OMG Mishka for sale !!!!!! NEVER

He then said to me angrily... for God's sake, it a bird we are talking about.
The guy is a sociopathic moron! I can't stand people like that :mad:!!! He has faulty mental wiring that precludes him from feeling empathy and causes him to fantasize that he's of an elite species. Few things make me more furious than someone telling me one of my beloved parrot companions is "just a bird" :mad::mad::mad:! They are my dear and cherished family members, just as Mishka is to you, Antoinette! I'm seriously livid about that statement he made...I wish I could use stronger language here!

He is exactly what you hve mentioned a sociopathic moran I agree.

Did not want to mentioned it on the forum (I pm wezz2712) straight after he called me.

I did tell him off, using MUCH stronger language, not very ladylike BUT HE DESERVED IT

what country is he calling from if you know? I don't care for a$$holes like this......

curbing my language as well...................

He is calling from South Africa..............

Never answered my cell today, if the number was not visibleior I did not know the number......7 calls in total

Ha ha you should have heard me swearing at him, glad my son Steven is away for a few days.... he would have been totally shocked at my language.
It is sad that you have to go through this. Some people don't understand people have a close relationship with their pets. They don't understand birds form bonds and don't like change. I would also want to say that like some others before my dream would never be to take a 10 or 12 foot python.

I am always very wary, people are looking out for Mishka during the day.
I reckon the worst is over...
Anyone who would ask a devoted parront that question is ignorant, because if not, he would have known up front that the answer would absoluely be NO. Creepy.

Creepy, totally.......

He obviously just sees the financial gain....
What you said is right Antionette, mishka is your child. Just as you would not put a price on your sons head, you wouldn't for mishka either.

I would maybe notify the police that you're being harrassed via phone calls and that you are worried he is going to try something else...

I'm glad you have such good security. I always fret about something happening to my babies if someone had broken in. Merlin has little value for money considering he's not a baby anymore and has a bad leg etc. But he is worth so much to me... eurg, I've got chills thinking about it.

The only thing that would ever part Mishka and myself is death !!!!

Talking about my son Steven.......
I phoned and told him what had happened.

He was upset and shocked BUT he has the most wicked sence of humour

Tonight I received an e-mail from him saying

Hey mom, want to have a LOVELY Christmas....... think about it okay

That guy is actually Father Christmas whoooohaaaaaaa

That is typical of my Steven the family clown
Obviously, Mishka is not now, and never will be, for sale. If there was ever even the slightest hint that he might be, there would be a long line of Parrot Forum members at your door, with cash in hand. :) Hope that ridiculous person who's been calling gives up and goes away.

Ha ha you should have heard me swearing at him


Won't surprise me to learn that a certain smart and talkative gray bird picked up one or two of those naughty words. :11:
Obviously, Mishka is not now, and never will be, for sale. If there was ever even the slightest hint that he might be, there would be a long line of Parrot Forum members at your door, with cash in hand. :) Hope that ridiculous person who's been calling gives up and goes away.

Ha ha you should have heard me swearing at him


Won't surprise me to learn that a certain smart and talkative gray bird picked up one or two of those naughty words. :11:

Mishka is very quick to learn new words, I was very careful. When I realized it was him, I went into my office, and closed the door.
When returning Mishka obviously knew I was upset, and asked Mommy what's wrong, I'm sorry...
Bless his little sould

PS.. it was more than one or two little words LoL
i've seen mishka on youtube... he is amazing!!!!!

Thanks for the lovely compliment !!!!


you dont need to thank me we all know its true:) what age did you start training him to speak?

Awwwwww how sweet of you

I became Mishka's guardain, at 6 weeks old. From the very begining, he sits on my lap for an hour each night, we play and chat.
I think all in all, I have missed two nights sitting with Mishka, when I was in hospital.

As he has matured, he does not want to play as much, so we chat to each other.
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Fingers AND toes are crossed that you won't be receiving ANY "anonymous" phone calls today. :)

And boy oh boy, Ant, Steven sure has a wicked sense of humour, LOL. Father Christmas, huh? :11:
Fingers AND toes are crossed that you won't be receiving ANY "anonymous" phone calls today. :)

And boy oh boy, Ant, Steven sure has a wicked sense of humour, LOL. Father Christmas, huh? :11:

Thank goodness no calls today, sure he got the message.

Steven is one of a kind.... still trying to figure him out LoL

I know when he returns home tomorrow, I am going to have a few good giggles... something like... hey mom we could go overseas for Exmas, you could visit wenz2712... something you always talking about
Thank goodness no calls today, sure he got the message.

