as well...................
It is sad that you have to go through this. Some people don't understand people have a close relationship with their pets. They don't understand birds form bonds and don't like change. I would also want to say that like some others before my dream would never be to take a 10 or 12 foot python.
almost tempted to have you forward his calls to me........:11:

I doubt he'd call again. :D

I very much doubt he will be calling again.....
I did mention to him that our cellphone company is keeping tabs on all my calls.

Anyone who would ask a devoted parront that question is ignorant, because if not, he would have known up front that the answer would absoluely be NO. Creepy.
What you said is right Antionette, mishka is your child. Just as you would not put a price on your sons head, you wouldn't for mishka either.

I would maybe notify the police that you're being harrassed via phone calls and that you are worried he is going to try something else...

I'm glad you have such good security. I always fret about something happening to my babies if someone had broken in. Merlin has little value for money considering he's not a baby anymore and has a bad leg etc. But he is worth so much to me... eurg, I've got chills thinking about it.
:11: Now I'm freaked out over here, Ant! THIS is SCARY!!!!! I'm so sorry you're having to deal with someone so blatantly ignorant, rude, ...and insert choice of expletives. :(

Have his number ring Wharfrat. The caller may need a diaper by the time Wharf is done with him.

He will need more than a diaper after Wharfrat :eek:

I had 7 calls today, the number is not visible, so I never answered.
I guess it was HIM

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