Steven is one of a kind.... still trying to figure him out LoL

I know when he returns home tomorrow, I am going to have a few good giggles... something like... hey mom we could go overseas for Exmas, you could visit wenz2712... something you always talking about

BEST news ever! Whew!!!!

And I'm 100% with Steven on visiting Wendy. :D You all would have THE BEST time EVER. :D
Thank goodness no calls today, sure he got the message.

Steven is one of a kind.... still trying to figure him out LoL

I know when he returns home tomorrow, I am going to have a few good giggles... something like... hey mom we could go overseas for Exmas, you could visit wenz2712... something you always talking about

BEST news ever! Whew!!!!

And I'm 100% with Steven on visiting Wendy. :D You all would have THE BEST time EVER. :D

Must admit, each time my cellphone rings, I get goosebumps
If I do not know the number showing, or no number shopwing, I do not answer.

Guess I will have to wait to win the Lotto, before visiting wenz2712, and a few other fiorum members, :rolleyes:
My goodness, that was very eerie reading all this & how persistent this creep is about getting Mishka. I am glad you were able to block his calls. Hopefully, he really is in another country far away & doesn't have the funds to travel to your country.

It really makes me angry when non animal people say to me, "It's only a bird, dog, cat, reptile." And worse yet are the ones who blatantly tell you how crazy you are to think of them as your children. I work with mostly non animal loving folks & I have learned to not mention my critter kids to them, just to keep me from wanting to rip their heads off for the hateful remarks.

Hopefully this creep will get caught if he is doing illegal things where he lives
& he won't have access to phones for a long time!
My goodness, that was very eerie reading all this & how persistent this creep is about getting Mishka. I am glad you were able to block his calls. Hopefully, he really is in another country far away & doesn't have the funds to travel to your country.

It really makes me angry when non animal people say to me, "It's only a bird, dog, cat, reptile." And worse yet are the ones who blatantly tell you how crazy you are to think of them as your children. I work with mostly non animal loving folks & I have learned to not mention my critter kids to them, just to keep me from wanting to rip their heads off for the hateful remarks.

Hopefully this creep will get caught if he is doing illegal things where he lives
& he won't have access to phones for a long time!

He is deninitely from South Africa, that much we cound out.
Thank goodnesss no more calls, but still very very wary, and many people are keeping an eye out for Mishka, whilst I am at work.

I do not blame you for not mentioning your critter kids, sometimes silence pays off, instead of you being up for murder LoL

We have a lady at our work place, she had an African Grey, did not give the bird the time of day, and said the bird hated her. Was told how she handle the bird, I can't blame the bird. Her final statement was, all birds are evil.........
When she viewed some of Mishka's vidfeo's on youtube, her reaction was, these video's have been rigged, there is no way a bird can talk like that, AND have a conversation with a human.
We have a lady at our work place, she had an African Grey, did not give the bird the time of day, and said the bird hated her. Was told how she handle the bird, I can't blame the bird. Her final statement was, all birds are evil.........
When she viewed some of Mishka's vidfeo's on youtube, her reaction was, these video's have been rigged, there is no way a bird can talk like that, AND have a conversation with a human.

The sheer ignorance of some people never ceases to amaze me...AND make me sad at the same time. :(

Oh yes, Ant, all those videos are def rigged. You must be having conversations with yourself all day long. :rolleyes:

P.S. I truly hope and pray the "nut case caller" has gotten the hint and will lose your number - forever. :)
It takes very little to find a person if someone wants to find you. The world is scary, but hey if you put stuff out there that is the risk. Sorry about the creepy call.

I appreciate your videos and they bring a smile to my face in a non- creepy way. Thanks for sharing.
I guess the lady with the grey never heard of the famous Alex? He was an amazing boy & Dr. Pepperburg, (I think her name is, I have a book on Alex) must have rigged all of his videos & tv appearances. Yep, I agree with you JerseyWendy about ignorant people

There will never be another Alex & there definitely will never be another charmer as Mishka. Keep "rigging" those videos of Mishka, I love them!
We have a lady at our work place, she had an African Grey, did not give the bird the time of day, and said the bird hated her. Was told how she handle the bird, I can't blame the bird. Her final statement was, all birds are evil.........
When she viewed some of Mishka's vidfeo's on youtube, her reaction was, these video's have been rigged, there is no way a bird can talk like that, AND have a conversation with a human.

The sheer ignorance of some people never ceases to amaze me...AND make me sad at the same time. :(

Oh yes, Ant, all those videos are def rigged. You must be having conversations with yourself all day long. :rolleyes:

P.S. I truly hope and pray the "nut case caller" has gotten the hint and will lose your number - forever. :)

Of course the video's are rigged, can't you hear MY VOICE LoL
I mean I am a master in editing, doing voice over etc


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